Affiliates Pay per Click


Purchase a license for Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise.

This extension integrates Pay per Click, Pay per Visit and Pay per Daily Visit and is included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise.

Pay per Click


Pay per Click Types

This extension allows to grant affiliates commissions based on the click or visits to their affiliate links. It integrates with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise and allows to set up an advertising program where the participants earn commissions based on the traffic they generate to your site.

Commissions can be paid to affiliates based on clicks or visits to their affiliate links. For example, the system can be set up to pay affiliates $0.70 for every 100 Daily Visits.

Referrals are recorded based on the number of clicks, visits or daily visits to an affiliate’s link.

Access to this extension is included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise.


73 responses to “Affiliates Pay per Click”

  1. Hi
    I wonder if you can help me.

    I’m currently building my membership site and wanted to know if you have a program that offers a once a day reward system to members when they log in. All members will be affiliates for free, when they join the website and collect their affiliate link. The reward for logging in each day will be paid into their account on the site.

    Any advice would be most welcome.
    Thanks for your time

    1. Hi Ken,

      You can achieve this by triggering a referral on login using the API. You will have to implement this as there is no particular implementation ready that would already cover this. You can use the free Affiliates plugin for this or one of the premium versions.

      – Affiliates affiliates_add_referral()
      – Affiliates Pro add_referrals()
      – Affiliates Enterprise add_referrals()

      Hook on the wp_login action and record a referral for the affiliate related to the user. I assume that you are crediting the affiliate who is logging in, not the affiliate who referred the user who is logging in. Use affiliates_get_user_affiliate to obtain the affiliate for the user and use that in the function or methods referenced above.


  2. anonymous Avatar

    Hi there!
    I’m looking for something that I can get to work with Download Monitor and bumped into your PPC extension. It lists PPC and pay per visit, the latter I assume tracks every visit that came through that affiliate link but how does the PPC differ? Can I get it to track certain click on my site? In this case it would be a download.

    In short, I’d like to pay affiliates for every download that they are able to generate. Is this any how possible with affiliate Pro + the PPC extension? My downloads are free.

    1. Hi,

      For this case you would have to capture the download event. The PPC extension would not be appropriate. I would assume that the Download Monitor provides an action that fires before/after a download is made. You would hook into that action and use the Affiliates API to record a referral. You could do this with the free version, see our latest post for examples on how to do that. The premium versions Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise provide extended APIs for such an integration.


  3. Can it work with AffiliateWp? It’s a good plugin for generating traffic, however I already use AffiliateWp. Thanks though.

    1. Hi Philipe,

      Thanks for asking! No, this requires Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise.


      1. How can i take Affiliate link

        1. What do you mean by “take”?

  4. Bertotto Avatar

    Perhaps this plugin can be useful to me.

    I would like to know if it is possible to define values such as (0.0001 or 0.001) in the option (PAY BY CLICK)?

    In this case, we will use the plug-in only to promote the site and not sell products.

    If it is possible to perform
    a test of a few days would be incredible, or if you can answer me it would help me.

    1. Instead of using micro-amounts, you would use a higher frequency – For example, don’t think of 0.001 USD per click, think of 1 USD per every 1000 clicks. In that case, you would use Amount: 1, Currency: USD, Frequency: 1000, Type: Click.

  5. Augusto bertotto Avatar
    Augusto bertotto

    I need to test your pro affiliate system to see if your solution will make sense for my business.

    i need the function (pay per click) is there a possibility to test?

    our aim is only to promote our site through affiliates and pay them for that (cpc) we do not sell products.

    awaiting return.

    1. Hi Augusto, we provide ample time for evaluation as per our Terms so you can ask for a refund if after you have tested it out you won’t use it. Cheers!

  6. i am not able to understand “Daily visitor ” concept

    1. Hi Letina,

      Daily visits count as many visits in a day as only one. This is different from plain Visits of which there can be many in a day and all of them would be counted. So the most restrictive option would be the Daily Visits, offering the lowest but most individual count for visits. Documentation reference: Par per Click.


  7. Hello,

    Thank you for the provision of this solution – we have really wish to make a purchase – however I have the following questions:

    Is the Pay Per Click – for ‘paying affiliates only’? – can we use this as a Pay Per Click for Advertisers (sellers) so that when they create a post – we will charge them per Click?

    For instance – when you visit twitter – if you click on Ad (image and text) – you are redirected to that link (Page) – you do not pay anything for the click – rather the Company that Placed the ad is paying per click – do you have such an option?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Ash,

      > Is the Pay Per Click – for ‘paying affiliates only’?

      You can make it so by combining our free Groups with our premium Groups WooCommerce memberships. With that, you can create a product that aspiring affiliates can purchase and get granted group access to participate in your affiliate program. You would protect the affiliate area using e.g. a “Affiliates” group, for which people can purchase membership via WooCommerce and our Groups WooCommerce integration.


  8. hi
    is affiliate pro has any similarity with website’s affiliate?

    and can I use the affiliate to promote my blog post without woocommerce?

    1. Hi,

      I don’t know about that site but you can easily contrast what they use with the information from our documentation – here’s the link to the most complete version Affiliates Enterprise’s documentation

      You do not need WooCommerce to use the system, please have a look at the integrations section in the documentation where you can find details on other ways.


  9. Hi, using affiliates plugin with this extension is it possible count click just on link only after a conversion on form for product quote?

    1. Hi,

      I’m not sure if you are looking for this one as this integration is basically counting the clicks and grants commissions in proportion. You can see details on that here

      For commissions on products sales, you would rather use this one:

      Both are included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise.


    2. i think you can with use of many available plugin

  10. I’m sorry but I’m not sure I understand the concept of ‘daily visits’?
    Does that mean that the use of the referral link will register only one visit per day for the affiliate OR will an individual user be counted only once a day?

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Daily visits reflect any number of clicks during the same day and from the same origin as 1. For example, if Jack hits a link 5 times during the same day, it will count as 1 daily visit. When Sarah hits a link 6 times during that same day, your daily visits will increment by 1, so you end up with 2 daily visits for that day.


  11. Hi there,

    I’m trying to figure out a way of paying per visit to a specific URL (a thank you page)….. Pay per click seems close to being able to achieve that, however can’t work out if it’s possible to have pay per click active only on a specified page?

    Or am I barking up the wrong tree? Any advice on achieving the above would be a huge help.

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Hi Kyle,

      Good question! PPC will be valid for any page and we don’t have an option to limit it to a specific page on the level of the affiliate program. But you could restrict it at the server level by using a rewrite rule that recognizes the incoming affiliate link and removes the URL parameter that identifies the affiliate.


      1. Hi Kento,

        Understood! Thank you. I’m not sure this is going to solve my problem. Part of the conversion flow is sending users to another domain, and then back to the thank you URL on confirmation. I was hoping to use your affiliate plugin to use cookies to track that conversion and attribute it to the affiliate, however I’m not sure that’s possible?

        User lands on our site with affiliate ID in URL > submits form which takes them off our domain > redirected to our thank you page hosted on our domain.

        Any advice is greatly appreciated.

        Thank you

        1. Hi Kyle,

          For the case you describe, customer is referred to domain A, submits form which takes customer to domain B, gets redirected back to domain A :

          1. The affiliate ID that is recognized on domain A does not need to be carried over to domain B.
          2. When the customer is redirected back to domain A, use the API to record the referral for the successful transaction.

          Knowing the transaction parameters, you can use the system’s API as described under Referrals to record a referral. The link points to the documentation page for Affiliates Enterprise which also supports Pixel Tracking which I think could also be useful for your case.


          1. Kyle Gibson Avatar
            Kyle Gibson

            Hi Kento,

            This is the solution I have been looking for. Thank you so much!

            I just added the below to the thank you page template and it’s now triggering as a referral. Awesome!

            $post_id = $wp_query->post;
            $r = new Affiliates_Referral_WordPress();
            $r->evaluate( $post_id );

            1. Perfect, glad to see that it was easy in this case!

    2. Great, thank you. That’s what I was hoping for.

  12. I am looking for something to use for my customers that want to pay per view of their personal pages by potential clients. However i do not want to have my customers lose their admin page

    1. Hi Steve,

      Pay per Click in the Affiliates system is not related to admin pages, it will count visits via an affiliate link to the front end.


  13. Hi, with affiliate enterprise, can I set a referral commission like 5×5 matrix?

    1. Hi Temmy,

      Currently it doesn’t support a forced matrix as you suggest, as it will allow to have any number of affiliates in any level of the downline.


  14. Vincent Avatar

    Hi Antonio,

    I purchased Affiliates Pro awhile back. Is a valid license required to install extensions?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Vicent,
      Yes, you need a valid license to install / update the extensions.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  15. Domenico Avatar

    Does this plugin only counts the UNIQUE clicks? Or is there a possibility to set a frequency cap, like 1 visit per 48h?
    What if an affiliate refresh its affiliate link several time in minutes? Does it count 1 anyway?

    1. Domenico Avatar

      Also, will the affiliate be able to see his stats?

      1. Hi,
        You can use the [affiliates_visits] and [affiliates_hits] shortcodes.
        Kind Regards,
        Antonio B.

    2. Hi Domenico,
      You can select between Clicks, Visits (unique IP),and Daily Visit, please have a look at the documentation page.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  16. Thanks, it helped me a lot. In pay per click integration, I couldn’t display decimal values of their earning, it only gives integer. eg, I want to pay USD 1.03 for every 1000 views. but it only display when it is full number. example if their earning is 23.45, it doesn’t display 23.45, instead it displays either 23 or 24. And also I need to set up custom currency instead of using pre loaded currencies. eg. I need to use ETB instead of USD. How can achieve this?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Yahya,
      Only integer value is allowed. Maybe playing with the Amount and Frecuency fields you can get the price per visit/click.
      You can use the ‘affiliates_supported_currencies’ filter to add ETB, the filter is documented here:
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  17. Hey Antonio, I recently have bought Affiliates pro for the sole purpose of using its Pay per Click integration. I need my users (affiliates) to be able to get all links on my site on one page so that they could share it easily on Facebook and other social medias, I played a little with the short codes but, I couldn’t figure out how to do that. Only one link is displayed. I need it to get all links and display it on one page for them, like fetch the rss or anything like that. And also my Add this button doesn’t show up unless I login as an administrator.

    1. Hi,

      Please have a look at this page in the documentation where you will find details on a shortcode that you can use to produce any links you want to have displayed on a page. Also I’d suggest to have a look at this generator shortcode which is useful to produce further affiliate links when your affiliates need them. If you need further help please post here in the premium support forum where our support team will be happy to help you further.


  18. Hi There

    Please tell me if your plugins can achieve this.

    1)I have a website which has listings of products for display only.
    2)These products are not bought on our website.
    3) When a visitor clicks on the product is links out to the website that is selling it.
    4) I simply want to add a pay per click system for clients that list products on our website.
    5) We could have a credit system of points to monitor this.
    6) We want to charge our customer for clicks generated from our website to theirs.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Geoffrey,
      With Pay Per Click you can “count” the visits/clicks and set commissions to the affiliates every X visits/clicks
      Really the plugin works with currency, not “points”, but you could use the ‘affiliates_supported_currencies’ filter to add the “POINTS” ID, the filter is documented here:
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  19. Orhan Avatar

    Hi, is it possible to get pay per click work on external links, maybe in emails too?
    thank you for help

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Orhan,
      Pay Per Click works counting the visits from an affiliate’s custom link. The affiliates can share their custom link by email, but the destination url must be the wordpress website.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Yahya Avatar

        I am having this error message while trying to install Affiliates pay per click integration for Affiliates pro. Can you help me with this please? “An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.”

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Yahya,
          Please check if you have installed the Itthinx Updates plugin and the service key set.
          If the problem persists, please send me an email to antonio[at]itthinx[dot]com indicating this conversation and your order id.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  20. Hi is there a demo login to try it, and a video about it ?

    1. Hi tom,
      please have a look at the documentation page. Sorry, right now there isn’t a demo site with this plugin.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  21. Hi Antonio,

    Just sent a message, as per your suggestion. If it would be easier, you can just send us the file in zip format, and we can install it from there. email

    Thank you.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Maybe another plugin is filtering the installation.
      I have installed manually the integration. In Affiliates->Pay per Click you can configure it.
      Antonio B.

  22. Hi, I am receiving an error when I try to download this plugin in settings/integrations. Here is the error code I am getting:

    Unable to load dynamic library ‘/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/’ – cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0

    Is there an alternative link I can download this plugin from?

    Thanks so much!

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Susan,
      if you want, you can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look at your settings (please indicate this conversation in the email).
      Kind regards,
      Antonio B.

  23. Amanda Avatar

    Hi Antonio, I have tried my best to resolve this from the suggestions on the link you provided but the error does not disappear. I have now created a new topic on support forums as suggested. I m really frustrated now. A detailed solution may help since I am just a novice to wordpress, I dont think I will be able to follow some of the technical jargon that I have come across in the help forums.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Amanda,
      don’t worry, we are going to help you. Answered in the topic.

  24. Amanda Avatar

    I bought an Affliates Pro plugin yesterday and installed it on my vantage themed business directory website. But I have encountered an error when I try to install Pay per Click, and other integrations from the admin / Affliates/setttings. The error message I keep getting is ” An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.” How do I resolve this- please help?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Amanda,
      please have a look to this topic.
      If the problem persists please create a topic in the support forums.
      Antonio B.

  25. Yes, I do see the word Affiliates… When clicked it goes to an application to become an affiliate. Once I fill it out it only gives me information if indeed I am an affiliate.

    By the way… I was able to get the contact form integration to work…. YEAH!

    1. DUH… Okay, I see it. I had been searching your website under affiliates. Got it

  26. In an earlier answer you stated that integrations could be found at: Affiliates->Settings:Integrations
    I clicked on Affiliates and it gives me an application to join your affiliate program.
    Filled out the form… Nothing there.

    1. antonio Avatar

      on your dashboard you should have this menu.

  27. Scott Avatar

    How can I access some of these additional plugins that work with Affiliate Pro without having to pay for it again?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Scott,
      in your dashboard you have an ‘Affiliates’ menu. On Affiliates->Settings:Integrations you have the integrations available.
      Antonio B.

    2. What if an affiliate visit his own affiliate link?

      1. That depends on whether the option to allow auto referrals is enabled – see

  28. I am looking for something to use for my customers that want to pay per view of their personal pages by potential clients. However i do not want to have my customers lose their admin page where they update their pages and info. Could you please let me know if this is possible.Possibly a secondary log in screen or something along that line

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi John,
      with the plugin you can generate commission when someone visits your page using the affiliate’s link. Your users don’t lost their page, simply need to share their link.
      Antonio B.

  29. Hi i just renew my affiliate Interprize and I want to download a addon Affiliates Pay per Click but not show available to me… I also try buy this extension but when i try do it open not this but affiliate pro, I dont want buy affiliate pro becouse i alread have the interprize… can you help me ?

    1. antonio Avatar

      you should have the integration available in Affiliates->Settings:Integrations.

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