This WordPress plugin is an extension to the Affiliates plugins and WooCommerce – it requires Affiliates, Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise and optionally WooCommerce for its features related to it.

This tool is useful if you want to grant commissions to affiliates on all purchases made by customers they refer. When a permanent affiliate is assigned to a user or customer, the affiliate will be credited with a referral on every referral or purchase made by the customer.

New customers (or new users) are assigned to the referring affiliate. The affiliate will be credited with a referral on every purchase made by the customer from thereon. Assignments can be changed manually in user profiles.


Purchases made by existing customers who are not assigned to an affiliate will not credit any affiliate, even if the customer has visited an affiliate link after her or his initial purchase.

The normal affiliate referral process can be applied for purchases made.

Permanent assignment can be enabled or disabled for specific affiliates. This allows for a flexible approach, where you can enable permanent assignments in general but disable it for certain affiliates, or disable permanent assignments and only enable it for certain privileged affiliates.

Showing permanent assignment options for an affiliate account

The extension provides several configuration settings that allow to fine-tune how permanent assignments are handled. This includes the option to enable or disable permanent assignments by default, to apply or skip normal referrals, to determine the point at which the permanent assignment is made (at user account creation, at the first order, at the first referral) and whether the application of affiliate coupons should be overridden.


See the plugin’s documentation pages Affiliates Permanent for more details.

Plugin Requirements

This extension requires one of the Affiliates plugins, Affiliates, Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise and WooCommerce.


To obtain the plugin, purchase it here in our shop: Affiliates Permanent.


27 responses to “Affiliates Permanent”

  1. A fully revised and improved version 2.0.0 of the Affiliates Permanent extension is now available!

  2. Mike Kay Avatar
    Mike Kay

    To ask my previous question in a different/simpler way, is there a way to set/define the conversion of an affiliate in terms of landing on a URL path like***/ (*** means there will be dynamic/changing text after /registration-successful/ but as long as the user lands on any URL that includes /registration-successful/ then it is a conversion?

    Also, after an affiliate registers, is there a way to change the text of the email that they receive?
    Currently, it says:

    Username: text
    Password: text

    Thanks for joining the Affiliate Program.

    1. Regarding the notifications, to customize the notifications easily I would recommend to use our Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise. You can see the advanced notifications documented for these here and here.

  3. Mike Kay Avatar
    Mike Kay

    I have installed your Affiliates plugin and I believe Affiliates Permanent has the added functionality that I need, but I’d like you to confirm before I proceed to buy it.

    Here is the scenario that I am trying to achieve on my site.

    – User A signs up as an affiliate on my site and he gets his affiliate URL.
    – User A gives his affiliate URL to his friend (User B).
    – User B clicks the link, goes to the website and registers for an account. Registration is free and no purchase is necessary.
    – At the end of the registration process, User B lands on my ‘Thanks For Registering’ page. which has the URL (***/)

    At the end of this stage, I would like to use this final URL as the confirmation that User A has successfully sent a referral (User B). Meaning this is my conversion tracking URL.

    So my question is this: in Affiliates Permanent, is there a way to set/define a conversion in terms of a user landing on a URL, or more specifically, a URL PATH:***/ The *** means there will be more dynamic/changing text after the /registration-successful/ but as long as the user lands on /registration-successful/ then it is a conversion.


    1. Hi Mike,

      Thanks for the detailed info on your question! Based on what you describe, I don’t think that you would need Affiliates Permanent.

      The process you describe would automatically result in a referral for User A.

      Regarding your question “… is there a way to set/define a conversion in terms of a user landing on a URL …” with this system, you would not need that (it also wouldn’t support it). Simply enable User Registration and it will attribute referrals accordingly without having to visit any specific “conversion page”.


  4. This is the closest to solving the challenge I have for my project. However, my need is not for customers but vendors.
    I hope you can help, as this.
    I want to build a multi vendors marketplace. Vendors would be referred/registered by affiliates agents.
    I therefore want to give commissions on every items sold by vendors that an affiliate registered.
    Say affiliate John registered vendors Mcdonald’s who has 5 products.
    Anytime someone buys any of McDonald’s products, affiliate John gets a commission. So if McDonald’s sell 50 units of her various products, affiliate John gets commission on all 50 sales.
    Hence, it’s not about the customer. But the vendor.
    Is there any way I can make this happen with this or another plugin of yours?


    1. Hi there,

      I don’t think that this extension would be suitable for your particular case. A vendor-specific integration would have to be built and I guess that you could do that using our API, but we don’t offer any particular pre-made solution for this case.


      1. Thanks for your response.

        Do you have developers who can work on your API plugin for me with this customization?

        Or do you offer such services?

        If yes, kindly reply in PM to my email address

        Thanks once again

        1. Hi,

          Thanks for your consideration, at this time we’re fully scheduled until well into 2021 so we won’t be able to offer this ourselves.


          1. Thanks

            Meanwhile, can you share the link to the API plugin?

            1. Hi, you can find details in the API section of the documentation.

  5. Hi,

    Can I grant commissions to affiliates within a period, e.g. 1-year? If it is not out-of-box, are there actions/filters for us to customize?

    We would like to understand the features of the plugin before making the purchase.


    1. Hi,

      Thanks for asking, I guess your question is whether you can wait to pay out until after a year. Yes that’s possible, the system does not impose any specific payout period, it gives you much freedom on how you choose to handle that. Please have a look at Totals in the documentation for details on the process.


  6. Where do I apply a hierarchy of commissions?

    affiliate a -> 10%

    ^ |——- affiliate b -> 5%

    ^ |——–affiliate c -> 3%

    Justomete each one referenced to the above.

    1. Hi William,
      From Affiliates->Tiers you can set the number of levels and their rates (you need Affiliates Enterprise if you want multi-level system).
      If you only want yo apply custom rates per affiliate, then you can do it editing the affiliate from Affiliates->Manage Affiliates.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Yesterday I bought the PRO, so if I buy Enterprise I will not need Affiliates Permanent?
        If positive, how can I upgrade from PRO to Enterprise?

        Kind Regards,

        1. Hi William,
          With Affiliates Permanent, the associations between the users and the affiliates become permanent, so that the future purchases of that user will generate commissions in the affiliate.
          If you need multi-levels, then you need Affiliates Enterprise.
          They are different plugins, which you can use together or separately.
          If you want to upgrade to Enterprise, from your downloads page you have available a PRO2ENTERPRISE coupon.
          As Pro user you have available premium support through the forums.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  7. This Plugin did the job on my herbs page
    Thank you very much.

    May collect all the useful plugins around affiliates,


    1. That’s awesome Tobias, really great to hear 🙂 Also congrats to your site, there’s quite some useful information and products, I wish you best of luck with your affiliate program!

  8. Hello,

    how can i view the affiliate in woocommerce edit orders page?
    or how to add it to the orders overview?
    So i can quickly see who is the affiliate.

    1. Hi Tobias,
      You can use the Affiliates Woocommerce Metabox plugin.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  9. Hi,

    How can I use this plugin’s functionality without WooCommerce?
    Now I use “add_referrals” method to record referral.

    1. Sorry, the plugin requires Woocommerce. But you have available the Affiliates API to create your own solution.

  10. Hi,

    I would like to know if this will work with WooCommerce subscriptions to give affiliates commissions for each recurring payment that is automatically charged by WooCommerce? Or do the permanent customers have to visit and actively purchase something again?

    Also, is there a way to put a limit on the amount of time that a user is associated with an affiliate? For instance, if I am giving affiliates a % of each recurring payment via WooCommerce subscriptions, can I have the commissions applied for 1 year only, and then even if the customer is still on the subscription, the affiliate no longer receives the commission?



    1. Hi Colin, yes, the WooCommerce integration allows to do that. Both grant commissions on recurring payments and limit the time during which that happens.

      1. Colin Thomson Avatar
        Colin Thomson

        I assume that this is only possible with Affiliates Pro? I do not see the option using Affiliates with WooCommerce Integration Light.

        1. Yes that’s correct.

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