Affiliates Extra Fields

If you require customized registration forms for affiliates, please update your Affiliates plugin to the latest version. This extension is no longer needed as customizable registration forms are built-in as of version 2.8.0 in all flavors of the Affiliates plugins.

This plugin is an extension for the Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise plugins and provides an extended affiliate registration form you can use to add additional fields.

The fields are added to the user account of the affiliate – user accounts and affiliate entries are different entities, affiliate entries have the corresponding user accounts related to them when an affiliate registers.

Usage example:

Insert the following shortcode instead of the normal registration shortcode:

[affiliates_registration_extra_fields extra_fields_text="skype|Skype ID,street|Your Street,town|Your Town,zip|Zip Code" terms_post_id="15"]

extra_fields_text takes a comma-separated list of additional fields that are added to the registration form, the | character separates the field id from the label shown on the form.

The terms_post_id is the id of the post showing the terms accepted by the affiliate upon registration.

The plugin can be downloaded by customers with a valid preferential support account in the downloads section.


54 responses to “Affiliates Extra Fields”

  1. I tried the css code

    affiliates-registration-form label { float:left; }
    #affiliates-registration-form input { display:block; }

    but it didn’t provide line breaks is it possible to private message you for some assistance I am not a programmer by any means. I want to bold text and insert line breaks. so that everything looks consistent

    Also is it possible to apply captcha as one of the extra fields?

    1. Hi Keith,
      please give us an url to have a look (it depends on the theme used).

      1. When looking at the form i get the first field in line with the row, then all the others are correct but there is no spacing between the fields etc.

        When a user submits the form they get the error please enter a valid Captcha Value – but there is no captcha in place.?

        The only extra fields I have are: [affiliates_registration_extra_fields extra_fields_text=”telephone number|Telephone Number,companyname|Company Name,address1|Address 1,address 2|Address 2,city|City,state|State,zip|Zip Code” terms_post_id=”15″]

        1. Hi,
          You can try to remove:
          #affiliates-registration-form label { float:left; }
          or add:
          #affiliates-registration-form label { float:none; }
          Relating to captcha, it’s probably related to a captcha plugin interfering. You can use Affiliates reCAPTCHA for that.

  2. I’ve got it now as far as the extra fields I believe ! Yay ! I added the code to the affiliate page…hopefully that is where it goes lol

  3. When putting the info in
    [affiliates_registration_extra_fields extra_fields_text="ssn|Social Security Number,street|Your Street,town|Your Town,zip|Zip Code,phone|Phone"]
    Does this code go in the attributes for each affiliate individually ?

    1. Yes it’s added as user meta, looks ok.

  4. Do I have to do that for EACH affiliate individually Under their name in edit the affiliate

    1. “that” … what are you referring to?

  5. I am lost … I need to add fields on the registration form and in the user profile for…. I need to have what is already there PLUS address,social security #,Phone # etc that you would normally have for your business

    1. Ok yes that’s what it’s used for. You can include those just as any other data as with the example given above.

  6. Hi Antonio,
    I am loving your social share plugin!! thank you!!!

    currently when i click the f send button, it should be sending to FB, but it asks

    1. i see a random image – how do i customize the image based on the banner image i would like to share
    2. i see this text, how do i edit it?

    banner BEK TEST
    TweetLog inLog in and benefit from sharing. Username Password Remember Me ?

    i do not have the tweet enabled

    1. Hi Becky, I’ve seen your question on CodeCanyon and posted a reply there. You can also post the link replying here (preferred).

  7. Is there a way to fix the layout of the extra fields without editing the plugin php file?

    When I use the link

    [affiliates_registration_extra_fields extra_fields_text=”skype|Skype ID,street|Your Street,town|Your Town,zip|Zip Code” terms_post_id=”15″]

    the front end shows all the fields crammed together paragraph style, instead of one label and input per line.

    I can get in and edit the php output to include breaks, but I wonder if there’s a better way.

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can use css to do it. Example:

      #affiliates-registration-form label { float:left; }
      #affiliates-registration-form input { display:block; }


  8. hello, may i have some assistance, is there a support for default affiliate attributes. I have two choices on payout, either a donation or a paypal payment. is there a way to have this configured through a piece of code?

    1. antonio Avatar

      remember that Affiliates doesn’t process payments. If you need to export some extra referrals data, maybe Affiliates Export Referrals plugin can help you as reference.

  9. Tobias Conrad Avatar
    Tobias Conrad

    Hi Antonio,

    howto use this piece of code?
    i am not a coder, programmer.
    i used to Code Insert Manager (Q2W3 Inc Manager) where i can add php

    1. Hi Tobias,

      For fields stored as user meta there is which provides a shortcode that you can use. And for affiliate-specific info you can use the shortcodes as described here


  10. Tobias Conrad Avatar
    Tobias Conrad

    How can extra fields called everywhere on webpage?
    I need to show affiliate info on woocommerce checkout.
    i can do it via code insertion.
    For example i need the affiliate username shown.
    How can i do this please?

    1. Hi,
      I hope this code can help you as reference:

      $extra_fields_meta = get_user_meta($user->ID, AFFILIATES_EXTRA_FIELDS_META_LIST_NAMES, true);
      $extra_fields_meta = explode(",", $extra_fields_meta );
      $extra_fields = array();
      $extra_fields_labels = array();
      if ( count($extra_fields_meta) > 0 ) {
      foreach ( $extra_fields_meta as $name_field ) {
      $extra_fields[$name_field] = get_user_meta( $user->ID, $name_field , true);
      $extra_fields_labels[$name_field] = get_user_meta( $user->ID, AFFILIATES_EXTRA_FIELDS_META_LABEL_PREFIX . $name_field , true);


  11. Hi, I purchased the Affiliates Pro plugin directly from (edited – that site is illegally redistributing and violating the license terms) so I don’t have login details for your site, is there a way I can obtain this plugin extra fields?

    1. You can purchase a legitimate license here and get access. Currently the only sites where you can get a valid license for our plugins is here, on the Envato Marketplaces, Jigoshop, WooThemes and Pippin’s.

      If you have obtained a copy of the plugin anywhere else, it is NOT a valid license and by using it, you are violating the terms of the license.

      You are best advised to immediately claim a refund and advise the payment processor who handled the payment, that the site in question is distributing copyrighted software illegally.

      Not only that, but for security reasons you should only use a plugin that has been distributed through one of our authorized channels.

  12. Where is the information added stored? I can’t see it in the user profile neither can I see it under manage affiliates.


    1. Hi, answered here.

      1. @antonio We’re already discussing things in this thread 🙂

  13. James Duffell Avatar
    James Duffell

    Hi, I purchased the Affiliates Pro plugin direct from Jigoshop so I don’t have logins for your site, is there a way I can obtain this plugin?


    1. Hi,
      I have sent you an email.

  14. Makis77 Avatar

    Hi Antonio!
    I want to know a way to edit the regular “register an affiliate” so that I can add a different label for the “Email” for example “Paypal Email” because my affiliates dont know that they must their paypal email in the registration form.

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can edit your .po language file in affiliates/lib/core/languages

      1. Makis77 Avatar

        Thanks for the reply Antonio.
        I cant find the english .po file, is it stored anywhere else?

        1. antonio Avatar

          By default english file is not needed, but you can create it.

  15. Thanks. Solved it!!

  16. ozonia Avatar

    Hi Antonio.

    I have two queries.

    1. – When using the Extra Fields plugin Affiliates ([affiliates_registration_extra_fields …) labels with form fields appear in English and yet when I use the regular shortcode ([affiliates_registration]) appear in Spanish.
    How do I make all text appear in Spanish?

    2. – When I use Extra Affiliates terms_post_id Fields with parameter = “NN” is not displayed on the form any link which lists the Affiliate Program Terms.
    What is the problem? Is it displayed as a check box? Is this possible? ? NN is the ID of a post or can also be the ID of a page?

    Thank you very much.

    1. antonio Avatar

      1.- You can add your own language file:
      – Create a folder “languages” in the plugin.
      – Create you .po file: affiliatesextrafields-es_ES.po (you can create this with poedit software).
      2.- Be sure there is a post you indicate. If the post doesn’t exist, terms and conditions doesn’t show.


  17. usvisasupport Avatar

    Hello Admin,

    How do we get this to display on a page where affiliates can update this information? We are currently capturing all of it, but want to allow affiliate to update.


    1. antonio Avatar

      affiliates can update this info in their user’s profile page.

  18. johnludena Avatar

    One more thing Antonio. Is there any way to make any of the additional fields required?

    Thanks again.

    1. antonio Avatar

      now, the new extra fields are optional.

      1. I have one question about required fields, how can I set field to be required? I can’t find any option to set it

        1. Hi,
          sorry, extra fields are optionals.

  19. johnludena Avatar

    Hey Antonio,

    Thanks for the great plugin. Does the Affiliates Extra Fields support drop down input fields? If not, what would be the best way to implement this?

    Thanks in advance,


    1. antonio Avatar

      Affiliates Extra Fields add only new text fields.

  20. I want to know if we could change the sign up form so it did not show website but all the other fields instead


    1. antonio Avatar

      you can not do it. There are five fields considered basic, First Name, Last Name, Username, Website and Email.
      But it seems a good idea, we will study. Thanks for the feedback.

  21. damien Avatar

    Ok thanks Antonio, that makes sense. So really, instead of adding the custom paypal field on the signup page, it would be better to direct the affiliate to a profile page and ask them to fill out their paypal email there? That would integrate it in the “official” attributes list, right?

    1. antonio Avatar

      That’s it. remember that by default, the system uses the user registration email as paypal email.

      1. Hi,

        I find this bit confusing. Can you explain how I would go about including both a general email (for login) and a paypal email for payments. At the moment these both use the same email address so it’s a bit frustrating.

        Thanks, look forward to your response.


        1. Hi,
          you could use:
          [affiliates_registration_extra_fields extra_fields_text="paypal|Paypal email"]
          But remember this.

  22. damien Avatar

    Hi, I’m setting this up and just have one question:

    For the extra fields (e.g. paypal email) do we also need to create an attribute or something in the back end to store this info? If we make custom fields, how are they shown in the back end with the other affiliate data? Thanks.

    1. antonio Avatar

      the extra fields are stored as user meta data. You can view/edit in user’s profile.
      Beware, “official” paypal email (used in “Generate PayPal Mass Payment File”) is defined in affiliates profile.

      1. I’ve added some custom fields but when I test these I note that they do not show up anywhere. Not in the user profile or the affiliate profile. This is a great plugin it’s not straightforward to use. Well not as much as some of your other awesome plugins.

        1. I agree, in fact we’ll have things changed hopefully very soon so these things are configurable OOTB without the need for an additional plugin.
