Affiliates Enterprise

See Affiliates Enterprise in the shop for the latest information about our product.

For usage instructions please refer to the documentation.


767 responses to “Affiliates Enterprise”

  1. I want to put this fix out there just in case anyone experiences the same 3 hour coupon challenge I did only to later find it was simply a capitalization error.

    I’m using Affiliate Enterprise 2.8.5 with Woocommerce Integration 1.5.0

    When I entered a coupon code the system registered the correct commission value however paid it to DIRECT versus rewarding the AFFILIATE the coupon code was assigned to within the affiliate attributes.

    Method > Referral Amount

    Value > Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates

    I later found that if you save your coupon attribute within manage affiliates as all CAPS the system will not match your coupon code to the correct affiliate and instead bypass to direct (if you allow a direct payee option). This is because Woo will force the coupon to lowercase causing a mismatch.

    So if you feel your configurations are 100% correct and your coupons still will not register commissions to the correct affiliate try saving your coupon code within affiliate attributes “all lowercase”.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Eric,
      that’s true. Thanks for sharing your experience with the community.
      Antonio B.

  2. Hello,

    I am using WP Shopping Cart and Affiliate Enterprise, but I want to know if I need to do any specific type of integration between both, since I am selling a single product on my site, I want to make sure my affiliated make a commission for refereeing a new member.

    Please advice.

    Thank you!

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Julio,
      if you don’t need to generate commissions with new orders, you don’t need the integration.
      To setup commission relating to new user registration , you can do it in Affiliates->User Registration.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. Wow, finally found a location to submit a comment.

    Recently purchased affiliates enterprise and having problems with installation.

    Downloaded fine and installed fine.

    On top of my dashboard it asks to install the itthinxs update plugin. Sure, no probs. I have the activation key all set except when I click on the link I receive the following information – “An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.”

    Now Im assuming due to the update plugin not there, I can’t run the actual plugin.

    I have tried with lots of issues, but before I go into them, Im hoping the update plugin will fix the other problems I have.

    Can you please direct me in the right direction on how to fix this.



    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Andrew,
      if you have a google search you can see a lot of reasons that can generate this error.
      You can:
      1. set up a staging site
      2. enable WP_DEBUG, WP_DEBUG_LOG and check the debug.log

  4. Phillip Avatar

    All of my plugins are up to date. Woocommerce, WordPress, but when I upgrade to Affiliates Enterprise 2.8.0 my entire wp-admin area goes completely blank… nothing will load not even the wp-admin header.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Phillip,
      please add a topic with the question.

    2. ivica31 Avatar

      Phillip, I think what you are experiencing is a conflict between wp admin and an affiliate. I maybe wrong here, but Im guessing your testing your software by registering as an affiliate.

      Log out of wp to do some test runs. Close down any wp tabs open. Perhaps even clear your cache.

      Good Luck

  5. Hi some questions before i buy affiliate enterprise.

    1. Can I create multiple affiliate types…example VIP and VVIP, each type with different multi tier commission structure example: VIP – own 5% level 1 refferal 1%; VVIP own 6% level 1 refferal 1.5%. Admin will need to be able to assign the type to the affiliate

    2. Can I collect membership fee before anyone can join as affiliate?

    3. What is your sales support email? I cant seems to find it. The email which I can send to ask questions before i purchase or after i purchase.

    * I have posted here before but my post never came out and no one bother to contact me…

    1. Hi Calvin,

      #1 You can’t create affiliate types, although you can determine level rates on a per-affiliate bases. I.e. you have a general setting that applies to all by default and you can set the levels individually where needed.
      #2 That depends. If you restrict access to the affiliate registration page using Groups and use Groups for WooCommerce to sell the group memberships, then you can restrict access to the registration page for affiliates.
      #3 We provide support as outlined on the Support page. We do not provide support via email, we provide our forums for that.


  6. mashfiq Avatar

    1. i want all user become affiliate after registration, no need to sign up as affiliate.
    2. need coupon generate by specific affiliate.
    3. automated payout,

    is that possible with affiliate enterprise.

    1. antonio Avatar

      1.- You need Affiliates Users plugin.
      2.- Yes, you can do it with Pro/Enterprise version.
      3.- Sorry, Affiliates doesn’t process payments.

  7. Christian Avatar

    We are looking at purchasing this plugin, but have a couple questions before pulling the trigger.

    1. We would like to setup “vendor stores” on our site using the product vendor extension for woocommerce ( ). Is your plugin compatible with this?
    2. If it isn’t do you have a solution that would work with your Affiliates Enterprise plugin?

    Our goal is to have affiliates with the option of giving them their own “storefront” on our website. These storefronts need to be able to be customized to show only the appropriate products for those affiliates that wish to have that page.

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Christian,

      #1 Basically yes but not that they affiliate commissions and vendor commissions do not take each other into account.
      #2 Affiliates Products is another option, the commissions are also separate but the commissions out of that plugin are recorded as referrals within the framework of the Affiliates plugins.

      For the storefront you mention, you would need to have customized development done, or at least create a page for each vendor where the products are displayed.


  8. Hi,
    Is there anywhere we can see the changelog of Affiliate Enterprise and Affiliate Permanent online?

    1. Hi Bastien, the changelog is included in the plugin and you’d also be able to see it in the update notification. Cheers

      1. Bastien Bournet-Charrier Avatar
        Bastien Bournet-Charrier

        Hi Kento,
        Thanks for the reply. I cannot see any update notification for Affiliate Enterprise. Does it mean it hasn’t been updated in 2 years or so?

        1. Hi Bastien, that is certainly not the case, if you have an active license and the updater installed it will show it – see

          1. Bastien Bournet-Charrier Avatar
            Bastien Bournet-Charrier

            I have the updated installed and I added the service key. However I have to renew our license, that’s why I wanted to see the changelog. Is there a way to see the changelog? Or blog posts with release notes?

            1. antonio Avatar

              Hi Bastien,
              changelog is in a file inside the plugin in the downloads page.
              The last version changelog:
              * 2.8.0
              * Added a setup notice with links to the page generation and integration sections.
              * Improved the configuration section and replaced the Options menu item with Settings.
              * Direct referrals are now disabled by default.
              * Changed the default cookie timeout to 30 days.
              * Security improvement, added additional ABSPATH checks.
              * Improved UI appearance and fixed some structural issues.
              * Added the option to enable user registration referrals for new WooCommerce customers.
              * Improved the date displayed for earnings for i18n.
              * Added customization options for the affiliate registration form.
              * Added User profile displays additional affiliate registration fields.
              * Added the [affiliates_fields] shortcode and included it in the affiliate area page generator.
              * Added integration management and multiple new integrations.
              * Added campaign management capabilities.
              * Added the [affiliates_campaigns] and [affiliates_manage_campaigns] shortcodes.

              1. Bastien Avatar

                Hi Antonio!
                Thank you for providing the changelog. I tried to renew my license using my account but the discount was not applied. Can you please check this? At the bottom of Aff.Enterprise it says :
                “Discounted License Renewals
                Renewals are at a 50% discount. The discount is applied automatically for existing customers.”
                Thank you.

      2. Bastien Bournet-Charrier Avatar
        Bastien Bournet-Charrier

        FYI : We have v2.7.1

  9. Hi,
    Is it possible to set the affiliate link url structure to use # instead of ? for passing backlink and seo juice to the actual web page that is shared?

    e.g. rather than

    1. Sorry, Affiliates only works with ‘?’. You could create your own solution with Affiliates API. Maybe this post can help you.

  10. I know affiliates doesn’t do instant affiliate payout but is there any plans to add this with say paypal adaptive payments. Meaning you could have an affiliate system with up to 6 levels with instant payout.

    If not is it possible if I where to get you to custom build it for me

    1. Hi, we’re currently looking into that again. Although I’ve already expressed my concerns related to security and the necessity to audit sites that would be using this feature …

      If you’re interested in helping beta test this, that would be welcome.

      1. kieron garvey Avatar
        kieron garvey

        Hi Kento,

        I am wondering if you do custom development for Affilaites enterprise. I am wanting to build something but there is one feature i really want that cant be done right now.

        How do i contact or get to talk about custom work??

        1. Hi Kieron,

          Thanks for asking, we normally do provide custom development but currently are not available as we concentrate on the general features available. Is the requirement you have something that might be interesting to include as a general feature?


          1. kieron garvey Avatar
            kieron garvey

            Sorry for double posting i didn’t see this reply during my first read.

            I want to add a reserve wallet feature. Where not all affiliate earnings are paid out. This reserve wallet will be used to pay for the affiliate to get products/join other businesses.

            I would also like a shortcode so this Amount can be displayed in a dashboard.

            1. kieron garvey Avatar
              kieron garvey

              Ohh i meant to say that i sent in an email also about this.

              And i would like to be able to set the percentage of this reserve wallet per level of affilaite commisions. Say either a set amount per level or a percentage. This reserve wallet commisions are taken out of the affiliats commisions.

              eg 1 percentage per sale,
              LEVEL 1 – Comission 25% Reserve Wallet 10%
              LEVEL 2 – Comission 5% Reserve Wallet 2%
              LEVEL 3 – Comission 5% Reserve Wallet 2%
              LEVEL 4 – Comission 5% Reserve Wallet 2%
              LEVEL 5 – Comission 5% Reserve Wallet 2%

              Total Commission 45% Reserve Wallet 18%

              eg 2 dollars per sale,
              LEVEL 1 – Comission $25 Reserve Wallet $10
              LEVEL 2 – Comission $5 Reserve Wallet $2
              LEVEL 3 – Comission $5 Reserve Wallet $2
              LEVEL 4 – Comission $5 Reserve Wallet $2
              LEVEL 5 – Comission $5 Reserve Wallet $2

              Total Commission $45 Reserve Wallet $18

              So the affiliate gets $27 straight away with $18 of commisions going into there reserve wallet

              1. antonio Avatar

                Hi Keiron,
                as @kento says “currently are not available as we concentrate on the general features available”.
                You could create Woocommerce coupons manually with the values, or using “affiliates_referral” hook to create your own solution.

                1. Kieron Garvey Avatar
                  Kieron Garvey

                  Thanks Antonio, I suppose i could get a programmer to use the hook while the affilaite commission is being paid and then move it into the reserve wallet rather than there commisions

                  1. antonio Avatar

                    We are happy to help you but this is beyond support as it involves customization. I would recommend to check the WooWorkers directory or post an offer on, also there are quite a few freelancer sites around where you can post offers for small customizations.

                    1. Antonio, that’s what Kieron is already implying himself. He’s already mentioned that he could use a programmer to work on the hook 🙂

                    2. antonio Avatar

                      that’s true 😉

  11. I want to start my own 5 tier affilate program, but where can I find the legal information on this matter? I want to be in compliance with the law.

    1. Hi,
      in the plugin folder you have a copyright.txt file with information about the plugin.
      If you need to set your program terms and conditions, it is advisable to talk to a lawyer.

  12. Hi,

    I’m considering using affiliates enterprise along side a team building plugin on my site and i’m curious to know if my country’s currency is included (Naira) and how can i add it if its not?

    secondly i’ll like to know if the plugin’s cookie settings is set to first contact or last contact.

    Thanks for your response in advance


    1. Hi David,

      The currencies are defined in a file, e.g. in the free version it’s – the next release adds a filter which allows to add currencies without the need to customize it.

      Regarding the affiliate assignment, it’s the last whose affiliate link has been visited.


  13. I am looking for requirement as

    I have main site hosted on and i wanted to track sell for that domain only but all the affiliate login, sigup and other stuff should be handled from my subdomain which is

    Is it possible and how can you provide some details?

    also i would like to know about customisation of look and feel for signup and login form which provided by plugin?

    many thanks in advance.

    1. Hi,
      please have a look to this comment.
      You can use css to change the look and feel.

  14. Hi

    We’re interested in affiliates enterprise.

    We want to make sure this plugin can handle what we want.

    The plugin needs to be able to track sales on and allow affilaites to view the sales tracking from

    We would like to have our affilaites completely log in – register – view payments – sales tracking on a subdomain.

    Is this possible with affilaites enterprise ? If so we’re buying today 🙂


    1. Hi,
      this post can help you to map affiliates-area page to a subdomain.

  15. Im just want to be clear of the funcionality

    This plugin allows to make referal in more than 1 level?


    First level: For the first referal I will win 10 dollars and His name is James
    First level for James. Second level for me: If james refers someone he will win 10 dollars, and i will win 5 dollars.

    Let me know if it is clear.

    1. Hi,
      you can do it with Affiliates Enterprise. But not only with the first referral, for all new users refers by the affiliate.
      In your case:
      – you need to set 10 as amount in Affiliates->User Registration
      – And levels to ‘1’, select ‘Level rates are relative’, and value to 0.50 in Affiliates->Tiers.

  16. kieron garvey Avatar
    kieron garvey

    I saw your reply below to a question and it made me think

    Your Reply – “One option would be to assign the customer to an Affiliates group and show the affiliate registration form to members of that group only. They would still need to sign up as affiliates though. This would require Groups and Groups WooCommerce. Automatic would b3 interesting but isn’t implemented.”

    I was wondering how multiple products work. Say i had 2 products does a person have to signup as an affilaite to both or will they just have to be an affilaite to one.

    I ask as i want to setup my site with 2 products a front end and a oto. I do not want my affilaites to earn off a product unless they have purchased so i know i need to do what you mentioned above for my front end. This hides the affilaite sign up for this product.

    But if the member signs up once does this mean they will earn off the other product?? Or can i do the same with the upsell/oto and put in an affilaite signup for this product??

    1. If you don’t want them to earn commissions for a specific product, the Pro integration for WooCommerce provides the option to set commission rates per product, i.e. you could set the rate for a product to 0.

      Also if you want them to be able to access the registration form protected by a group based on having purchased one or several products, you could have the customer assigned to that Affiliates group for every product that makes them eligible.

      1. kieron garvey Avatar
        kieron garvey

        Its not that i dont want them to get commissions but i want them to only get commissions for the products they have purchased. Maybe its not possible at the minute

        1. Hi Kieron,

          Ok I see, this could be interesting to add as a general feature, with what I’ve proposed you wouldn’t have the same flexibility because the system wouldn’t know about the restriction imposed.


  17. Also is it possible to add a custom formula for commissions outside the Tiered commission levels ?

    1. You can assign those independently to each affiliate but the tiers are restricted to level rates.

  18. Hi

    I’m looking to integrate customers from Woo Commerce as affiliates when they purchase a product/membership from the cart. Is there a way to integrate the purchase of the product and auto create the purchaser as a new affiliate ?

    Videos or and help is appreciated 🙂

    1. Hi,

      One option would be to assign the customer to an Affiliates group and show the affiliate registration form to members of that group only. They would still need to sign up as affiliates though. This would require Groups and Groups WooCommerce. Automatic would b3 interesting but isn’t implemented.

  19. I purchased the 5 sites Affiliate pro package & haven’t received an email, can’t post a question in the forums because its saying I haven’t ordered anything, but I was charged $99.99 & my order # is 12989. Please get back to me & thanks!!! I also have a question about the product I wanted to know if I could use, but couldn’t find anywhere to ask the question. Hopefully I could use this product for what I need. Thanks

    1. Hi Phillip,

      Thanks for letting us know, it seems that the notification didn’t reach us. You should have access now.


  20. Hello Support,

    I have submitted an email that I marked URGENT in the subject. I have an issue that I haven’t had before. I just recently started using WooCommerce Subscriptions (the first 2 reorders were just processed) and here is the issue I have now:

    I have Affiliates Enterprise installed and I also have WooCommerce Subscriptions installed.

    Today my first Subscription payment was processed and the referral is correct on the permanent affiliate but it also paid the same 40% commission to all the tiers above it???

    My commissions go as follows….

    Referring Affiliate: 40%
    Level 1 6%
    Level 2 4%
    Level 3 2%
    Level 4 2%

    But as you can see by this attachment (image attached in this email) when the subscription payment was processed for $54.95 it paid the $21.98 (40%) to all 4 levels plus paid them an incorrect amount as the percentages (so there is 7 items for this one order when there should only be 4)???

    As you can see I have the option checked in my setup to allow Recurring Referrals (image attached to this email) and I do have WooCommerce Subscriptions installed.

    I have sent screen shots in my email to show the option is checked for recurring referrals and also the payments that came through for each Tier (level) at the full 40%.

    This is an urgent matter as more subscriptions are going to be processed this week.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Thanks for the details, please note that we attend to support requests in the Forums where you should open a topic for this.


  21. How do you obtain affiliates paypal ID for you to be able to pay your affiliates?

    1. Hi Erik,

      If you pay them via PayPal, it would be their email address used for their PayPal account. Note that the payments are done manually (or using bulk payments if available), the system does not process affiliate payments automatically.


      1. Can this feature please be added in a future release? It would make it so much better if we can set a threshold or date for auto batch payment. It should add the function of allowing affiliate credits to mature after XX days to ensure all refunds and returns clear too.

        1. Thanks for your suggestion on that Ed, please also see this reply – we’re considering it 🙂

  22. Is it possible to have fully customized affiliate urls? As in they can edit their own affiliate link with the enterprise package?

    1. Hi Erik,

      Thanks for asking, no they can’t customize their affiliate URLs. There is an extension which allows to use the username Affiliates by Username and a generator shortcode [affiliates_generate_url] which is useful for affiliates to obtain an affiliate link for a specific page, see Shortcodes for more details on that.


      1. Also is it common to have a problem with new affiliate members to not get the confirmation email when they sign up? I installed the plugins hours ago so maybe that could be the reason.

        Is it possible for an affiliate to make his/her password while filling out the affiliate username and such (if they are not logged into a wordpress account yet)?

        1. Normally the reason why they don’t seem to receive an email is because it’s classified as spam. That is normally due to how the mailer is set up or because the server is actually a known spammer (often the case in shared hosting). WP Mail SMTP plugin is a good choice, also see Useful Plugins. The password is generated automatically.

  23. I have a question.

    When someone is signing up another affiliate the link to sign them up is /affiliate-area

    I would like to turn this page into a better looking opt in page and I have a programmer working on it for me, my only issue is the Widget Area.

    Currently I have the Affiliate Widgets only showing when an affiliate is logged in but on the [affiliate is not affiliate] area the widget area is taken up by where the widget would normally go.

    Is there any way for me to turn off the widget area for someone who is not an affiliate?

    1. Hi,
      you can use Widget Logic plugin. In your widget logical you can use:
      return affiliates_user_is_affiliate();

  24. Is it possible to connect two sites that are not part of a multisite network? for example, I wish to develop an affiliate network (site A) with all the affiliate info (members, commissions, shortcodes, etc.) but then provide services to other WP installations on different networks. I read the docs and discussions of Affiliate MS and it’s close, but seems to require Multisite (MS?).

    Is there a plugin i can install on the destination site, where the referring user ultimately ends up, but tracked and reported by a separate WP site hosting the affiliate network?

    My goal is to send a lot of traffic to Site B and be able to show that Site B received x traffic from Site A, but have Site A break down the traffic to the individual affiliates.


    1. Hi Todd,

      As the system is intended to be used within the same site where the sales, sign-ups etc. are handled, what you describe would require customized development. You’re right in that the Affiliates MS extension would not be a workable solution. This would require mechanisms put in place that use the system’s API to reflect visits to Site B on Site A and from what you describe I would assume a decent amount of additional information would need to be pulled from the site running the affiliate program if the intent is to have that information presented on a different site.

      Sounds like a good amount of consulting and custom development would be required to handle what you want … I hope that helps somehow.

  25. Is there anyway to restrict who becomes an affiliate or even ensure that all affilaites have to have bought a certain product.

    Even if groups could be used. Say that to earn from a certain product on your set an affilaite has to have an account and has to be a member of a certain group??

    1. Hi Kieron,

      It would be possible to do that using Groups and Groups for WooCommerce. With the latter you can have the customer assigned to a group for potential affiliates, and have the registration form for affiliates enclosed in a [groups_member group="XYZ"]...[/groups_member] conditional shortcode block.

      You can test that using Groups alone and creating the assignments manually to make sure that the above is a fit. If it is, then you can use Groups for WooCommerce to have the assignments automatically done for orders.

      How does that sound?

      1. Honestly!… Only because i havent installed your plugins yet.

        But im sure it would work. Im either going to do one of two things

        1) Have an initial payment then wait a set time before the monthly fee is applied. and have it all in the one payment/product.
        0r what i want to do
        2) Have initial product with option to upgrade to another product with monthly payments. And only let customers who have bought access to affiliate status. What i could do really is have two different products with the initial charge the same but one of them have the monthly fee on it. THen give the person the option of which product they choose.

        Ill just wait until the other plugin im using has finished the Affiliate integration and then sort out what i am going to do. Thanks for your help

  26. I have been waiting for so long to have someone contact me so that I may hire someone at your firm to assist me in extra programming I need in the Enterprise Affiliates I have purchased.

    I would like to speak to someone so that I can let you know what I need in order to get a quote from you to do this programming I really need done.

    1. Thanks for the reminder and your patience Wendy, I suppose you’ve already forwarded your query via email and it’s pending a reply from our side. We’re currently working on improvements to our products and quite dedicated to it so that customized services are suffering a bit of a delay.

      1. Do you know how long it would be for someone to be available to work on this project with me?

        1. Thanks Wendy, I’m sending you an email in a few minutes.

  27. Just wondering if my comments are being posted as i havent seen a reply or seen them on here yet. Please delete this one if they are.

    Cant wait to get my hands on this and build my new system

    1. Yes but were in the review queue 😉

      1. Thanks, I was just worried they didnt go through

  28. Hi

    i was wondering is there any way to convert commissions into credit so the affiliate can purchase other products rather than payment?



    1. Thanks Kieron, in addition to the previous extension I’ve mentioned, also Store Credit could be an option. What do you think?

      1. Hmmm, Points and Rewards or Store Credit??? If points and rewards was integrated it would be cool.

        But to make it simpler if doing it manually i think Store Credit might be the way to go. Only thing is how do i reduce the Affiliates commission due in your plugin?? Is it done manually???

        I could wait until i have the whole site built and a simple PHP script could do it. If its only a matter of reducing commissions and creating store credit based on the logged in user. Or you could add it to a list of plugins for the future.

        Another thing i thought would be a great idea would be to use SMS to notify users when they recieve a commission from say twilio. To make it cheaper for the site owner the affiliate could have the ability to turn this on or off and the cost of the SMS could be taken from there commissions.

        1. Also I was wondering if im using the enterprise version can i set a different commission for each product.

          e.g. Product A & B

          Product A costs $67 and pays out on 5 levels. L1=17, L2-L5 = $10

          Product B costs $100pm and pays out on 5 levels. L1=40, L2-L5 = $15

          Thanks for your help

          1. At the current version this would be too fine-grained for the system. You can have commission rates per product, but you can’t have commission rates per-product-per-affilaite or per-product-per-level. Thanks for the suggestion, there is a refinement being done related to commission rates/rules but it’s not available yet.

            1. So you cant have multiple products that pay different amounts on each level.

              can you have multiple products that pay on multiple levels??? if commissions are the same??

              1. You can pay on multiple levels using relative level rates, e.g. you can have products A, B and C at commission rates 0.1, 0.2 and 0.25. The tier rates would still apply (and can be relative to the referrer’s commission).

        2. Basically it would be the same process used when you pay them ‘normally’. Get totals, issue payments (store credits in this case), close referrals. This is all handled through the Totals section for example monthly.

          The integrations with both sound really like a good idea, already added to our ideas list and could be added 🙂

          Twilio notifications might be interesting, too although I think it could be too much to get an SMS for every single referral.

          1. You could have the ability in place so teh site admin can choose how many txt’s to send out. Eg send for all referrals ever 2 or 3 total amount earned and referred that day….etc

            But sending out every time they get a direct referral would be cool… Or even every time they earn money from any level.

            1. Maybe as an option for each, but if they really generate a lot of referrals, then a period summary would be better IMO.

              1. Yeah but it also depends on what business moel you have. As if your site is set up as an mlm or multilevel affiliate system. Showing pictures of all the sms & emails is proof to others your earning

  29. Hi, I have a load of questions but want to put them all together once I planned out my site.

    One question I want to know about before I do anything is the following.

    is there any way to convert affiliate earnings in to say store or site credit. so the affiliate could use it to buy another product from the site?if there isn’t is it possible to get a plugin developed to do this?

    1. Hi Kieron,

      One solution could be based on the WooCommerce Points and Rewards extension. It’s not integrated so you would have to credit affiliates manually on a period basis with appropriate points that correspond to their affiliate earnings.

      Integrating the two sounds interesting …


  30. Reginald Avatar

    is there away to add more Referral Status. I need at least 5 and I notice this program only has 4.


    One more Status would be nice. If it’s not available, then just a Suggestion.

    1. Hi Reginald,

      What additional status would you like to consider please? I’m asking to understand the usage …


      1. Reginald Avatar

        For a Rewards or Crediting for My Referrals, after they complete a task.

        1. Thanks, this would already be covered by the status “Pending” before completing the task and using “Accepted” once the task is completed.

          1. Reginald Elrod Avatar
            Reginald Elrod

            Hi Kento, the way my system is set up is when a Referral first signs up under another referral they are counted as pending then. After they signup is when they have to complete a task. Before I move them to the accecpted, which I use letting the referral know they quailfy for a payment. The reason I was asking for another status is because for now I have to use the Rejected Status for the Crediting, which should be for the affiliate if they were to get placed on hold. I really do need a 5th Status. I guess if It’s not possible for you to make one for this affiliate program I will just continue to look. I was just hoping that this program would be able to have that extra Status Option.

            1. Ok I see, sounds like the actual affiliate’s status would be useful for that.

              1. Reginald Elrod Avatar
                Reginald Elrod

                I am confused Kento. I have already exausted all of the Status’s one of the Status I am not able to use it for what It’s Really for. Well I guess that Is a No to my Question about being able to make another status. There is no way around it. I need some thing that counts and keeps track like the other Status’s In order for me to have everything I most everything I need I would need to have one more “status”. But I will find what I need. Thanks for your Time.

                1. Thanks Reginald, actually it can be used with additional status IDs internally but they are not supported on the admin side. I.e. it could be customized with an additional status, it’s just that you won’t have it readily integrated.

              2. Reginald Elrod Avatar
                Reginald Elrod

                That is fine as long as it could be done would really help. I have tried to look through all tyoes of plugins and also scipts. But I still found nothing. Do you know where I can start this process?

                1. There’s the API documentation with links to the code documentation and examples but knowing how it’s handled internally, it can be challenging to get it to work with a new status. That’s why I was asking, to see if there’s a way to integrate your process without any modification or customization.

                  BTW if you’re just looking to approve new affiliates, this could be handled through a customized sign-up form (for example using Contact Form 7) where new affiliates are verified and then added manually.

  31. Hello
    Does this plug-in support lifetime commission for affiliates and tier affiliates?
    For example when a buyer refer to affiliates A come across the site without a banner or access to the site from other device , I need to know if the system is capable to detect the relation and give a commission to affiliate A.

    1. Hi Taha,

      You’re probably asking for Affiliates Permanent, please have a look and feel free to ask if you have any question on it.


  32. Hi i have just purchased Affiliates enterprise, as i thought it was right for me over the free version, i don’t think i can do what i want can you please advise.

    I don’t want affiliate paid for referring people only on sales so if a friend of a friend that i have got to join sells a product they get £7.00 the friend grets £3.00 and i get £1.00.

    I have tried always to set this up but it only seems to be set up to pay affiliates to recruit not on a percentage of sale etc

    Many thanks


    1. Hi Andy,

      You just need to install the integration for your e-commerce system so it captures referrals on sales. Please refer to the Setup section of the documentation and you have the integrations available in the Downloads section.

      If you have any questions or need specific help on the integrations or the system, please post a topic in the Forums.


      1. Hi Kento, is there a shortcode for the enterprise version that i can use to display the reffering affiliates name so the new affiliate knows who there upline are etc



        1. Hi Andy,

          Have a look at the Shortcodes section please, the [affiliates_tiers] shortcode specifically.


          1. Hi Kento, this doesn’t really help me, i have looked at these codes and i have the Affiliate tier on a page which shows me going downline, i wanted to know if when i log in or an affiliate there is a shortcode i could use to show the affiliate who there referrer was, all the codes you have shown me dont appear to do that



            1. Hi Andy,

              Please open a topic in the Forums with details on how you are using the shortcode that I have indicated before. From what you have explained, the indicated shortcode is what you need to use. Please use a forum topic to help you further.


          2. Is there a way to display the affiliate name on the sales website?

            Like: This website belongs to [affiliate_name]?

            1. Hi,
              you can add the Affilate Referrer Info shortcodes in your functions.php file.

              1. ivica31 Avatar

                Hey Antonio,

                Just a quick question on this.

                Wouldn’t the Affiliate Referrer info only show the refferal name of the referrer?

                Is there a way to show the affiliate name when they login into there stats page?

                I’ve added the shortcode for the functions.php, but because im logged in as the affiliate (not referred), not a referral, the show_name attribute will not show.



                1. antonio Avatar

                  you have available the [affiliates_affiliate_profile /] shortcode.
                  Antonio B.

                  1. Hey Antonio,

                    Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_name="true" /] brings up the table format with field label, text box and the value in the text box. I would like to just extract the value in the text box.

                    Any other suggestions?


                    1. antonio Avatar

                      Hi Ivan,
                      please create a topic in the forums for this question.
                      Antonio B.

  33. Pre-Purchase Questions –

    I am looking at potentially purchasing the enterprise affiliate system. I have a few questions before I do so

    #1 : Payout level – Is there a max number of down line levels I can pay out?

    #2 : When I remove someone / deactivate their affiliate account, I want to ‘shift’ anyone up that may be under them (thereby compress the down line) – can this be done?

    #3 : Will this work within a Home Party Plan / Direct Selling business model?

    # 4 : Affiliate URLS – can they be vanity URLS?

    #5 : commission payout – is there a way to insert a payout bonus based on ‘sales volume’ each month? So eg : you get a 5% bonus on all this month sales if you meet a sales quota of $500 (as example)

    #6 : Downline payout – my downline payout is based on not only ‘what level’ but also ‘group volume’ , ‘personal sales volume’, and ‘affiliate ranks’ – can this be done?


    1. Hi Jenn,

      #1 The number of tiers isn’t limited.
      #2 If you delete an affiliate at the top of the upline, the downline is maintained but the affiliate links of the deleted affiliate are not passed on. Example, Affiliates A > B > C > D. If you delete A, the downline B > C > D is maintained. If you deleted C, A > B is maintained but D is not included.
      #3 That really depends on what structure you want to have. If it’s covered by the system OOTB or whether you have any specifics that require customization.
      #4 You might need URL rewrites.
      #5 You can add manual commissions for affiliates (this is also in the free version if you have it installed, under Affiliates > Referrals > Add).
      #6 Sounds like you will need customizations for that.

      Thanks for asking, I hope the above helps 🙂

      1. I have been trying to get information on how to get customization from your company for my Enterprise Version please. I have emailed a few times with no reply.

        1. Thanks Wendy, yes we have received it and it’s queued for review.

  34. I’ve been trying to get the Enterprise version for two weeks. I received a reply from Antonio asking for dashboard admin rights to be sent to, but emails go unanswered. I would still like to get this working, if not, please refund my money. Thank you. Troy

    1. Sorry, I thought that I had answered.
      It seems there is a conflict with your theme or another plugin because the cookie is not created (maybe ‘Header and Footer’ plugin). You could try to disable this plugin and/or other plugins that are not strictly necessary and try again.

      1. Ok, Thanks. The helped. BTW– the offending plugin was called “Restricted Site Access.” It was something I setup to restrict IPs when I was creating the site. It was set to open, so I don’t think about it.

  35. Please consider adding support for payout via bitcoin.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, added the feature request for consideration (and it sounds like a good idea to include it as an attribute so it is included in the totals file).

  36. hi, i have a question presale.
    i need that users customers have a affiliate user and all they buy in the shop with woocommerce, always receive the commision to the affiliate. but not necessary but with a referential link.
    it,is possible with affiliates-enterprise.

    1. Hi,
      you will need Affiliates Permanent plugin.

  37. Hi , can Affiliates allowed to purchase their own products in wordpress and receive any commissions on those sales as a especial affiliate client.

    1. antonio Avatar

      by default affiliates can auto generate commissions when they make a purchase. If you need to disable it, you can use Affiliates Excluded plugin.

  38. José L Avatar
    José L

    Hello i did contact you with an email, i did send the email to the mail i did see in the contact page, but you didnt answer me yet, i have some few questions about this plugin. I want to buy the Enterprise version, because the tier affiliate option, here are the questions i did send you in the email:
    Hello, my name is José L., and thank you for see my message, i have a question about the Affiliates Enterprise plugin. I was thinnk to use another affiliate software first, but i need to integrate the Affiliate system with WordPress, and well, your system is a WordPress plugin, so i am really happy when i discover the Affiliates Enterprise version have a multi-tier support.

    I will need to make a 10 tier level system, i did check your plugin can have unlimited tiers, so that is ok, but my question are about this:

    1 – I will create a membership site, with recurently payments, i will use: wpmudev membership plugin for this, you can check the plugin here: and i will use 2checkout to be my payment gateway, well my question here is: Will be possible to integrate your plugin with my membership plugin? i will need to give monthly comissions to the affiliates, until the client cancel his account.

    2 – One of the main things i need, is to set automatically the parent affiliate, so for example, if someone come to the site with my link, and he purchase the membership, he will be automatically my downline (my direct affiliate), just the members in the site can be affiliate, i will dont have free memberships, just one pay membership plan, and all should be affiliates automatically and the affiliate system should put them under their parents too.

    Really thank you for your atention, if some of this features need a custom work, please let me know, and how much will cost that feature, if you need more information about my site, please dont hesitate to ask me.

    Thank you again, have a nice day.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Sorry, there isn’t an integration with wpmudev membership plugin. Maybe with Affiliates API you can try to create your own solution.

      1. José L Avatar
        José L

        Hello, thank you for your reply, ok, i think i will use s2member in this case, i need to use your affiliate plugin, but in that case whats are the answer of my other question?
        2 – One of the main things i need, is to set automatically the parent affiliate, so for example, if someone come to the site with my link, and he purchase the membership, he will be automatically my downline (my direct affiliate), just the members in the site can be affiliate, i will dont have free memberships, just one pay membership plan, and all should be affiliates automatically and the affiliate system should put them under their parents too.
        Thank you.

        1. Hi José, I would rather recommend to set this up using WooCommerce + WooCommerce Subscriptions + Groups for WooCommerce – Affiliates Enterprise is fully integrated with WooCommerce and Subscriptions and allows also to maintain referrals for recurring payments.

  39. I have not purchased Affiliate Enterprise yet, so I can not see it. Do you have a demo I can see?

    1. Yes, the free Affiliates plugin which you can install directly from your WordPress dashboard.

  40. Awesome!


    Is there a way for me to add commissions manually for some affliates?

    1. Yes, that’s done under Affiliates > Referrals – you’ll see a button on top of the page for that 🙂

  41. Is there a way on Affiliate Enterprise so that people who register to my website throug the wordpress registration form will automatically be registered in Affiliate Enterprise, WITHOUT having to us the Affiliate Enterprise registration form?

    1. Hi Alfred, yes, that is part of the Affiliates Users features.

  42. I have been waiting patiently for someone to respond to my email situation.

    I have all settings correct, but when a new affiliate signs up they are given to the correct Permanent Affiliate but their Referrer is NOT set in the Tiers???

    I have emailed all necessary information that is required of me, also provided screen shots of a new affiliate registration to show that the tiers referrer is not set on sign up.

    Can someone please get back to me?

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Sure, we’ve checked your system and have enabled the appropriate setting so that tiers are recognized correctly on your setup. What needed to be done was to allow the guest routine under Plugins > Affiliates Permanent so that the system can establish the tiers when appropriate for new affiliates.


      1. Hi Kento, I tried to reply on the other post about the WooCommerce Integration but it won’t let me. Do I have to uninstall the plug in completely and reinstall it with the new version 1.4.1?

        1. Hi Wendy, yes that’s correct.

        2. Note that it’s only the integration plugin that you need to replace.

  43. Rajasekaran Avatar

    Hi thanks for reply but some way can we use it know? Now i have 3 questions

    1) I installed your free version affiliates for testing purpose and in that is it possible to disable the registration? bcoz already i am using pie register plugin for register and whom ever register my site should become an affiliate and no need to register again in affiliate area. what is the procedure for this.

    2) I would like to put user name in affiliate url instead of affiliate id and i try to buy your affiliates by name plugin but my paypal not accepting my debit card. So how to purchase that (I dont have crdit card)

    3) Now regarding your enterprise version

    3.1) for example if one new user register as a affiliate means he become 1st affiliate and he refer 3 persons means that 3 persons will become level 1 affiliates and that commission goes to 1st affiliate.

    3.2) now 1st level affiliates refer each 3 persons means that 9 persons will become level 2 affiliates and that commission should goes to level 1 affiliates and also to 1st affiliates.

    3.3) now level 2 affiliates 9 persons refer each 3 persons means that 27 persons will become level 3 affiliates and that commission should goes to level 2 and levl 1 and also to 1st affiliate

    Like this for level 4 commission should go to level 3, level 2, level 1 and 1st affiliates.

    Up to level 7 i need to pay like this.

    So for every user should know how many down lines they have and how much they earned.

    If your affiliates enterprise work like this means i can buy it.

    Or else can you please suggest one suitable plugin for me.

    Pls expecting your reply.

    1. Hi, regarding your questions:

      #1 – No that can’t be done.
      #2 – Checkout is via PayPal or CC only.
      #3 – The scheme that you explain is not supported like that with the Enterprise version, sorry.


  44. Hi i am from india and just started downline referal program can i use your enterprise edition for forced matrix program and can it be provide level wise commission.


    1. Hi, thanks for asking. It doesn’t support forced matrix, sorry.

  45. Hello!

    May i ask what the best way to setup a affiliate program would be.

    I have 4 sites in a wordpress multisite network, one for each level of a distributor program, complete with products with pricing for just that site. I also have a retail customer site which is not running on the multisite network.

    What i am thinking i would like to happen is to have a 2 tier program where distributors would get commission on the sales of products on the retail site, via the image banners, coupons, and maybe a place at checkout where customers can place the distributor id# if the distributor sells them a product in person..etc

    I also would like to setup the distributors as to where that would receive a % percent for the distributors they would sign up under them, this is only one tier.

    Also is there away to tie in the distributors own purchases made on the 4 sites so that it could all show in the sales stats.

    What would be the best way to implement this system. also would i need the multiply site license for this ?

    Also do you forsee any forth coming issues from a setup like this ?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Daniel,

      The main issue I see here is that you have an overly complicated setup for a distribution scheme that to me seems could work perfectly if you had appropriate pricing in place per distributor group. If you could simplify your setup to just one site, then the whole thing would be a lot easier and you could run a multi-tier affiliate program using Affiliates Enterprise. But that’s just an opinion, not really a recommendation.

      What I would recommend is to hire a consultant who can help you identify key points and the right solution to incorporate an affiliate program after analyzing your business processes related to distributors and how affiliates would fit in within your business case. Otherwise I would truly see lots of issues coming up with any affiliate software. Do you see what I mean?

  46. I am installed and it looks like everything is good so far except it seems a lot of work that I have to manually do to go to each affiliate account and assign the Permanent Affiliate (for some reason this wasn’t done on the import)

    I have 2 more questions.

    1. When someone registers as an affiliate from our /affiliate-area/?= it isn’t creating a user account in the system, only an affiliate account. What setting do I have to change for it to create a user account called affiliate?

    2. When an affiliate (user type) places an order for a product we sell, I want their (user type) to be automatically changed to super affiliate.

    Can you tell me how to do the 2 things above? Or could I contract someone from your company to help me fine tweak these options?

    1. antonio Avatar

      sorry, affiliates permanent associations are not imported.
      1.- Affiliates registration form should create a wordpress user (called as ‘username’ field), and an affiliate associated to this user. Please give us an url to have a look.
      2.- You could use Groups and Groups Woocommerce Integration to sell memberships. If you want to create ‘super affiliate’ to assign a custom rate, you could use Affiliates Groups plugin.

      1. Wendy B Avatar
        Wendy B

        I have already taken care of the 2 issues above. My issue is now and I already opened a ticket for it is this:

        1. An affiliate signs up from someone’s affiliate-area the permanent affiliate is assigned correctly. (to the referring affiliate) but when I go to Tiers the new affiliate is not assigned to the referring affiliate automatically. I have double checked all my settings under Tiers and also under Permanent affiliate. What am I missing that this is not automatically assigning a new affiliate to the person in Tiers?

        1. Hi Wendy,

          Which topic are you referring to please?

  47. question on Affiliate enterprise and different commissions for different products.

    can you have different commisions percentages and number of levels (tiers) for differnet products? For example product A gets paid only 1 tier at 25% . Product B gets pays 5 tiers as such tier 1 gets 20@, tier 2 gets 10% and so on

    What plugins will I need to make it work?

    1. Hi,
      You can have different commissions for level0 referrals for product, but you can not set different commissions in other levels.

  48. 2 questions before buying Affiliate Enterprise:

    1) on the mass payment feature, how does Affiliate Enterprise handle marking commissions as paid? Does it mark commissions as paid automatically when exporting the mass payment file or Do I have to make them myself one at a time? or does it receive an IPN form paypal and programatically mark them as paid?

    2) question about groups? Can I have a Bronze group that get paid let say for 3 levels, and them a silver group that get paid for 4 levels? and then a gold groupd that gets paid for 5 levels? Etc
    3) Can members be changed programatically from one group to the next higher groups once the have a certain number of sales?

    1. antonio Avatar

      1.- Affiliates Plugin doesn’t process payments. You can use the “Close referrals” button in Affiliates->Totals to close the referrals (status that indicates the referral is paid).
      2.- Maybe this plugin can help you to customize your own solution.
      3.- You can use the Groups API to create your own solution.

  49. Also, sorry I forgot another question, how can I made the affiliate username by default be their email address? I am going to be importing affiliates from another software package and their usernames are all currently their email address, I would like to continue that method for all future affiliates who sign up.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Sorry, you can not do it.
      If you want to your affiliates can login, they must be associated to a wordpress user, and the username can not be an email.

  50. Hello I have a couple of questions.

    1. After installing the affiliate Enterprise version and creating the affiliate area, is there a better looking type of login information for affiliates? Or do I have to customize this area? Meaning how can I add an area for affiliates to see the other affiliates they have referred? Tiers?

    2. Can I create 2 separate types of Affiliates? Like a regular affiliate who earns multi-tier to level 3 and then a super affiliate who can earn on Levels 4 & 5?

    1. antonio Avatar

      1.- You have available a lot of shortcode to customize your affiliate-area page.
      2.- You could use Groups plugin, and customize this plugin to adapt it to your requirements (you need to change $levels array).

      1. I am having another issue with my installation.

        I purchased Enterprise and Permanent because I am paying tier levels and I want customers to be permanent to an affiliate.

        Here is my issue:

        When an affiliate signs up their user account is created on my system. The Permanent Affiliate is correct (who they signed up under)


        When I go to Manage Affiliates and open the same affiliate information they have noone listed as the Referrer (to connect them to the tiers) I have to manually add the person who referred them by typing in the referring affiliates name and assigning them to a new affiliate.

        Shouldn’t this be automatic? I have double checked all my settings, am I missing something?

        Luckily there isn’t many affiliates signing up each day but if there was, this would be a cumbersome job….

        1. antonio Avatar

          please be sure you have selected “Enable multi-tiered referrals” in Affiliates->Tiers (if you are creating the new affiliate in dashboard, you need to have selected “Always record referrers” too.
          If it’s ok, you can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look (please indicate this comment in the email).

          1. Wendy B Avatar
            Wendy B

            I have them all checked I have indicated below with a (Yes) that I have these options checked. It is still not associating a new affiliate with the tiers (referrer) the permanent affiliate is correct on their user account but not in the tiers.

            Multi-tiered referrals

            (Yes) Enable multi-tiered referrals
            Enable multi-tiered referrals to grant referrals to affiliates in Levels 1 and above.
            You must enable this option if you want to run a multi-tier affiliate program on the site, based on the level rate settings below.

            You can set the number of levels as desired (minimum 1 level). By default, 10 levels are provided.

            (Yes) Direct is a referrer
            When a new affiliate joins, use the Direct affiliate as referrer if no other affiliate has referred the new one.

            (Yes) Always record referrers
            If this option is enabled, referrers are recorded when an affiliate is added on the administrative back end, too. Normally, affiliate referrers are recorded only when an affiliate joins on the front end.

            1. Hi,
              you can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look (please indicate this comment in the email).

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