Affiliates Enterprise

See Affiliates Enterprise in the shop for the latest information about our product.

For usage instructions please refer to the documentation.


767 responses to “Affiliates Enterprise”

  1. Kento,

    Just thought of an awesome feature.

    If you added the ability to change an affiliate’s personal commission percentage based on a group they are part of.

    For instance you sell memberships on your site and you also have affiliates, one membership is a special one which you set to put a user in a specific group, then that group is set in affiliates at a different commission rate.

    Then when they make personal referrals, they earn at the higher rate as long as they maintain their group membership.

    1. Hi Rick,

      Many thanks for the suggestion, we’re considering this already to have as a built-in option, but for the time being Affiliates Groups is an option, it allows you to set commissions per group.


  2. I have several questions before I purchase the Enterprise version.

    I am currently running OmniStar Affiliate program to manage affiliates on one site and a WooCommerce site on another that tracks the sales.

    I want to integrate the 2 together on 1 system because I am having an issue with the following items.

    I have several questions.

    1. I offer a 45 day money back guarantee, I want to run a weekly commission payout schedule with affiliates but want to know if a customer gets a refund is there a way to charge back the commission by marking a customer sale as refunded even if I have already paid out the commission.

    2. If I run a multi level tier system, will an affiliate get an email if someone signs up as an affiliate under them? And do they have access to see the names of the affiliates who signed up not just the ‘extra’ commissions they earn.

    3. Do they get 2 different websites as affiliates? One for promoting to customers (who buy the product) to earn commissions and another to try to recruit other affiliates? Meaning 2 different URL links?

    4. Some of my affiliates have chosen to actually purchase the product for themselves and I had to have a special button programmed in the back office of the OmniStar system to pull their ‘sponsors’ affiliate link so the sponsor could earn the commission if they placed an order. Is this possible to do in this system?

    5. I want to verify that I have to purchase an additional plugin if I want any customers to be permanently assigned to an affiliate if they come back and place a reorder?

    6. If I currently have OmniStar settings in my system (in the header of the site – Sales Page) and in woocommerce settings do I have to delete those before installing the Affiliates Enterprise software on my WooCommerce site store?

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Affiliates Enterprise and the system you mention are not related and are not compatible. You won’t be able to track or cross-reference referrals between one system and the other. That said, regarding your questions:

      #1 – That’s not possible and it would be rather frustrating for your affiliates if you try to take away their commissions after an extended period if they have already been paid. I’d recommend to pay your affiliates only after a prudential period of time has passed.

      #2 – Affiliates Enterprise integrates notifications and tier visualization, see the Documentation for details please.

      #3 – No, what they set up and where they use the resources to promote your products is up to the affiliates.

      #4 – I don’t fully understand how this sponsor is related, if it’s the tier in the upline, they will still get their share if it applies.

      #5 – Yes, Affiliates Permanent.

      #6 – These should be unrelated.

      I don’t think that Affiliates Enterprise would be a match for your requirements. In any case, you can try the free version to evaluate if that would be a fit for your basic requirements and then decide whether Pro or Enterprise could be an option. But judging by what you’ve asked, I would not expect it to be a solution fulfilling all your needs OOTB. You should be prepared do have customizations done and probably will need a decent budget to have them developed.


      1. Wendy B Avatar
        Wendy B

        Thank you for the answers.

      2. Wendy B Avatar
        Wendy B

        One more question that I didn’t ask before. Currently I have over 1900 affiliates on the OmniStar system, I want to stop using that system and integrate it all into one site, which I am hoping to do with this software.

        Is there a way to import all 1900 into your system so they don’t have to all re-sign up?

        Also does your company offer any additional programming that I may need even if there is a charge?

        1. Hi Wendy,

          If you create user accounts and all your users are affiliates, then the Affiliates Users plugin can be used to create the affiliate accounts. But in your case it won’t be sufficient as I would assume that you need to have extended information in the affilaite profiles and that would require customization.

          We do offer development and customization services for larger projects, you’re welcome to get in touch if required, see Contact please.


  3. Roy Bonte Avatar
    Roy Bonte

    Hi guys,

    Sorry its me again.
    Can you tell me what is the exact shortcode when I want to show an affiliate the full name of who refered him?

    So affiliate A refered affiliate B to the system.
    Now I want to put a note in the backoffice of Affiliate B that he is earning commisions thanks to the fact that he was refered by affiliate A

    Now please dont sent me back to the shortcode page, been there for hours now and cant seem to work it out (i know, thats my problem, but never before worked with shortcodes)


    Ps. still waiting on a reply on the mail i have sent….

    1. antonio Avatar

      Affiliates Popup code could help you.

  4. I’m using woocommerce with subscription extension, buddypress and WP-MLM plugins. WP-MLM use their own referral link for user registration and create forced matrix from the referrals. I want to pay commission to members for the purchases made by their referrals and I will be using Affiliate Enterprise for that purpose.

    Now I have few questions about how to integrate Affiliate Enterprise in the current setup. Affiliate Enterprise uses its own affiliate program and referral links to track orders and calculate commission. How I can add an affiliate from WP-MLM into Affiliate Enterprise by using the referral id (user id).

    If this is not possible or complex to implement, I can keep WP-MLM out of this loop and get the desired results completely from Affiliate Enterprise. How I can use a referral link generated from Affiliate Enterprise and create a new affiliate on user registration with the referrer information too, and then use this referral information to track orders made through woocommerce.

    I will need suggestion on this scenario and how to get the desired results. Everything else is already implemented on my website, now I just need to add an affiliate system which creates an affiliate on user registration and also records the referral and then, after that, calculate the commissions based on the orders made by the referrals.

    And yes, I just got couple of more questions. Will it be possible to change the subscription amount in woocommerce subscription extension by adjusting the payable subscription amount and the commissions calculated by affiliate enterprise.

    1. Hi Gary,

      Regarding this

      “How I can add an affiliate from WP-MLM into Affiliate Enterprise by using the referral id (user id).”

      You can’t, they are not related and it couldn’t be tracked from one to the other.

      “I will need suggestion on this scenario and how to get the desired results. Everything else is already implemented on my website…”

      If you already have things set up with one system, trying to add another unrelated solution to cover the parts that one system doesn’t have can turn into a nightmare. I wouldn’t recommend it.

      You’re also mentioning forced matrix which isn’t implemented in Affiliates Enterprise.

      Sorry but it doesn’t sound like a solution to what you’re looking for.

  5. Trevor Avatar

    Is it possible to show all the affiliates of my site their downline. Not just the totals earned, but actually who signed up and how much they made from that sale. I am using the affiliates enterprise with tiers.

    1. Hi Trevor,

      The [affiliates_tiers] shortcode can be used, although this doesn’t show all the details on referred sales (which it isn’t intended to). You can see the options it provides on the Shortcodes documentation page, let me know if you have any suggestions please.


  6. Hi guys,

    I use enterprise and set up the tears.
    Now the first sale came trough and both tiers where credited with a fixed amount of commision i used before using the tiers.

    Than i put the configuration from fixed amount to none, but this resulted in no commisions at all.

    Can you quickly walk me trough the configuration.
    Should i put it on amount, amount method or rate?

    And should i put an amount or rate there?


    1. Im talking about the affiliate Pro configuration not the enterprise config.

    2. Hi Roy,

      With or without tiers, the commissions granted for the affiliates who refer a purchase are as set under Affiliates > Settings. If you have not set any commission rate (amount or method) there, then no commission amount would be granted.

      Let’s assume you want to grant 10% commission for your affiliate who directly refer someone and you grant 5% to level 1 tiers. For this you would have:

      – Affiliates > Settings : Referral Rate and 0.10
      – Affiliates > Tiers : Level 1 with a rate of 0.05

      Do you see how this relates now?

      1. Roy Bonte Avatar
        Roy Bonte

        Yeah…i think so..i will run some tests. Thanks

        1. Ok, let me know if you need further help on that.

          1. Roy Bonte Avatar
            Roy Bonte

            Well Kento,
            I would like you guys to create a plugin for my site. A plugin that will communicate with affiliates pro, but retracts data to my site.

            I suppose you guys create plugins on demand for clients.
            Could we discuss this in private?


            1. Sure, we can at least have a look and see if it’s feasible. I can’t promise on getting involved as our schedule is full at the moment, but I’ll email you so you can forward your details.

  7. We have affiliates and referrals setup now, but I have some people that need to get a percentage off of ALL sales through our site. What level do I set them up and how do I do it?

    1. Hi Brett,

      I see two options here. This is a use case for sharing sales, so you can base that on period referrals which you base on e.g. monthly sales or you can use the Affiliates Products plugin although that would be more suitable if you want to share sales on specific products and not on all products.

      If you’re going to do it manually, then the process would be to check the sales numbers at the end of each month, calculate the sales share for those entitled to it and record a manual referral for each one.

      The process could also be automated if you have a large number of affiliates who should get a share, it would require a customized extension which uses the Affiliates API to record the referrals and requests the period totals from the e-commerce system.

      Does that help?

  8. an email to add you as an administrator

    1. antonio Avatar

      Yes, to have a look to settings.

  9. hola!tengo un preoblema! 🙁 compre el afiliados pro y el Afiliados Empresa.contrate una persona para que configura el pugins y me dice que no funcioanan!alguien por aqui para ayudarme como configurar el plugin?
    quiero contratar alguien que sepa como funciona!
    gracias por ayudar

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look.

  10. 1. I would like the option to pay affiliates using in-store credit (WooCommerce points). Can this be done?

    2. Can I set commission rates per product as well as per affiliate?

    1. antonio Avatar

      1.- You could create coupons, and close referrals according to the coupon generated.
      2.- Exactly by product and affiliate not, but you can use Affiliates Groups, assign a group by affiliate and set commission rates by product and group.

  11. Good day!
    It is possible to create banners with videos?
    Ie instead of putting an image, put an in-built video?
    I await response.

    All the best!

    1. Hi Isabel,

      Basically yes, it depends on what you’re using to show the videos and if it offers a way to direct viewers to a URL when they interact with the video. For example, if you can add an on click event handler which allows to direct the viewer to the specified URL, then you can use the [affiliates_url] shortcode to pass the affiliate URL to the video container.

      Do you see what I mean?

      1. Isabel Pato Avatar
        Isabel Pato

        Hello Kento!
        Thanks for your reply.
        I want to use Youtube, and that the affiliate can promote the videos of the products with his affiliate link.
        I tried to do what you have indicated to me, but it doesn`t work well

        Where do I put the link of the video and the shortcode?
        Could you please give me an exemple?
        I await response

        1. Hi Isabel,

          Can you please provide details on what you have tried?

  12. Kento,

    As one WP Plugin Developer to another, great job! I have been toying with the idea of running my own Affiliate program for a while now and thought about building an add-on plugin to my own to add an affiliate system.

    To be honest, your plugin does EXACTLY what I would develop anyway and at only $99 bucks, it is a steal!

    BTW, your plugin integrates with mine,, I am using it to build a lead generation website using your affiliate plugin, with mine building the landing pages for the affiliate plugin. 😉

    Then my system replicates the landing pages for all of our affiliates to use and keeps leads and sales tracked. Boom!

    Basically using your Affiliates Enterprise plugin and mine together with a few others I was able to build a simple network marketing program for my membership site sales.

    I will be recommending your plugin to all of my future clients as the backbone for their affiliate programs that I build moving forward.

    OK, one actual question, is there a way to get tiered commissions, i.e. affiliate A refers 10 sales his personal % goes to X, then at 20 goes to Y etc.?

    If not, that would be a SICK modification to make. 😉

    1. Also, I don’t see any encoded files, is that the case and if so… how do you keep in business? I’m asking as I am getting KILLED by people stealing my products… even with encoding and I am thinking about doing away with it entirely and switching my business model.

      1. Oh here is the site I am using your plugin on:

        1. LOL, I just thought of something… we should do business together.

          I can rep your product and you can rep mine to our clients. Seems like they are a perfect fit together, a replicated landing page and marketing system/team builder and the affiliate program tied in with wooCommerce…

          I get people all the time who want me to build network marketing websites for small startup mlm’s, and I see you do as well by the comments from clients… they want something that mimics a mlm comp plan, bonuses pass up commissions etc.

          I have no interest in developing a commission system, only the marketing side of things. My other product, WP-MLM gets requests for this type of commission structure all the time to be added on the back end, I’m sure I can do the same integration of Affiliates Enterprise with that system as well.

          Anyway, I’d love to set you up as a super affiliate for our products and refer some business your way as well.

          1. Perfect, sounds like a win-win 🙂 I’ve just emailed you.

        2. Looks great!

      2. 😀 good question, basically because there are a *lot* of awesome people out there who appreciate the quality and service they get. If you’ve been using the Affiliates plugin for a while, you can see that it has evolved steadily since I first created it. As it is currently, with the free version you can have a fully functional affiliate system at no cost, and for the additional features that Pro or Enterprise provide along with our support, it’s a good deal. For my part, I’m happy to pay people for the service they provide, and I see that many think alike. Regarding encoded parts, there are no base64 encoded pieces (which would be terrible as it has a huge performance impact), some specific Pro and Enterprise parts are obfuscated though but we’re actually considering to remove the obfuscation and leave the code fully open. Pro and Enterprise have code parts to which the GPL license does not apply, as these parts do not rely on any code which is under GPL but some GPL-licensed parts rely on those pieces of code.

        1. I think I am going to just decode all of my script and release it with full open source to my clients, providing support and other resources to those with a valid license. Every plugin out there has been decoded anyway… so what is the point?

          I have never really liked encoding, it is a pain for me as well as my clients having to deal with ionCube loaders and the servers with issues installing them, wrong versions etc.

          I would really rather leave it all open source and provide my support and hopefully receive the support of users willing to actually pay to get licenses, paying for support and updates.

          Who knows maybe we will actually do more business because of our plugins getting better exposure this way.

    2. Hi Rick,

      Many thanks for your comment, this sounds like a great combination. Also the idea of incremental commissions is very appealing, this is something that could actually be done quite easily with a few enhancements, either built into the plugin or by modifying the rates using a filter hook. Currently the rates don’t have a specific filter but as they are stored as an option aff_ent_tier_rates they can be modified when the option is retrieved. That can also be done for a specific affiliate using a filter when the aff_ent_tier_rates_i option is requested, where i is the referring affiliate’s ID.

      I’ll take a closer look at the possibility of having this built in, but with the above you could already implement it where needed using the option filters.


      1. Kento,

        Yes, I think the tiered commissions would be excellent, I have sent you an email with some files attached so we can look at the integration of our plugins in a ‘out of the box’ fashion. 😉

        I will look at the option filters you mention in the meantime as well.

        1. Perfect, thanks Rick.

  13. Christopher Avatar

    Hey Kento

    I am interested in Affiliates Enterprise mainly because of the ability to do 10 levels of affiliate payments.

    Here is what I am looking for.

    PART 1 :
    – I would like to have three memberships, $50, $100, $200
    – Each of these memberships would pay across multiple levels – probably 10
    – If a member was NOT at the level of a user below them, they would receive the amount that they were and additional commissions would pass over them up the line of sponsorship

    PART 2 :
    – I would like to sell standalone products with a built in commission that would pass into the “part 1” commission structure
    – if a user DID NOT own the product, then the commission below would pass over them up the line of sponsorship

    Is this type of scenario available within Affiliates Pro?

    1. Hi Christopher,

      For #1 independent of the number of levels, the commission rates apply as set for each level and would result in referrals recorded for each in the referring affiliate’s upline. I don’t understand the part with ‘If a member was not at the level of …’

      For #2 what do you mean by “standalone product”? Also I’m not sure what you mean by “… the commission below would pass over them up …” – do you mean sharing earnings for products? Then the Affiliates Products extension could be a partial fit.

  14. Completely stupid question..I am just starting out and need a tiered affiliate program that gives unique links for affiliates, tiered commission payout, etc.. this looks like it does it. Does this stand alone, or do I need to purchase affiliates pro with it?

    1. Hi Dana,

      This is the full version, you don’t need Affiliates Pro in addition. What I would recommend to do first though is to try the free version which you can install directly from your WordPress dashboard (search for Affiliates in the Plugins section) as that is the core version of the plugin which is also fully functional. That version doesn’t support tiers but it will help you to decide whether the plugin series are suitable in general for your requirements.


  15. We have assigned a Tier 2 affiliate with a coupon code that can be used by a customer (in order for that affiliate 1 & 2 to get credit, but the coupon code is not working. Please see:

    Any thoughts on this?

    1. Hi Brett,

      Thanks for the video, I think what you’re missing is that you haven’t yet created the coupon code. The field where you have indicated the code is used so that the system recognizes the relation between the code and the affiliate. But you must still go into the Coupons section and actually create that code, as it isn’t created automatically. So basically go to WooCommerce > Coupons > Add New and create a coupon whose code is exactly the same as the one indicated for the affiliate (this is case-sensitive). Once you have published the coupon it can be applied to the cart and when the order is placed the affiliate is credited based on the coupon assignment. See also Coupons in the documentation.

  16. Hi Kento,

    You have sent me a mail, which says that I should go to your website and create a account for support. Well I have created and account, whether or not its a support account I have no way of telling.

    You then go on to say I should send you a email with a link to my site so that you can go in and check the settings. To which email address should I be sending this info?

    Best regards

    Gunther Wallendorf

    1. We are already discussing this on a topic, I’ve indicated the email in this response.

  17. I am very interested in getting some answers before buying the Enterprise version:

    1) does it handle commission groups?, that is to say, for example, affiliates in Bronze group get payed only 3 tiers, affiliates in silver group get payed 4 tiers, etc?

    2) can an affiliates be moved automatically from one group to another by your the enterprise version once he/she accumlates a given amount of referred sales in his lifetime as an affiliate?

    3) can products have their own affiliate commission structure? For example, one product would be a subscribed membership, lets call it PRODUCT 1. Can those who subscribe to my membership program participate on a commission program like #2. ANOTHER product would be web developmewnt services, lets call it PRODUCT 2. Can the web development services (PRODUCT 2)have a completetly different commision structure than PRODUCT 1?. For example, I want to pay only a 2 tier commission structure on referred sales for PRODUCT 2 AND UP TO 5 TIERS ON PRODUCT 1.

    1. The system that you outline isn’t supported OOTB and you would need quite some amount of customization done to have it working that way. It can be done, but requires work. There is an add-on Affiliates Groups which goes partly in that direction, but it doesn’t provide tiers integration for the groups and doesn’t automate the group assignment based on what you describe. Also the product commission structure you describe would require a substantial amount of customization if you want it integrated as an easy to use solution with UI.

  18. Under the PayPal Integration Settings, step # on the setup says to place the URL listed on that page as the notification URL in paypal. We already are using a different url in paypal IPN for the woocommerce subscriptions. I can’t add a second. Is there a solution?

    1. Hi Brett,

      There is a solution which involves setting up a script that broadcasts the IPN – PayPal hasn’t managed to provide this yet (see for example this thread Setting up multiple IPN’s?). A script with a solution is explained here How to setup multiple IPN receivers in PayPal.

  19. How can I update the FROM email address and the content of the affiliate confirmation email sent to a new affiliate?

    1. You can adjust the message content under Affiliates > Notifications – see Notifications in the documentation for details please.

      1. Kento, thank you. But I was referring to the notification of the user name / password that is required when an affiliate signs up. As in this:

        1. Yes, that’s also covered in that section (assuming you are using the latest version).

  20. Moonworks Avatar

    I have pro, but am thinking about making sure I have the best affiliate system possible, so would it be possible for you to tell me what is included in Enterprise that isn’t in Pro please?


    1. Hi Joe, currently the most prominent reason to use Enterprise would be multiple tiers. It also comes with Affiliates MS and there are some additions related to importing and exporting data that we’re working on which will be available in the Enterprise release.

      1. Moonworks Avatar

        Thanks. I’ll keep an eye on it 🙂

  21. Flavio Avatar

    Anyone please?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Answered 😉

  22. Flavio Avatar

    just purchased the Enterprise plugin.
    I’m planning to use it with GeoTheme.
    Would be possible to integrate with the PayPal payment included in the theme?
    I mean, when someone purchase a listing he’s redirected directly to PayPal, how can I enhance your plugin within the integrated system?
    Thank you

    1. antonio Avatar

      You could replace your theme’s paypal buttons by the buttons generated by Affiliates Paypal (included in Affiliates Enterprise pack), or use the API to create your own function to generate commissions when payment is made.
      But by default, you will not work with GeoTheme’s paypal buttons.

      1. Flavio Avatar

        Thanks a lot! I’ll give it a try!

  23. Hello, please help me it is already 5 days that we have contacted you and we’re still stuck! I need to get into my admin to be able to download updates, but I can not remember my username and password retrieval system for pasword does not work! My email is desantiservices at gmail dot com, please solve as soon as possible, thank you.

    1. antonio Avatar

      please try “Lost my password?” in your account page.

      1. antonio Avatar

        Sorry, I had not seen that does not work you.

  24. Hello we have purchased affiliate enterprise, and we have problem.

    We made 100 affiliates (which we call A), which in turn have made 300 sub affiliates (which we call B).

    The first 100 A affiliates have been awarded the commission from 300 purchase that other sub affiliates made.

    Now the 300 sub affiliates after 30 days will get the affiliate account (we waited to deliver them), and in these 30 days affiliates B have certainly clicked on other affiliate links (to other affiliates A) and that will happen that they are going to finish under wrong A affiliate, and not under the affiliate that made a commission.

    Is there any way to assign an affiliate under another affiliate based on who got the commission.

    So if affiliate B bought something and the commission is assigned to affiliate A1 and after that affiliate B clicked on link of Affiliate A2 but not bought anything. is there a way when this affiliate B after the registration goes under Affiliate A1.

    Is there any way to solve this problem?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Lorenzo,

      You can change the assignments manually. You would go to Affiliates > Manage Affiliates, click the affiliate’s entry and under Tiers > Referrer you can change the assignment.

      Please rather post an entry in the forums when you have support questions for Affiliates Enterprise here.


      1. Thanks but it is a big job. It can not be done automatically based on the order?

        1. No, that can’t be done because there is no direct relation.

  25. Is the plugin of affiliates pro already updated with a multi tier function in it? If so where can i find it? where can i find something like that?

    1. It’s Affiliates Enterprise which supports tiers, Affiliates Pro does not provide them.

  26. Hi, does Affiliates Enterprise support recurring commissions? If so, where is the setting for this located exactly?
    Also, is there any way to set the first sale at a certain rate, then all future sales at a different rate? Many thanks

    1. antonio Avatar

      maybe Affiliates Permanent can help you (you can NOT set different rate to future sales).

      1. Okay, thanks Antonio.
        Also is it possible to advise an external partner about the name of the cookie which is dropped onto affiliates’ machines so that they can also test for it on their side?
        They will then take certain actions based on whether a new signup is an affiliate of ours or not.

        1. antonio Avatar

          the cookie’s name is “wp_affiliates”.

  27. Oh, I “want” also thank you…

  28. Purchased .. : )

    I would also thank you for the very nice tipp of Kerri Overbeeke and her album Sending a Message.. It´s beautiful.. : ) Thank You !

    1. Many thanks Bruno, yes Kerri’s awesome, isn’t she 🙂 ?

  29. Hey,

    please erase my 2 comments for moderation.. I understand

    Is it possible to purchase Affiliates Pro with WooCommerce Integration now, and upgrade to Enterprise if we need it later ?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Done !!!
      Yes, you can upgrade later (with a discount that you will have available in your downloads page).

  30. Virginia Avatar

    I have Affiliates Pro, just bought it last week. I am new to an e-commerce site. Would this be the version I need to set variable affiliate percentages by product? For instance, I have a book with contributing authors and they receive a higher percentage than a non-author affiliate. Right now it appears that higher percentage would apply to all products on my site (which is just this one for now, but hopefully not for long). Is that something I can customize within Affiliates Pro?

    And I’m sorry if this is somewhere, I have been searching the Affiliates Pro documentation and various Google searches for days. Finally I figured I would just ask. Thanks!

    1. antonio Avatar

      if you only have one author by book, then Affiliates Products can help you.
      If you have various authors by book, I’m working in an Affiliates Groups update that will include this feature (right now is not possible).


      1. Virginia Avatar

        Yes, there are actually 11 authors that contributed to one book. So I will need the Affiliates Groups when it’s available?

        1. antonio Avatar

          If you have more than one book with different authors, then you need Affiliates Groups (next update).
          If you only have one book, you can set a default rate/amount commission, and add a specific rate/amount to authors affiliates (editing them in Affiliates->Manage Affiliates)
          All the above assuming that you are using Woocommerce.

          1. Virginia Avatar

            Okay, that is what I’ve done because for now there is only one book. I’ll just keep an eye out for the new update. Thanks!

      2. Virginia Avatar

        I’m wondering if I even needed to purchase Affiliates Pro in the first place then. I assumed it would offer this ability.

        1. antonio Avatar

          In any case you need Affiliates Pro and the integration with WooCommerce (that includes Affiliates Pro).

      3. Lorenzo Avatar

        Hello, We just bought affiliate enterprise and we would like this funcion to add to our site.

        when can we expect affiliate groups to be ready.


        1. antonio Avatar

          I would like to have it available for the next week.
          I hope to have time for it 😉

          1. Lorenzo Avatar

            Please this is very important function for us

          2. When this add on will be ready? It says one week and already there have been one month.


            1. antonio Avatar

              sorry for the delay (too much work). The new version is now available Affiliates Groups.

  31. Oh, I have your free version installed. It works without issues…

  32. Hi Kento,

    I think for our longterm strategy WooCommerce Subscriptions isn´t the right solution for us. But thanks.

    #2 but it isn´t impossible ?

    #3 What do you think ? How hard it will be to let to develop an Integration from s2Members into WooCommerce ? There are a lot of People who need this. If you search in Google for “WooCommerce s2Members”, you find a lot of entries on pages for freelancers .. All europeans would have no trouble with vat because they can handle it with Woo, with a plugin like this. Also there are more payment gateways and it would be possible to bundle Membership Levels with Products… All with a simple integration, or it is not so simple ?? : )

    1. Hi Bruno,

      Regarding #2 not impossible, but be prepared for quite a budget.

      On #3 thanks for the suggestion Bruno, but with Groups, Groups WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions all perfectly integrated with WooCommerce these are my recommendation for such a scenario. Besides being the author of the Groups and Groups WooCommerce plugins, I also know the insides of WooCommerce Subscriptions and s2Member and clearly prefer WooCommerce Subscriptions because of how it is designed and its code quality. Also the features and ease of use speak for themselves, IMHO s2Member is not up to par compared to those.


  33. Hey, time is coming to purchase.

    Please tell me which Plugins I need to make the following possible.

    1. Integration with WooCommerce and S2Member, I think this means Enterprise.. ?

    2. I need to configure different Productlevels to 1 Affiliate. What did I want to do ? I wanna create a Package with s2Member with one blocked Group and one blocked Forum for 1 Moderator. Every time someone unlock this Package, the Moderator should get 80% and 20% stays for us. I will also give this Moderator the possibility to create different blocked posts for pay per view. Every time if someone unlock one of this posts, the Moderator should become 80% and 20% stays for us.
    Can I handle this just with enterprise or is an extension needed ? (Affiliates Products?)

    3. What is needed to track s2Member Package, in this case a blocked Forum and Group, with Affiliates? Is this included in Enterprise ?

    4. How it is possible to handle vat between WooCommerce, s2Member and Affiliates ?

    Best regards

    1. Hi Bruno,

      #1 I would rather recommend to use WooCommerce Subscriptions. Enterprise is not needed for that and the WooCommerce integration for Affiliates Pro supports referrals for recurring payments based on the Subscriptions extension.
      #2 What you describe looks like you would need a lot of customization on the affiliate part and is not supported OOTB.
      #3 The integration package which comes with Affiliates Pro and an integration specific for s2Member would be an option I suppose, but taking into account the above I would still recommend you use WooCommerce Subscriptions, again there would be things that won’t be supported due to your very specific requirements.
      #4 Commissions for WooCommerce are base on the net totals.

      Please give the free Affiliates plugin a try before you make any decision. There is a ‘light’ integration for WooCommerce which you can install as well.

  34. Hello,

    I wonder is it possible to set the product rate on let’s say 5% ,
    And than divide that 5% over . . a few tiers ?


    1. antonio Avatar

      You could divide this 5% in the levels, for example:

      – Level 0: 2% (as default rate)
      – Level 1: 2% (in Affiliates->Tiers)
      – Level 2: 1% (in Affiliates->Tiers)


  35. 1. Is it on any way possible to manage the PayPal Mass Payments with 19% Vat an top? You write: Pay-outs can be based on accumulated totals. That´s pretty fine, and as I can see your plugin transfers from every purchase the value exclude the vat to the affiliate account. That all is ok.
    But if I transfer the commission to our affiliates I must add 19% Vat on it..

    2. Is it possible to create a list of all purchases for every affiliate, to transfer this to our Affiliates before our payment? Because before we can pay our affiliates, they have to send us a invoice.

    1. Hi,
      You can use Affiliates Export Referral as reference to create you own total’s file.
      In class-affiliatesexport.php around line 88 you can set the fields.

  36. Hi Kento, today I installed your free version. It seems that it works without problems. I make a few test the next days, then I make my purchase : )

    Do you have a german language pack? If not, what should I do to use your exist PO Files to make my translations for the Backend? I just need it for the parts that gonna been used from the affiliates..

    1. Hi,
      Please refer to the translation templates and instructions given on

  37. I have affiliates enterprise and permanent affiliates installed with woocommerce. The direct referral amounts are showing up, but the 1st tier referrals are not being added to the totals shown by the shortcodes.

    Also, the downline is not being created since the permanent affiliates is added in the wp profile, not in the affiliate referral section of the affiliates plugin.

    Is there a solution to this problem?

    Thank you

    1. I am also using the coupon code to record the referrals.

    2. Can you please explain what you mean by “1st tier referrals are not being added to the totals”? I think you’re confusing the tiers and permanent assignment so it would be good to have a description of what you have in mind as a structure for your program. Please post these details as topics in the forum.

      1. I made a post in the forum and sent you login credentials through email from

  38. Hey Kento,

    thank you so much for your answers. This moment I fix some issues with the new WC and my Theme, after that I give your Plugins a try. Very nice support! I´am pleased to work with you in future. Thanks!

    Best regards

    1. Many thanks Bruno 🙂

  39. Ah sorry, does anything works fine with WooCommerce 2.1 ?

  40. Hi Kento,

    for the profile data it looks nice, thanks!

    With the Forum: I´ve installed bbpress. Is this usable for groups, too?

    If not, it is possible to use bbpress as a free forum, also for support e.g., and your plugin just for paying members? Or do you know any conflicts?

    Best regards

    1. Hi Bruno,

      bbpress isn’t integrated with Groups, at least not for its custom post types and group handling. You can’t use the two together as they clash on a custom post type. So it would be a decision of which one adjusts more to your requirements.

  41. Hey,

    Affiliate Enterprise:
    is it possible to use the profile datas from affiliate accounts inside a buddypress profile?

    I know we can combine it with woocommerce for mempership-products. Is it also possible to manage groups and forums from buddypress with it? We want to have a open forum and open groups section, but some groups and forums we want to open just for paying members.

    Please tell me we can do it with this plugin. It would be so nice 🙂

    Best regards

    1. Hi Bruno,

      I think you can simply use the shortcodes, have a look here

      Forums based on Groups? There’s a plugin for that 🙂

  42. Sorry,

    #2 “recognized by the system” – how can we track this? With WooCommerce itself or just with Paypal?

    This is important, too. Because we wanna tell our affiliates that their customers are lifetime..

    1. Do you mean you want to grant the affiliate a commission on every purchase that a customer makes once the customer has been referred by the affiliate? Then you would use Affiliates Permanent.

  43. Hello Kento, thank you so much for your answer. I will definitely use the free-version to see if it works, and if there are no conflicts, it looks that we found our solution 🙂 That´s fine!

    Please, my english is not the best (I think you see it during you´re reading my questions)

    #1 Thats fine. Rate per Product is also good. Does that mean, that we can set some products to a rate of 0% ?

    #3 Can I handle 19% vat with it? (Thats the most important)

    Thank you 🙂

    1. Great 🙂

      Yes you can use a 0 product rate, if you want to exclude them from creating commissions.

      Regarding VAT, the commissions are based on net totals excluding VAT.

  44. Hi Kento,

    rather nice to hear, ok. But there are a lot of questions 🙂 Please give just short answers. If something don´t work on this way, I ask here, it´s not really bad but we can plan it..

    1. Is it possible to create different link-types to different products (just usable for this product) inside our woocoomerce store?

    a : That means: Affiliate-Link-A for Affiliate-A is just for Product-A and Affiliate-Link-B for Affiliate-B is just for Product-B.. and no other Products in the store?

    b : Affiliate-Link-C for Affiliate-C is for every product in the store?

    c : Can we Create for one Affiliate different Links with different Affiliate-Levels for different products and just for these products? That means: Affiliate-A becomes a Affiliate-Link-A just for Product-A with 15%, and also an Affiliate-Link-B just for Product-B with 25%..

    2. What happens if a customer, that comes over an Affiliate, buy a second product

    a : directly with the Affiliate-Product

    b : a few days later

    c : but not the Affiliate-Product
    (We just want to work with some products with Affiliates, not with every product, because we have a wide range)

    3. We wanna use it for a Online-Shop in Germany. Here it is very important to add 19% vat on every sales-price. Can your Plugin manage this? On both sides, for the sales and for the Affiliates?

    4. Is your Plugin translation-ready (usable with Po-Edit) ?

    5. We´re using a lot of plugins. If there is a conflict with you´re plugin and we can´t become it to work, do you give us a refund? (We can´t erase our other Plugins). Normally it is no problem, but we wanna be sure..

    6. We don´t wanna create a page where anybody can register for our Affiliate-Program. We wanna use a form that can be used to send us all the datas, and if we think this person or website is a good partner for us, we wanna create an Affiliate-Account for ourself and send the login-datas to our new partners per mail. (We wanna do it on this way, because we wanna create an extra role with the members-plugin for our Affiliates..)
    Can we create the profile and the Affiliate-Link with your Plugin for ourself?

    7. You write it is easy to setup an Affiliate-Dashboard. Can we use shortcodes to create them or what is the way to bring them to work?

    8. We wanna use a lot of Landingpages. Here we wanna use your Plugin to create Non-Profit-Affiliate-Links just to track from which site our customers come. Is it also possible to use the functions of your tool just for tracking?

    9. We wanna use Gravity Form to manage complex product-configuration. It means we have a basic price and the customer can add some features on it and the price increase. Is this to handle with your plugins, too?

    Hope it´s not to much, thanks a lot!

    Best regards

    1. Hi Bruno,

      Thanks for posting your questions, there are some points where the system doesn’t present an exact match for your requirements, before you decide to try out Pro or Enterprise, please make sure to test with the free version – it’s fully functional and together with the free integrations that are available, it will give you a good idea on how suitable the system can be for your needs. Regarding your questions:

      #1 The WooCommerce integration allows to use product rates but these can’t be set per-product-per-affiliate, it uses a specific method with which you can set rates per product. The affiliate links are not specific to a product. An affiliate can link to any page on a site.

      #2 As long as the sale is recognized by the system as referred by an affiliate, the affiliate will get credit for the sale.

      #3 The commissions are based on net sales totals, i.e. excluding taxes.

      #4 Yes, there’s a repository on GitHub with the translation templates.

      #5 First try the free version, if that works and there are no conflicts with your setup, Pro and Enterprise should work just as well. See for refund policies please.

      #6 The affiliate area is generated on demand. You can set them up manually.

      #7 See

      #8 That depends on what data you expect to see. Hits and visits are recorded and available under the Affiliates menu. You can try it on the free version.

      #9 The plugin doesn’t interfere with how prices are handled. The commissions are based on the net order totals (or based on product totals if enabled).

  45. Hello,

    please can you tell me where I can send you some Pre-Sale Questions? I tried it with support at itthinx dot com, and also with itthinx at itthinx dot com. Both of them are send a few days ago and no answer till now.

    I´m very interested in purchasing „Affiliate Enterprise“, „Affiliates Gravity Forms“, „Product Commisions“ and „Affiliate Share“.

    Please give me a valid email where I can become an answer. Thnaks

    1. Hi Bruno,

      We’re very happy to answer your questions right here. In fact it’s the preferred way 🙂


  46. Hi Kento,

    Thanks once again for your prompt replies.
    I have one more question be for I purchase the Affiliates Enterprise plugin.

    Will it work with the WP Boot Store theme or should I change to one of the other free store themes?

    Best regards

    Gunther Wallendorf

    1. Hi Gunther,

      I would suggest to try the free Affiliates plugin on your site with its desired setup and theme. If that works fine and there are no conflicts, then it’s most probably going to work well with Affiliates Pro or Enterprise as well.

      Thanks for asking 🙂

  47. Masayuki Avatar

    Sorry, You must be busy but please give me help.
    Our client wants to build multi-tiered affiliate membership EC site.
    Setting conditions is complex. I thought that can not be helped even if there are operations that require manual operation.
    Please tell me necessary plug-ins and customize.

    Installed plugins
    -WooCommerce Subscriptions
    -Groups WooCommerce
    -Affiliates Enterprise
    -Affiliates WooCommerce Integration
    -Affiliates Parmanent
    -Affiliates Users

    Our business plan is follows;

    -Platinum member(Independent affiliater)
    -Gold member(Independent affiliater)
    -Customer(Non affiliater/Customer only registered)
    *Customer can be independent Gold member when apply for monthly subscription purchase.

    Product prices(Only one item)
    – @ $50 for Customer
    – @ $43 for Gold member(It can be purchased for own use)
    – @ $40 for Platinum member(It can be purchased for own use)

    Direct referral reward(1st Reward)
    -Platinum members get $10 per one sales.
    -Gold members get $7 per one sales.
    *If existing customers are independent to Gold members, 1st reward does not occur from him/her.

    Tiered referral reward(2nd Reward)
    -Platinum and Gold members get 2nd Reward when existing customer to be independent as Gold member.
    -Platinum and Gold members get $3 per one sales of whole of downline’s sales as 2nd Reward.

    Please see a description illustration >>>

    1. Masayuki Avatar


      -Platinum and Gold members get $3 per one sales of whole of independent group’s sales as 2nd Reward.

    2. Please open a topic for that in this forum.

  48. Hello Kento. I have a slightly different requirement that I wonder if your Enterprise version can handle. I need to set up a multi-level system for ‘Facilitators’ to send referrals to a central site and have them be tracked. So far seems like your system works.

    We don’t do affiliate commissions or affiliate sales per se – rather the facilitators earn their income downstream in a direct relationship selling products to their contacts – outside of the main website. All members however do need to sign up with the central auhtority and we need to be able to process transactions with PayPal for their initial registration but there are no commissions to track.

    Additionally, how hard is it to change the nomenclature in the system to say Facilitators, rather than Affiliates, on forms and in the affiliate area?

    Sorry for being so long winded. Looking forward to your response.

    1. Hi George,

      If I understand you correctly, then you just want to see the tiers that the system establishes (or which you establish manually). The Enterprise version would be an option in that case.

      Changing the Affiliates to say Facilitators instead is possible if you adjust the affiliate area and use a translation template where the words change. There are translation templates in this repository which can be used.

  49. I just bought a WP website with 20 quality affiliate marketing posts already built in to the site but was misinformed about the expertise needed to implement my own clicksure / clickbank affiliate ID’s.

    The people i bought it from have told me i need to edit a number of elements to make the site my own but not very helpful about what i need to edit them, what i put in and where i put it.

    This has truly knocked me for sic and wondered if you have any advice

    1. I don’t see any relation with Affiliates Enterprise here 🙂

  50. hello I need a plugin affiliate and each can have its own individual affiliate site every one if I have something you write a greeting mario

    1. I’d recommend to give the free Affiliates plugin a try.

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