Affiliates Enterprise

See Affiliates Enterprise in the shop for the latest information about our product.

For usage instructions please refer to the documentation.


767 responses to “Affiliates Enterprise”

  1. When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get four emails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Cheers!

    1. antonio Avatar

      in the email footer you have a “Manage your subscriptions” link.


  2. Hello!? Can somebody please answer my question?

    I want all my affiliates to be paid $5 for any subscriber they bring. There are 3 levels of subscriptions
    monthly, quarterly and yearly. I want the affiliate to receive his $5 every month for as long as the subscriber maintains his membership. How and where do I set this up?

  3. robertoarte Avatar

    Hello Antonio, I do not have this option 🙁 see image:

    1. antonio Avatar

      you must have Affiliate Pro/Enter. + Affiliates Woocommerce Integration and Woocommerce.
      And “Enable product referral rates” in Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration.


      1. robertoarte Avatar

        Thanks 🙂

  4. I want all my affiliates to be paid $5 for any subscriber they bring. There are 3 levels of subscriptions
    monthly, quarterly and yearly. I want the affiliate to receive his $5 every month for as long as the subscriber maintains his membership. How and where do I set this up?

    1. antonio Avatar

      every time a user pay a subscription, the affiliate get a commission. If the subscription is monthly, affiliate get a commission monthly, similar quarterly and yearly.
      You must enable ” Enable product referral rates” in Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration, and set a default rate and/or a product rate in each product.


      1. i dont use woocommerce – i have s2members

        1. so where do i have to active it to make sure the referral will always be credited to the affiliate as long as the referral maintins his membership?

          1. antonio Avatar

            in Affiliates->S2Member, in section “Subscriptions & referrals” you must check ” Maintain subscription referrals for the initial affiliate.” and set limit mantaining subscription (If set to 0, there is no time limit).


  5. robertoarte Avatar

    Affliate Pro and affiliates Enterprise what are the differences? I did not find comparative table but only this: (lite subsidiaries, affiliates pro)…… I Can I set a percentage for single product? (woocommerce). Tanks

    1. antonio Avatar

      Affiliates Enterprise have multi tier commissions and containing various integrations.

      You can set a percentage for every product with woocommerce integration (included in Affiliates Enterprise).


      1. robertoarte Avatar

        Thanks Antonio, I have buy Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Pro…. but I do not see the option to set a percentage for every product …

        1. antonio Avatar

          in every product, section Product Data -> Affiliates


  6. Hi, I actually find out that we can only set commission rate on 2 digit, like 0.12, if u want it to be specific, RM100 out of RM399, I gonna set at 0.2506754 when im using affiliate light its OK to set tah figure. any how I could fix it?

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can change decimal precision in lib/core/constants.php

      careful when updating, to setup again this constant.

      1. Hi

        May I know where is the php file located. I’ve try many edit location still unable to find it. Thanks!

        1. antonio Avatar

          The constants.php is in: wp-content/plugins/affiliates-enterprise/lib/core/contants.php


  7. I have the affiliate enterprise solution installed and use it on wordpress together with s2members.

    I want all my affiliates to be paid $5 for any subscriber they bring. There are 3 levels of subscriptions
    monthly, quarterly and yearly. I want the affiliate to receive his $5 every month for as long as the subscriber maintains his membership. How and where do I set this up?

    1. antonio Avatar

      You can see how to config here


  8. Deskpops Avatar

    I’ve installed Affiliates Enterprise and can’t seem to deselect “Allow affiliate registration” and “Notify the site admin when a new affiliate is registered.” I don’t want people to sign up, I want to grant affiliate status to specific people.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Can you uncheck other options?, Or this happens with all options


      1. Deskpops Avatar

        Hi Antonio,

        It was only those two options. I finally got it to work by turning them off one at a time. If I turned them both off and clicked “Save,” they would come back. Doing them one at a time seemed to fix the issue.

        1. antonio Avatar

          I’m glad you solved it.
          we will look it.


  9. Does the multi-tier system work with Affiliates Products? So for a given product, can a designate a certain commission percentage to go to one affiliate, and then a different percentage to a second tier affiliate? And what if the products are downloadable products as opposed to tangibles?

    1. It’s not supposed to support it. Affiliates Products is intended to grant a commission on product sales to one affiliate at a given rate.

  10. Hi there,
    ive just bought the enterprise version for the tier affiliate, buy i dunno how to set it, could u please show me the video or the direction of it thanks.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Enrico,
      You can configure Tier in Affiliates->Tier, there you can find information.
      More info about Affiliates Enterprise in:


      1. Hi
        ive solved all the problem and the only last is the commission for tier.

        i can set tier and from default rate, and the commission are correct, RM100 for level 1, RM30 for level 2, but i set to product rate, the zero to certain product commission payout for level 2 is RM0 which is correct, But the level 2 still RM30, i hope you get what i mean.


        1. antonio Avatar

          this is correct. Multi tier commissions are general, but when you set a product rate, this is only for the affiliate. Therefore product A generates a commission to affiliate A (level 1) of 0 (rule defined in product rate), but a commission to B (level 2) nonzero (rule defined in multi tier).

          we are working for commissions are based on the level above, and this solve your case. We will add it in future updates, please follow us on twitter to be notified (@itthinx).


  11. Dear support team,

    I am planning to purchase the Affiliate Enterprise Plugin. Before buying it, I have one question:

    -> will it be difficult to integrate it with the Magic Members membership plugin (

    Thank you for a quick feedback!

    1. Hi Joachim,

      I’m not sure if it would be difficult to integrate with that plugin, as far as Affiliates/Pro/Enterprise is concerned, it offers an API and several integration examples that can be used and normally it’s easy to integrate with other systems as long as they provide a means of hooking into their process.

      Another option would be to consider an existing integration, for example Jigoshop or WooCommerce and Groups + its appropriate integration (either one of the free ones with Affiliates or a premium integration with Affiliates Pro or Enterprise) or Affiliates Pro/Enterprise & s2Member.

      If you have any particular questions regarding these integrations, you’re welcome to ask further.

  12. Hi.
    1) Affiliate’s “pretty link” – gets 404.
    (regular affiliate’s link works. I’ve pretty links on the site)
    2) I’m going to install a Graph Chart WP plugin (to use it with Affiliate Enterprise Affiliate Stat graph).
    How do I incorporate / use the plugin to work with Affiliate Enterprise?
    3) I’m try to differentiate affiliates from regular users.
    If I add a user Role “Affiliate”.(right now the affiliates are “subscriber” role).
    What / where do I have to change in Affiliate Enterprise so when a new affiliates signs up it is user Role “Affiliate”?
    Also, will that work Affiliate Enterprise.

    1. Hi there,
      #1 Please post the link you are using.
      #2 You would pull it from the database and feed it that plugin, this of course depends on what interface that plugin offers and what data you want to show through it.
      #3 Affiliates are their own entities, affiliate entries can – but are not necessarily – related to user accounts. So using a role to identify them would not necessarily provide what you would expect. If all your affiliates have related user accounts, then of course it might be a solution. What would you use the role for exactly?

      1. campo13 Avatar

        Hi Kento.
        AE puts out the links for affiliate:
        link: – works-
        Pretty: -doesn’t work-
        #2 What I’m thinking is: install the Graph Chart WP plugin – then, in AE where it calls the Graph display file – replace that with the Graph Chart WP plugin file name/shortcode.
        So when AE calls: Graph display – the Graph Chart WP plugin would display the graphs (not AE display)….does it make since?…
        So, in AE script – where is AE calls the “Graph” display file – that is where I need to make the change.
        #3 I use “User Role Editor” plugin to create different roles -which then helps in managing users based on roles- then assign capabilities based on they role. Like “Store Manager” -who can manage store products- but nothing else.
        Which also makes it easy when “change” people.
        So creating a role: “Affiliate” makes it easy to manage users who are affiliates.-aside from other users with “subscriber” role.


        1. Ok, on #1, do you have a page at .../affiliate? It might be a problem if there is a page sitting at the same URL.
          For #2 as I haven’t used that plugin I can’t say if that would work, but if you can feed it the data, I’d say it should. But I would recommend to do it outside in a separate plugin (don’t hack the plugin code).
          For #3 if you have a look at the registration form code you will see there are several action hooks fired which can be used to assign a specific role to the newly added user. Let me know if you know how to use that.

          1. #1… This sounds like the similar problem to me. Pretty URL’s are not working, however I have changed the affiliate name to ‘distributor’ but I do not have any page sitting at that URL….any ideas? This is becoming urgent!

            1. Do you have a page with slug ‘distributor’? I tried that already but got a 404 for the site … in draft?

  13. Kento.

    I would like a nicer graph display.
    1)How do I change the affiliate stat Graph display style.
    a) a nicer style
    b)change to: Pie chart
    c)use Pictograph (icon display) show affiliates their sub affiliates
    2) how do I show the graphs side by side
    3) on affiliate log-out redirect to same page (I don’t want to send affiliates to main wp login.

    btw: what plugin you use for the numbers in this form

    1. a) It depends on what you mean by ‘nicer’ as the perception of beauty is rather subjective.
      b) Pie chart is not an option (yet?), what aspect would you want to display?
      c) There is a shortcode solution coming up to show the network.
      2) You could use container divs for that.
      3) See Useful Plugins (also for the captcha plugin).

      1. “There is a shortcode solution coming up to show the network”

        AWESOME! My affiliates would love to be able to see their network of sub-affiliates graphically. And just to plug the suggestion again… for the added Admin ability to change which Affiliate a Sub-Affiliate belongs to 🙂 (I know you’ve already said it’s a work-in-progress)

        Great work Kento!

        1. Thanks Terry, yes also the ‘moving around’ option is going to be added 🙂

      2. campo13 Avatar

        Kento, thanks.
        Any time frame on New shortcodes for AE?
        Great…..can’t wait for shortcodes…. AE really deserves more shortcode options then the otherversions.

        1. Thanks for asking and I agree, I can’t give you an exact release date yet because new features are currently implemented and in testing yet, but I hope we can see at least the more essential ones around networks within the month.

  14. Hi,

    I want to add the PayPal email address field to the affiliate registration form but I’m uncertain as to what attributes I need to add to the [affiliates_registration] short code in order to accomplish this.


    1. Hi,
      By default, Affiliates Pro uses the email address used at registration as the PayPal email for mass payment files, they would only need to indicate it in their profile if it was different.

      1. Hi Antonio,

        Thanks for your reply. I was aware of that already but is there anyway to update the label text for the email form field that appears with the [affiliates_registration] registration form to inform affiliates that the email that they are to enter into the email address should also be the email address that they use to receive PayPal payments? I just want to avoid confusion as much as possible and the affiliates who signup may be aware of this.



        1. Hi,
          the easiest way is to put by example:
          “* Please indicate your PayPal email address which will be used for affiliate payments.”

          form below

          another way is create/modify the language file (in wp-content/plugins/affiliates-pro/lib/core/languages)


  15. Hi Kento.

    How/where do I change/customize the affiliate registration email?
    (the email what the affiliate gets after registration)
    It’s need be different then other type of users on the site – who are not affiliate.


    1. Hi there,
      Have a look at the Useful Plugins section and the SB Welcome Email Editor plugin mentioned there. The notification that affiliates receive is the standard email sent out by WordPress to new users. With that plugin, you can customize it.

      1. Thanks, will check it out.

      2. Presently my setup does not send out the standard email. Tell me what I did wrong.

        1. Hi,
          you can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look.

  16. I’d like to log the suggestion/request for the ability to change which Affiliate a Sub-Affiliate is assigned to in the multi-tier hierarchy. For example if “Affiliate B” is a sub-affiliate of “Direct” but had intended to sign-up under their friend “Affiliate A”, I can shift “B” to be a sub-affiliate of “A” instead.

    Affiliate Enterprise is an Excellent Tool! Loving it!!

    1. Thank you very much Terry 🙂

      The ability to “move” them to another account really makes sense, another good usage scenario for that would be when you are building up on an already established network of partners. The implementation of this feature is already scheduled and on its way.

      1. TRPeterson Avatar

        Hey Kento! We’re loving Affiliate Enterprise on our site! Curious if there’s any update on when the ability to “move” a sub-affiliate from one affiliate to another will be published?

        1. Hey many thanks, great to hear that! This feature has already been implemented and will be available with this week’s update.

          1. I just upgraded to the new Aff. Ent. and Woocommerce integration. Now whenever a visitors gets to my site through an affiliate’s link, they’re sent to my blog posts. I don’t use blog postings on this site, so it looks to the visitor like my website is down. My WP Read settings are set to have “a static page” as my front page, not “my latest posts”… so I don’t understand how the Aff. plugin is redirecting visitors to my blog.

            1. antonio Avatar

              can you give us a link? so we can have a look.

          2. The website is

            An example of an affiliate link is

            Something else I notice with the new upgrade, is that when I visit an affiliate link… the URL bar stays on that affiliates link instead of redirecting to (without the “?affiliates=132” part). I actually like the fact it doesn’t lose the “?affiliates=132” better, just a difference I noticed is all.

            1. antonio Avatar

              Are you sure you are using “affiliates” as parameter? You can check this in Affiliates->Options->Affiliate URL parameter name
              If you want, you can send us to support at itthinx dot com admin access and we’ll have a look.

          3. Yes, it’s still “affiliates” for the URL parameter. No changes were made to Affiliates Enterprise aside from upgrading to the most recent Aff. Ent. and Woocommerce integration pack.

            1. antonio Avatar

              I have created a new affiliate “eggemplo”, please confirm my affiliate.

          4. I emailed back to the address you signed-up with… just thought I’d post here as well. Your account is confirmed. Thanks for looking into this for me!

            1. antonio Avatar

              Hi, I have sent you an email. cheers

  17. Hi.
    Which tracking method is used in Affiliates plugin?
    Cookie tracking?

    1. It depends, based on cookie is the basic tracking, based on IP or combination depending on the integration, based on coupon codes where supported.

  18. Hi there,
    This looks really cool. Actually I have a client and we are running his whole affiliate system for him through multiple services and hold html pages. We’ve been doing it like this for years. Now he wants to upgrade and we usually do simple WordPress sites etc. We want to be able to use a crm maybe (wp-crm) woocommerce, and then this looks like a good system for the affiliate system. If you don’t mind can you recommend the correct version of the product I should purchase from here. Also if you can shed any light on integrating this with a crm/woocommerce of if there is even a need to do that, I’d really appreciate it. You can reach me at my email and I’ll be subscribed to this post. Thank you

    1. Hi Alex,
      I would first recommend to have a look at the free Affiliates plugin and the free WooCommerce integration to see if that suits what you have in mind. I haven’t tried WP-CRM but I have quite extensive experience consulting and developing for clients based on people and process-oriented solutions (where technology is the very least and last part of concern). If the free versions fit in with what you have in mind, then you could consider upgrading and going steps further ahead with regards to CRM.

  19. Hi.
    Another question:
    User goes to affiliate2’s site and clisk on the affiliate link – goes to my site but don’t buy.
    SAME User goes to affiliate3’s site and clisk on the affiliate link – goes to my site but don’t buy.

    Next day, the user goes to my site and buys.

    Who gets the refferal / commission?

    1. The affiliate3 would get it.

      1. Thanks Kento.
        Another words…..It’s always the last affiliate links who gets a credit. Is that correct?

        1. Yes that’s right (it’s open for other approaches if needed but that’s how it works OOTB).

  20. Hi.
    Just bought Affiliate Enterprise.

    in your email: You can access your account area here:
    …’s blank…. no login.

    1) Support is only this Internet forum?
    (no separate support for members?)

    2)Want to setup a (first affiliate) Aff1
    So Aff1 will get commission from all tier level….. from all affiliates / referrals / purchases.etc

    How do I do it?

    Please send me instruction.


    1. Re #1 Yes, questions regarding the Enterprise release can be posted here.

      For #2, the closest setting you could use for that is in Affiliates > Tiers Direct is a referrer and probably Always record referrers, note that if a new affiliate is actually referred by another affiliate, then that one will not be a sub-affiliate of Direct. Is there any particular motivation to have all affiliates as sub-affiliates of one particular account?

      To log in and access your files, please visit the downloads section (that’s where your files/updates are anyway).

      1. On #2.
        The reason is. Let just say…it is a personal “reward” I want Aff1 to get a commission for all tier level. Question: #1. What if I set the links on registration page (and add the Aff1 ID to the links), would that make aff1 as the referrals – so like for a new affiliate registration (Aff2) then would make Aff1 as a referrals and Aff1 would get commission after Aff2. Right? #2. Then if Aff2 refers another affiliate/purchase, Aff1 will also get a commission….right? Since Aff1 was a referral….I don’t know if “sub-affiliate” or not..I just try to set it up so Aff1 get commission from everyone….
        I hope there is a solution…

        1. Ummm … to be honest I’m not sure if I do understand exactly 🙂 If you just want to grant a commission on every sale to a certain affiliate, there is a filter that can be used to do that: affiliates_record_referral. A small plugin can be coded which would then record a referral for a specific affiliate on each and every normal referral.

          1. Just realized I didn’t say thanks on this.

  21. pepi_papa Avatar

    thank your sir,ill try the above and i hope ill get along without any problems

  22. pepi_papa Avatar

    im interested to use your affiliates pro/enterpr. version since the basic version does not cover the need of
    “Setting up a marketing resources page for affiliates”.

    if after creating the resource, i can customize the links/banners landing page
    (i mean using custom urls for the links )

    and the link/banner together (i mean as having a whole block containing all my links
    and pics resulting in something like a whole page with text/links/pics which can be copy pasted by the affiliates to their hosted websites)

    if after creating the affliate key and using it in the affiliate’s link there is a payment per action/registration/purchase, meaning after a
    visitor registers or purchases a product of a custom url(1) resource link,
    if i get to record that kind of action so i can pay my affiliate with that option

    alternative payment methods besides paypal

    interested in:
    wire tranfer
    western union

    to be more presice.

    if im able to make referals based on this website(my refferals) not my affiliates referals

    1. #1 & #2 is possible with both free and Pro or Enterprise, the latter two make things a lot easier to set up though (see the documentation about shortcodes and links from there for more info on that).
      The other points really depend on the system you want to you as your store or membership plugin and you will probably need some customization for #3 depending on what is already supported or not. There is no restriction on payment methods you use, the system provides a totals section that generates a mass payments file which you can then use with those processors that allow to make payments using such a file or simply manually if required. For #5 I think you’re referring to referrals that are not attributable to any affiliate but have been made directly through the site, there is the Direct affiliate intended exactly for that.

  23. Hello again,

    Next questions:

    1. What is the difference between “hits” and “visits”?
    From my tests follows that hits correspond to the number of clicks in affiliate link. And “visits” correspond to the number of unique visitors.
    Is this true?

    2. How to show in the affiliate statistics number of subaffiliates per level and earnings from the subaffiliates?

    1. Regarding #1 that’s correct.
      Currently there is no shortcode for #2 but adding shortcodes specific to affiliate relations is currently being considered. Of course it could be shown in a template file by accessing the data, if that’s what you want to do we could work out a code example for you to use.

  24. Hello,

    Today I bought Affiliates Enterprise.
    I have a question.
    How and where I can translate the plugin?
    Language files are in three folders: core, eext and ext.
    I translated a file from “ext” folder, but no changes on the webpage.

    1. There are three translation files, please get in touch here.

      1. Hello,

        Yesterday I sent you an email. Answer where and how to translate the plugin still does not have (translated file from “ext” folder not working).
        Another problem:
        Shortcode: [affiliates_affiliate_stats type = "stats-referrals" show_pending = "true" /] in the “Post” column shows a link to the order, not to the post. Link redirects to “not found” page.
        In “Post” column logged affiliate see:
        “Protected: Order – Feb 02, 2013 @ 09:42 AM”

        1. Emailed the .pot files just now. What appears in the Post column is correct, the integration stores the order’s post ID and that’s what appears, not found is because the affiliate isn’t allowed to access the order data. You should use the short code this way: [affiliates_affiliate_stats type="stats-referrals" show_pending="true" show_post="false"].

  25. sybercoda Avatar

    I’m using Affiliates Enterprise / WooCommerce and I see how to add a PayPal email address field as an attribute for a specific affiliate but I need to add the PayPal email address field to the affiliate sign-up registration form. Please tell me that I won’t have to manually add the PayPal email address field to each individual affiliate, it would take me a very long time to do so.


    1. It’s quite simple, the address used when an affiliate registers is used as the default. If you want them to be able to provide an alternative email, you can include it and let them modify it as documented here.

  26. I already own a license for Affiliates Pro that I purchased from Pippin at EDD. Since you include all integrations with Affiliates Enterprise, how much do those of us who already purchased another integration pay for an upgrade from Pro to Enterprise? I don’t see any mention of an upgrade price on your shop page for the extension…

    1. Currently there’s no upgrade option you could purchase directly in the shop but please get in touch and we can work something out.

  27. Hi Kento,

    thanks for all your replies – will go and test tehm out and will post a feedback then, ok?


  28. Maverick Avatar


    Is possible in the Enterprise version to set a commisions for individual products? I use WooCommerce.
    For example product A – comission 10%, product B – commision – 20%.

    1. It will be made available, was actually scheduled to be released with the latest updates but had to be postponed.

      1. Maverick Avatar

        OK. When are you thinking of this update?

        And an additional questions:
        1. What about the lifetime commission for affiliate?
        Can it be set?

        2. Affiliates Products
        When I use this extension can affiliate earn commision set in “Affiliate Products” (his product) and standard affiliate commision together?
        For example, the author of the product receives 50% commission on each sale. But he also promotes the product through his affiliate link (the standard commission for partners is 25%). Does he will charge a 75% commission if the sale occurs with his affiliate link?

        1. As soon as possible (for the update).

          #1 Support for recurring commissions will also be added for the WooCommerce integration.
          #2 Yes they will receive commissions on both if applicable.

          1. I also would like this option also. Can i help in any way with beta testing. Or is there any news about a release or development version.

            1. Thanks Bas, that would certainly be appreciated. Would you mind dropping me a line on that here, I’ll get in touch as soon as it’s ready for beta testing.

          2. Tried couple of times to contact you through the link you gave but abviously its not getting through as there is no reply. Can you help me please.

            1. I just got to see it, responded a minute ago 🙂

  29. Hi all,

    how could I add more fields to the registrationfarm for affiliate? For legalreasons (in germany)fields for the complete Address, phon etc are mandatory. Should I do something via gravity-forms?

    Best regards and compliments for the very good work,

    1. Hi Jens,

      You can either derive a registration form from the existing one (coding involved) or use a plugin such as Profile Builder (see Useful Plugins) to add the fields to the user profile.

      Another option would be to use your own form and call Affiliates_Registration::register_affiliate( $userdata ).

      Thanks for the kudo 🙂 Please let me know if the above helps.

  30. Hi

    just some presalesquestions:

    Will I have to purchase an integrationpack (woocommerce, gravity-forms) asides the enteprise-Version? and what about translations?

    1. The integrations are included with the Enterprise release, note that there is currently no integration with Gravity Forms, although there is one (also included) with Contact Form 7.
      Which translation would you need?

      1. Hi Kento,

        thanks for your reply. So also part of the next posting according to gravity-forms is already answered. Thanks for this.

        But again, how about extending the registration-fields, so that they are compliant to german/european laws, any news about this?

        Thanks for helping,

        PS.: By error I have posted a similar question at the forum in affiliates – ignore it then;)

        1. Got it here 🙂 Let me know if that would help please.

      2. Thanks for your reply.
        I would need a german translation, but maybe, I could do this with “CodeStyling Localization” by myself?
        Any news abut extending the registration-for

        Thanks for helping,

        1. I’ve not used that plugin but from what it says I think you could use it. Or just the usual way with a text editor based on the .pot files.

        2. Hi Jens,

          I am planning to purchase Affiliate Enterprise, too. I intend to you is on one of my German websites. Thus, I will need the German translation files as well.

          Have you already translated the file using CodeStyling Localization (I really love this localization plugin)? Maybe you are willing to share it with my for a small compensation?

          If not, maybe we can split the work into two halfs and translate the plugin together.

          What do you think? Thank you very much for a brief feedback.

  31. Hi kento,

    I get this error “Affiliates Jigoshop Integration plugin requires an appropriate Affiliates plugin to be activated: Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise.”


    “Affiliates Jigoshop Integration plugin requires the Jigoshop plugin to be activated.”

    I am running WPMU wordpress 3.5 with the latest Jigoshop version. Can you help. I can give you server access if you request through email. Please advice and thank you in advance. Its a beautiful plugin.

    1. Hi Ruckiy,
      Yes let’s have a look, is this on the main site?

  32. Hello Kento,
    How can i change the language to spanish?

  33. rdmadss1 Avatar

    was my previous comment deleted?

    1. No, you posted it here – I’ve posted a reply with what I emailed you as well 😉

  34. Hi Kento

    How do I add the tracking URL to the affiliated page?


    1. Hi Kenneth,
      I assume you are referring to the affiliate link? If you haven’t generated the default affiliate area yet, please try it (go to Affiliates > Options and hit the Generate button on top of the page). When logged in as an affiliate, on that page you will see basic HTML code that can be used to embed the affiliate’s link on a page.
      Please make sure to have a look at the documentation as well, there is a lot of useful information related to how you can create additional resources for your affiliates.

  35. Is Campaign ID or campaign tracking available?
    I can’t find anything in the docs or comments that says so.
    More specifically, adding another variable to the affiliate URL

    This way affilaites would be able to know where their
    referrals come from and if they are doing paid advertising
    which are profitable.


    1. That’s currently not supported, but yes, that would be quite useful. Noted as a feature request.

  36. Where can I see the change log for 2.2.6 – Great job! I bought two copies so far 🙂

    1. Many thanks Gary, this is much appreciated. Changes for the core plugin are detailed in the changelog and related to Pro and Enterprise on @itthinx.

  37. Hi

    I just bought the Enterprice version, but I can´t work out how to integrate it with an ECWID shop ???

    Best regards
    Kenneth D

    1. Hi Kenneth,
      This includes the integration plugin for Ecwid, after you install Affiliates Enterprise, also install the included plugin for Ecwid, go to Affiliates > Ecwid and follow the instructions on that screen to set it up. If you have specific questions regarding the Ecwid integration later on, please post them here.

  38. I recently got a copy of affiliate enterprise it’s showing there is an update? How can i Update ?

    1. Updates are available on the Downloads page.

  39. Affiliates Enterprise with generic support for multiple tiers has been released and is available in the shop:

  40. Looks like you have been talking about multi-level for going on almost a year now. Is it available yet?

    1. It’s been available all the time with customized deployments, that’s what seemed to make most sense because most projects have particular requirements that are difficult to cover with a generic solution. That said, a generic solution still is planned to be released but had to be postponed because of other priorities. Thanks for showing interest in this, with more interest shown in a generic solution it’s also much more probable to have it ready soon.

      1. Mostly I am just looking for the ability to have multi-level affiliates. At least 2 levels preferably more.

        Can you quote a cost on that feature?

  41. Yet another person looking for multi-tiered affiliate support. Please let us know ETA into Pro or pricing for Enterprise license. Nothing fancy just 2-3 levels with custom percentages based on sales. Specifically looking at integration with Jigoshop.

    1. Thanks for indicating your interest in that, hope to get this out soon but still no exact date.

  42. another question: I’ve bought the plugin 2ce and am using on 2 different sites. Is there a way to integrate my affiliates who’ve signed up for 2 different sites. (probably not I’m guessing, but add a new URL for affiliates and they’ll get credit..)
    I used to use postaffiliate pro. crazy making to figure out all the details to make it work.

    1. I would suggest to the affiliates on one site to sign up with the affiliate program on the other site. To simply add them on a site where they haven’t signed up and agreed with the terms, could raise privacy and legal issues. If you invite them to join the other site as well, they can decide if they want to and accept the terms when joining.

  43. I’m looking for a way to email all my affiliates with a specific link. Is there anyway to do that with your plugin? I’ve already got the pro version. thanks

    1. I think you’re mentioning a very worthy feature here, but it isn’t yet available (not in Pro or Enterprise). Duly noted as a feature request.

      1. maybe integrate with a ’email all registrants on the wordpress blog’ plugin (I know there are some already out there) where I can put in the shortcodes…?

        1. There’s this plugin: Email Users. I haven’t tried it myself but from its description it looks as if it might help you out.

  44. hey kento, wondering if the two tier is available i am now a few months in and require it so if not… do you have a quick work around or code to add let me know asap thanks… love the plugin works like a charm.


  45. Can your software be used or adapted to run an affiliate network? Such as a little Commission Junction type setup?

    1. It can be used as a framework to build a solution to requirements, really depends on what you want it to be able to handle.

      1. Kento,

        Thanks for the prompt reply. I’m encouraged that your excellent plugin may be coded to support what I’m looking for. I really believe you can fill an empty niche with an affiliate network management plugin, as I’ve been unable to find one.

        Actually, the app at will do just about everything I’d like. But, unfortunately, there are many adverse comments and reviews out on the web about this company. (I know nothing personally about them. I am only reporting what I have read, and which can be easily found in the Google SERPs when searching that company.)

        By viewing “Features” on the above page you can get an idea of what’s needed. At this point I don’t know enough about your plugin to compare side-by-side and list what new coding is needed to adapt it to support a basic, lean affiliate network management plugin. Then, features could be added later, etc.

        I started to compile a list of “must haves” and “nice to haves” but got lost in all the details of each program. Your plugin may already have many of essentially the same features in it. And you would be a good judge of what would be necessary functionality. However, I can make a complete list if necessary.

        At this point, does this still look do-able?

        1. Thanks for the info Larry, the software from Alstrasoft says Release: Aug 14, 2004 … no comment on that 😉
          About the features, I suggest you take a look at the feature comparison and then at the documentation. There are also videos about each integration, just visit the shop and watch a few. I would say you should then be able to get a clear picture of whether this meets your requirements in general and if it does, which of the integrations would be most suitable for your case.

  46. Can you send me information on the Affiliates Pro Enterprise version including prices?



    1. I suggest to have a look at the documentation, the Enterprise version is usually customized according to specific requirements. Please email me with your requirements.

  47. vincent Avatar

    perfect so soon … at this time 1 tier is ok but over the coming months do you think that will be a feature that will integrate well into our current install without losing the data on our current affiliates?

    we can always role out a campaign to current affiliates promoting the new 2nd tier if that is an option.

    1. Yes it should certainly fit in without affecting the data integrity on an update or on ‘activating’ secondary tiers. And as interest continues to grow, I’d say give it a couple of months max to be available – that’s no promise, but a good guess 😉

  48. vincent Avatar

    does your pro version include a two tier affiliate program or will I require the enterprise to get two tier? …I have purchased pro already but have not yet installed seen this link in the readme file 😀


    1. The Pro version doesn’t provide multi-tiers yet … this seems to be getting more and more popular though and as it’s been asked for more often recently, I’m considering adding a generic multi-tier capability to Pro. Up to now the requests for that kind of affiliate program always were so different that a generic solution didn’t seem feasible to provide and each implementation was based on a customized Enterprise.

      1. I would like a multi-tier affiliate capability for Pro, please! Let me know when it comes. Will help to increase my coverage for the products I’m offering. Many thanks.

  49. Where can I purchase the enterprise version?

    1. Please contact me with your requirements.

  50. I’d like information on Affiliates Enterpsie. Specifically: what is the license, and what features are included (we use the WP eCommerce plugin for most websites)? Do you have an unlimited site license?

    1. You can find the SUSDL that applies to the Pro and Enterprise plugins here.
      Unless you need to manage multi-tier affiliate programs or have specific requirements, the integration with WP e-Commerce based on Affiliates Pro is adequate for most deployments and you can download the Affiliates Pro WP e-Commerce Integration Pack here.
      For volume licensing please email me with an estimate number of licenses needed.

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