Affiliates by Username

Usernames in Affiliate Links

This WordPress plugin is an extension to the Affiliates plugins and allows affiliate links to indicate usernames in addition to the affiliate IDs used normally.

The plugin provides the [affiliates_by_username] shortcode that converts affiliate links by substituting the affiliate ID with the username.

See the plugin’s documentation pages Affiliates by Username for more details.

To obtain the plugin go here Affiliates by Username.


65 responses to “Affiliates by Username”

  1. Hello,
    Sorry if the question has already been asked, I bought and installed the username plugin.
    I just want to show the username link in the dashboard after the ref id :
    Can you please help me do that ?
    Thank you,
    Best Regards,

    1. Hi James,

      I can’t find your order related to the email indicated, can you please post your support request on or indicate your order number so our team can follow up?


      1. Romain Cimenta Avatar
        Romain Cimenta

        Hello, this is my order number, Order #33458, James is my partner.
        Thank you for the support,
        Best Regards,
        Romain & James

        1. Thank you very much, our team will help you further via the topic created for this.


  2. andrian kolev Avatar
    andrian kolev

    So i got the plugin but cant figure out how to change those to show as user link and not ID

    one in the dashboard as well:

    1. Hi Andrian,

      Please have a look at the documentation page for this extension to see examples of usage. You can also customize the templates* by adding it, e.g. using do_shortcode().

      * Templates documentation:

      – Affiliates templates
      – Affiliates Pro templates
      – Affiliates Enterprise templates


  3. Hi,

    I have installed Affiliates by Userbane and put the shortcode.
    But in the WP Admin Menu of Manage Affiliates, the affilite code still number, not user name.
    How to change that (in WP Admin Menu: Manage Affiliate)


    1. Hi SOLVED.

      I see in Affiliates Referrals. Thank you


      1. Great, thanks for following up!

  4. Hello Antonio,

    First off, amazing plug-in and I appreciate your assistance. I currently have the Affiliates by Username plugin and currently have a small problem.

    I’m trying to display JUST the username without any URL. I’ve tried..


    But it will still display the username as an ID (A number "2").

    Is it possible to display JUST the username?

    And perhaps the Fist Name, Last Name, Address as a text field?



    1. Hi Steven,
      if you want to display affiliate’s info as lineal text, maybe this plugin can help you, ex. [aff-show-attributes show_name="true" /]
      Please for support question use the forums.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  5. Hello, I read several of the replies above so its clearer but not fully clear to me. What I need to do is provide affiliate links to specific products to my affiliates ( I have the enterprise version) but am unsure of the best way to do that, especially when there are many products.Can you briefly outline the steps needed for that- ie setting that must be changed and any shortcodes that must be entered. Thanks.

    1. Hi khalil,
      you can use the [affiliates_affiliate_link] shortcode using the ‘url’ parameter.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  6. Hi,
    I need to add affilate URL with affiliate username instead of affiliate Id in notifications(emails).I tried to add the shortcode like
    [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_link type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username] but didi not work Can You please help me asap. i have pro plugin and affilate by username plugin

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Asha,
      ‘pretty’ attribute is deprecated. You can not use shortcode in notifications by default, you can use the tokens predefined or create your own tokens.
      In your case, you can use for example:[affiliate_name]
      Antonio B.

  7. Fantastic to find out about the Pretty Link!!
    [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_url type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username]
    I was looking to use Pretty Link Pro as I didn’t know this was an option.
    However, I do have a customization question.

    What would be the best approach to have a Affiliate URL parameter name change based on Group?
    Obviously this will take a bit of custom development, so hoping you can help me point the developer in the right direction.

    Affiliate – John in group Player
    Affiliate – Firebird in group Team

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Bo,
      sorry, pretty links are no longer supported.
      Antonio B.

  8. I’m having issues with this plugin. When I use the affiliate URL ?affiliate=4 it works. When I use ?affiliate=user I get the following:
    No Results Found

    The page you requested could not be found. Try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post.

    Any ideas why this might be happening

    1. Hi,
      please give us an url to have a look.
      Be sure you have intalled and enabled the plugin 🙂

      1. I have provided you all the screen captures of the related admin screens:

        Shows that plugin is installed and activated

        URL Parameter Setting

        Shows that affliate account is setup

        WordPress user account with username displayed

        This link works

        This link doesn’t work

        Please let me know what I need to do to correct this. Thanks

        1. Hi Doug, based on the affiliate screenshot, you do not have a user related to the affiliate account. Affiliate1 is the affiliate’s name, but as you can see in the Username column, there is no user account related to the affiliate. Create a user account and edit the affiliate by indicating the username please, once you have done that, the system will recognize the incoming link. For example, if you create a new user with username test, edit the affiliate account and indicate test as the related user. Then the link will work.

      2. I sent a reply a few days ago for this issue with screenshots and links, but I haven’t seen a response.

        1. I’ve posted a reply above.

  9. Ok, thank you, but the day I purchased the plugin,
    this feature was declared in the product description.
    I request refund money to my paypal account !

    1. Hi Alexey, sure, sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for pointing it out. We’ve updated the description so that the outdated info isn’t shown anymore. Cheers

  10. Hi, please help me.
    Urls with user names generated, all is well in this part:
    Your pretty URL:

    But… these links go to the page ‘Error 404 – Page not found!’.
    So my question is:
    Should I make any changes in my .htaccess file,
    which will redirect /affiliates/ to an existing page, i.e. home page,
    or the plugin should do all things itself, and I’m doing something wrong or missed something?

    Thank you

    1. antonio Avatar

      Sorry, pretty links are not longer supported. You can use:

  11. Hello, I would buy this plugin to make use of it on m I site and create referrals for new members or members.
    I tried the lite version, the one with the numeric referall but I noticed that every new subscriber also not indicated if it follows the referall is then placed or referred to that in writing.
    If the problem was caused only by the lite version and this version instead if it works well then I would be grateful to receive confirmation so as to proceed with the purchase.
    Thank you

    1. Hi, can you please explain what exactly you’re trying to achieve? I’m sorry but I don’t quite understand what you’re asking.

      1. Gianni Avatar

        Hi, we bought this plugin, but we realized that in reality it is just an extension of other plugins so can not be used alone.
        We currently have installed a version of the affiliate program vs. “The Affiliates plugin Provides the right tools to ‘maintain a referral partner program. Version 2.7.1” but we realized that nothing changes, the referal is always numeric.
        What should I buy further to run this plugin?
        We are interested in a referral program that allows us to enter the name and id of the new member, we can help you?
        Thank you

        1. Hi Gianni,

          Please have a look at the documentation – you will find instructions on using it to modify the links there.


  12. I am having the same issue as the previous comment.

    I installed the Affiliates by Username plugin, but when I visit the new URL it doesn’t work.


    Doesn’t work (404 error):

    Doesn’t work (404 error):

    The above should work, regardless of how I choose to display the URL in the affiliates area. The username URL should work when I open it in a separate browser, but it doesn’t. It gives a 404 error.

    I am using the latest version of WP and the plugins.

    1. Please open a topic for this in this forum and provide a URL to your site’s affiliate area so we can register a test account. If needed, we’ll ask you to provide admin access to the site.

  13. abdelmoumen Avatar

    Hi Kento
    In my admin on the test account affiliate there is 2 links


    the first one classical works and the second on pretty go to a 404 error page

    And when you go on the page affiliate area when you want to see your link url you can see that it not works.


    1. Hi,

      The shortcode you are using there does not allow type="pretty", the rest works fine.

  14. Hello Kento

    “We’ve created a test account via the affiliate area on your site and it works fine.”
    Sorry I see no test page on my admin do you have the access ?
    It’s urgent please

    1. Hi,

      Not a test page, a test affiliate account. If you check your affiliates you will see one we have registered.

      Please post a topic for further help if needed.

  15. Sorry Antonio, This still did not work. Please see

    1. Hi,
      please send us dashboard admin access to support at itthin dot com and we’ll have a look.

    2. Hi,
      to uses this advanced shortcodes you need Affiliates Pro or Enterprise.
      You can use [affiliates_id], for example:



    1. Hi,
      you have some errors. Please try this “Pretty Affiliates Area” code.

  16. That did not work

    1. Please use to show us the code you are using.

  17. Hello

    Please help me
    I have try the 2 shortcodes on affiliate page

    [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_url type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username]

    [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_link type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username]

    And this is what Isee on the web page
    [affiliates_affiliate_link type="pretty"]

    1. Hi,
      please try creating a test page, and paste this code:

      [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_url type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username]
      [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_link type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username]


    2. We’ve created a test account via the affiliate area on your site and it works fine. The username affiliate link works as expected and is visible to the affiliate in the affiliate area.

      If you need further help please create a new topic.

  18. My affiliate area is

    however we have no idea how to get the username plugin to work.

    How can our affiliate e.g. my test account ‘mykel321’ as in changed to How would I use my user name. When I am logged in in the created area this is what I see:

    Affiliate Area
    Welcome to your affiliate area. Here you can find information about your affiliate link and earnings.

    Affiliate link
    Your affiliate URL:


    Use this code to embed your affiliate link:

    Affiliate link

    Tip: You should change the text Affiliate link to something more attractive.

    1. Hi,
      you can use:
      [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_url type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username]
      [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_link type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username]
      in your “affiliate-area” page.

  19. Antonio? Can I get some assistance. We want to go live with the affilliate

    1. Yes, What do you need exactly?

  20. Hi Just set up SSL on my webserver.

    I’d like to have the affiliates area be secured as well. It works without problems, except for the forms. When the user entered data and kl´´´hits the submit buttons either on the login or on the registration submit button he gets wanred that this is not a secure form.

    I’d like to change the form action link, but I don’t know where.

    Please assist.

    thanks in advance

    1. Hi,
      you have available the registration form code on affiliates-pro/lib/core/class-affiliates-registration.php (line 318). The login form uses the wordpress login form (available on affiliates/pro/lib/core/class-affiliates-shortcodes.php line 493)

  21. Just purchased this plugin, but lost as to how to change a test affiliate I created. Can someone help me

    1. Hi, What do you need exactly?

  22. Moonworks Avatar

    I’ve managed to get most of my links changed without a problem, but can’t figure out how to get a specific page to show the username.

    I’ve tried to just place the username shortcode around the previous version, but it doesn’t help:

    Angel Wing Ring

    Causes it to look like this:

    Angel Wing Ring

    1. Moonworks Avatar

      ah, that didn’t work.

      I’ve tried this, but with no luck:


      But it still gives the number instead of the username.

      1. Hi,
        you can use for example:
        [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_link url="" /][/affiliates_by_username]

        1. Moonworks Avatar

          Thanks, that did the job 🙂

  23. I need help how can i change the username and provide me specific instruction: i want to have this kind of format:

    1. antonio Avatar

      For generate the pretty link, you have more info:

      You must have a “Affiliate URL parameter name”, it can’t be empty, because it can cause errors, for example, if a username is “hello”, and you have a page called “hello”, both are in conflict.
      You can change the “Affiliate URL parameter name” in Affiliates->Options.


  24. Is there a way to shorten the affiliates link?

    For example: If the link is

    The shortened link would be or

    Looking for ways to help affiliates promote their website in printed materials, needs to be shortened so visitors can type the url and avoid mistakes.


    1. Hi Liz,

      Yes, you can adjust it in Affiliates > Options, not exactly as you suggest, but you can use a short URL parameter like for example an r, then the links would look like for example


  25. Great stuff and excited to start seeing some affiliate traffic to our site

    I have correctly installed “Affiliates by Username” plugin.
    When visiting the Affiliate Area ( I do not see a link option with “username”. Is that something I need to explain to my affiliates or is there a setting I have overlooked that will show all the linking options in the affiliate area. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks

    1. The plugin provides the [affiliates_by_username] shortcode that converts affiliate links by substituting the affiliate ID with the username, examples:


      In the affiliate area you currently have, you can use the above to convert from the ID format to the username format 🙂

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