Forum: Groups

  • Do not approve

    I resolved the issue.

  • Deleting access restriction is deleting post!

    Hi, I’ve been a long time Groups user. I’m on WP 6.0 and running the latest version of Divi. I have hundreds of posts where I used to use the Access Restrictions “Enforce Read Access” feature to control who sees what. I have since decided to switch the Groups “Read” functionality. There is a major…

  • Group membership and custom capabilities

    Hi, Should custom capabilities that are added to a group be automatically assigned to a user profile if they are added to that group? We have a Woo store that adds customers to a group if they purchase a membership. A successful purchase does add the user to the appropriate group (this part works), but…

  • Groups Hook for Shortcodes

    Is there a way to hook into the existing groups shortcode and edit how the “locked content” description looks? I know that there is a template modification example with the 2020 template to show only an excerpt, but on the site we are using the plugin we want the author to be able to use…

  • Coupons got corrupted when adding group restrictions.

    Hello, We are using the Groups plugin/addon within the website, Recently we found that when we add any coupon restriction based on Groups from the groups plugin the coupon code becomes corrupted and no one can use it even if I remove the groups restriction. Please help us fix this issue so we can continue…

  • Need help with woocommerce group coupons

    I’m trying to apply two coupon code on one order with WooCommerce Group Coupons. I have two groups: 1. 50% discount group with 50% off auto coupon 2. 60% discount group with 60% off auto coupon If I add both groups to the same user, I want both coupons applied to the cart. is that…

  • Groups paypal – existing license support

    Hi Friends – We really need your help to publish your discontinued Groups PayPal into a free, open source project on GitHub so we can maintain this great product which runs the payment system for our platform. These previous related tickets were closed out, before the issue was resolved: Groups paypal – existing license support…

  • How to assign permissions for each group administrator

    Hello everyone! I have been looking for a wordpress plugin for several weeks that allows you to create user groups. and I have found this plugin “Groups” which I am finding very interesting and I would like to install it on my WordPress site. I have also seen that it has some addons that interest…

  • Groups paypal – existing license support

    Hi – We noticed your announcement: “Groups PayPal – This product has been discontinued. Support is provided to existing license holders but cannot be renewed”. We have built a robust platform based on “Groups PayPal” extension, and we do not want to switch to anything “Woo Commerce” related. Since “Groups PayPal” runs our subscription payments,…

  • Anyone Can Acess Protected Pages

    Hello, I’m not sure if anyone is having this issue, but any one can access pages protected by Groups without logging in. I can get to them in Incognito mode. I reported an issue with Groups File Access a couple of months ago that I traced to the get ID function allowing anonymous downloads, but…

  • Add group with new user registration?

    Is it possible to add groups to the Add New User admin screen? I understand I can do it with a two-step process adding the user to groups after I’ve added them as a user. Is it possible to do this all on one screen?

  • programatically create group from template

    Is there a way to allow a registered user to create a group with defined capabilities? when my clients register and create their own pages, they need to be able to

  • Changing a user’s role triggers wordpress changed password to user

    We’re seeing that changing a user’s role, not their password, is triggering the WordPress changed password email to the user – they get a confusing email telling them their password has been changed. Have disabled this on the site in question now by hooking into the email_change_email filter, but if there’s a way of adding…

  • Anyone can download files???

    I was just randomly testing a link and noticed that I could download the file when I wasn’t logged in. I test in 4 browsers and used private mode. This is a huge security flaw as the reason I use this plugin is to prevent unauthorized downloads. i tested this by putting the following URL…
