Forum: Groups

  • Assign role to group

    Is it possible to assign a role to a group which will allow all member of the group to have access to the features determined by the role? We are using PublishPress Capabilities Pro and have created a new role that gives users specified access. We’d like to automatically have all of the member of…

  • Assign groups to Product Category

    Hello. I can see how to assign a Group to a Product via the Product screen. Is it possible to assign a Group to a Category, so that the Category in Woocommerce is only visible if you have the Group assigned? The Product level works well, but leaves a category in the storefront. Hope I…

  • Automatic Group Sign Up Not Working

    Hi My client, TSC Signs ( has Groups and Groups Restrict Categories At some point (not sure when) they lost one of the functionalities… When a corporate client signed up for an account the system used to automatically add their Group to their user profile based on their email domain (ie the part after the…

  • Import Groups (not users)

    Greetings! I find the combination of Groups and Groups Restrict Categories(procured today) a great win for our project. Many thanks. We have a use case that is not solved by the add-on Groups Import/Export – we are a non-profit and we have several geographies that need to have their own ring fence (Groups). These are…

  • Restrict variation

    Hello, We use Groups plugin to show certain products to only specific groups. Can this also be achieved with product variation and how? THanks. Regards, Milan

  • How to automatically protect a custom post type with Groups

    I’ve got a custom post type I always want to protect (with the group ID 2). I’ve tried to write a function to automatically add this group protection on post_save and even got ChatGPT to try a few times and it doesn’t seem to work. I just purchased the Groups Restrict Categories add on as…

  • Groups breaks page access

    Hello! I had messaged on forums about this issue, trying to get some help. We’ve been using this plugin to restrict page access for a few years now. Recently, some users are not able to access a certain page. The page content disappears even if I remove any group restrictions as a test. The…

  • User in multiple groups can’t see posts with multiple categories

    Hi, we have users in multiple groups, e.g. ‘town a’, ‘town b’, ‘town c’, etc. We then have post categories which are restricted to members of the assigned groups. However, if a user is in group: ‘town a’, and I add add post with categories ‘town a’ AND ‘town b’, the user cannot view the…

  • Custom restiction

    Hi, I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible to create this rule. Hide a specific post type if: – – if the post is from the current year – – the user is not part of the “jury” group – – user is not the author of the post – – post taxonomy is…

  • Groups Hook for Shortcodes

    Posting this again, as responses to the original are locked out so i cannot reply to the support response. —Original Request— Is there a way to hook into the existing groups shortcode and edit how the “locked content” description looks? I know that there is a template modification example with the 2020 template to show…

  • Fatal error undefined function get_current_user()

    Got fatal error on wordpress site as soon as launching the backend (wp-admin). Identified to be due to Groups plugin. Bypass possible while deactivating the plugin through ftp by renaming the plugin folder, leaving the site without group access security controls. Hereby the debug.log extract (site_ID# replaced by mysite) : [28-Jan-2023 17:36:25 UTC] PHP…

  • Future plugin

    You are missing a plugin like Uncanny codes for wordpress to work with groups plugin. Users to be assigned to a group, after entering a group code. Maybe you will develop it in the future…..

  • Some of our WooCommerce Products are being hidden to guest users

    From the conversation started here … Hi Kento, Still trying to track down this bug. Even with the filter commented out we’re still seeing issues with products being hidden from search/category pages. Here are the steps I’ve taken: 1. Go to /lib/extra/class-groups-extra.php, add a comment to line 35 to disable the visiblity filter. 2. Go to…

  • Unable to update

    “There is a new version of Groups File Access available… Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin.” I have an account, a license for 5 sites, & a service key. I have been using this plugin for several years & would like to continue using it! I have followed your instructions, downloaded & installed ithinx-updates…
