Forum: Groups Restrict Categories

  • Hide public products from wholesalers

    I have a list of products that are only available to wholesalers. There are similar items available to the public and I want to hide these items from the wholesalers to avoid any confusion. I can easily hide products for wholesalers from public view I just want to do the opposite and was wondering if…

  • Access for non subscribers / free view

    Hi, I just want to know how I can publish a post with a category “free” and make these posts visible by all the people who visit my website. All works fine, now with membership access, but I created a new page “Free Access” where I only post “free studies” but these posts aren’t watchable.…

  • plugin fileds don’t show up in custom post type category

    hello, i’m using groups restrict categories with “the events calendar plugin”. This calendar plugin seems to use the wordpress custom post type to manage the events and events category. In the events category page i can’t see the plugin fields. I’ve checked in the plugin settings page and the events category is in the list…

  • Categories Problem

    Hi, when I affect only one category to a post, all world perfectly, BUT when I affect 2 or more categories on one post, nothing appear with the subscription. Is there anything to do to allow to display the informations ? Example : Package 1 permit to have an access to Category 1 Package 2…

  • Second Try–PLEASE help me with set-up!

    I have been struggling with your plug-in for a couple of weeks. I have tried EVERYTHING I can think of. Please email me for admin privileges so you can check it out. Thank you very much! Below is my last topic–I have tried many more ideas since then but the gist is still the…

  • Follow up to support request 2 days ago


    Hi there, Just wanted to follow up on the request I submitted a couple of days ago. I created custom taxonomies using the standard WordPress method: add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_taxonomy_roles’ ); function register_taxonomy_roles() { $labels = array( ‘name’ => _x( ‘Roles’, ‘roles’ ), ‘singular_name’ => _x( ‘Role’, ‘roles’ ), ‘search_items’ => _x( ‘Search Roles’, ‘roles’ ),…

  • Shortcode does not work

    I received a reply to the ticket with name ” Shortcode does not work”, but dont see any form to reply or add comments I assume that for you it is working because you created an account using a social login. Could you confirm whether this was the case? It is also working for us…

  • Plugin fields don’t appear on custom taxonomy


    I’ve created a couple of custom taxonomies using the standard WordPress method: add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_taxonomy_verticals’ ); function register_taxonomy_verticals() { $labels = array( ‘name’ => _x( ‘Verticals’, ‘verticals’ ), ‘singular_name’ => _x( ‘Vertical’, ‘vertical’ ), ‘search_items’ => _x( ‘Search Verticals’, ‘verticals’ ), ‘popular_items’ => _x( ‘Popular Verticals’, ‘verticals’ ), ‘all_items’ => _x( ‘All Verticals’, ‘verticals’ ),…

  • Shortcode does not work

    this does not work, i.e. no output [groups_member group=”Registered”]You are a member of the following groups: [groups_user_groups][/groups_member] I read this but dont get it

  • urgent- cannot place orders

    we contacted Woothemes since we have several products which cannot be seen once an user clicks on them. It was working in the past but stopped working. Woothemes says the problem is your plugin Groups. I dont know what the problem is but I do know people have been unable to place orders for weeks…

  • Need help getting RSS feeds to still work with restrictions

    Hello! I have purchased Groups Restrict Categories, and already posted a message about how the RSS feeds were protected as well to protected categories. You responded quickly and let me know that is just how the plugin works, and that if I don’t want the feeds to be protected for a category, I must unprotect…

  • WooCommerce Set-Up Help

    My site has both retail and wholesale customers. Since my products have different size offerings for each type of customer, I have created a completely different product list for each. I have been trying to set up my site using Groups Restrict with absolutely NO success. I have read the documentation, watched the video and…

  • Possible to redirect non-member to another page?

    A category is restricted but when someone clicks on it, it goes to 404. Then they think it’s a broken link. Anyway to redirect them to another page? I also tried downloading a 404 plugin but how do I specifically reroute only certain links..

  • Menu Visibility

    I would like to show a certain product category in the menu only if the current user is in my ‘Premium’ group. I have been able to make dynamic menu items with simple conditionals such as is_user_logged_in() to only show a menu item if a user is logged in or in_array(‘administrator’, $GLOBALS[’current_user’]->roles) to only show…
