Forum: Groups Import Export

  • Meta columns with dashes are not importable

    When I try to bulk import or update users and include metadata columns that include dashes in their names, the field names are truncated and do not import correctly. Example: @user_email user_login first_name last_name meta:test-field mylogin myfirst mylast something The importer will think the final column is for “meta:test” not “meta:test-field”. Is there a…

  • Files Upload freezes at about 3%

    Hi, i managed to upload a file with the Groups File Access Plugin today. After installing Groups Import Export it doesn’t work anymore. Deactivating Groups Import Export didn’t help. I did not change any other settings. File Upload stops at about 3%. The second file was smaller (5MB) and is below all server upload limits.…

  • Importing users and adding Groups descriptions

    Hi, Is there a way to add “Group description” when using the import process? I have about 3000 Groups to create and each needs a specific description. I was looking to use the import function in batches of 100 with a temporary username to create each Group (and then delete/disable the temp user). The only…

  • Reporting numbers in a Group

    We have a large database in about 80 different Groups and all we want to do is to be able to see / report on the total numbers in each Group. Ideally this would be a as live figure in our WP dashboard, but if not, is there a method how we can run a…

  • Groups Newsletter problem with user listing

    Hi, I just bought Groups Newsletter. When I activate it, I can no longer see which groups are associated with users under WordPress’ user listing. That’s important to me. How do I go about getting a refund (unless you can resolve). I bought via Code Canyon.

  • Members of a group


    L.s. I’m using groups and I want to show on the site the names of the members and there profiles. Howto?

  • Groups

    Hello I would like to list the details of users in a particular group. I have seen the shortcode that lists the username but I would like to list their details like address and contacts. Is this possible? I’m not a coder. Cheers Soosie

  • export membership expiry date and time

    Hello, I would like to know if your plugin allow to export the expiry time of a membership set by groups plugin ? The idea is to be able to identify those users in order to be able to send them an email to renew their membership… Thanks Fabrice

  • Exporting Woocommerce Subscriptions ‘next_payment_date’

    Client of mine has a fitness club with a membership site setup with WooCommerce Subscriptions. She was looking for an easy way to get a list of active members, emails and when their current subscription was up. We have Groups, Groups WooCommerce, Groups Restrict Categories and this at our disposal now. Looking through the code,…

  • Assign to Affiliate during Import


    Can you assign these new users to a certain affiliate during the import? I need to import lists of about 25 user to assign to a certain User as an Affiliate. Can you possibly assign an entire Group to 1 Affiliate? Ex: All users in group “Team” are an affiliate of “League”

  • Not able to create new groups when importing


    Hi, I just tried importing a group and the import seems to have worked fine except new groups were not created on import. Everyone just ended up in the “registerd” group. I think I followed the directions correctly, and the last column in my file is called “groups” and I have people belonging to several…

  • Bulk adding users to a group


    I don’t know all user passwords (obviously!). I want to add a large number of existing users to a new group but when I do so, I don’t want to reset their password. How do I do this? If I don’t provide user_pass in the txt file, the import resets passwords. Thanks
