Forum: Groups Gravity Forms

  • Selecting a location group during user registration (part 2)

    Hi George, This is regards topic: I wonder what sort of group settings are required for each group in: Privacy: Options: Public; Private; Hidden I had it on Private, but now I changed it to Public. Who can invite others to this group? Options: All group members; Group admins and mods only; Group admins…

  • Selecting a location group during user registration

    I would like my new users to select their country, province and district. And then the user is allocated to country group, province group and district group. I created the following groups: Country A Province D District F District G District H District I District J Province E Country B Province K District L Country…

  • Urgent : Itthinx Updates doesn’t work

    Hi, I purchased Group Gravity Forms on April 12, 2023. There is a new update, version 2.1.0, but I am unable to install it via Itthinx Updates. My Service Key is valid, but I cannot find the update button. Could you please assist me? This is very urgent. Best regard,

  • Selecting a group during user registration is not working

    I am experiencing an issue with user registration forms where a user is able to select a group during the registration process. I have the “Group Memberships for Form Submissions” enabled and the dropdown in the form selected. There is a user registration feed and user activation is disabled. All the dropdown values exactly match…

  • Creating a new group based on gf field

    I have a GF developer license with the following add-ons loaded: User Registration , Stripe, Post Creation, and of course, ItThinx Groups. With this combination, is it possible if a new user enrols in a premium membership and creates and names their own “Group” (a custom post type), that the itThinx plugin can create a…

  • Group Gravity Forms

    Just bought the plugin, and they are asking for Licence Key. Where can I get it? Thanks

  • Delete groups plugin Groups Gravity Forms

    How can the DELETE option from a group be configured? Is there an option to delete a group when filling out and sending the form?

  • Incompatibility with The Events Calendar plugin

    hi guys, I just bought your plugin for Gravity Forms. If I activate Groups and Groups Gravity Forms the pages of my site that use The Events Calendar, lose the header. I use Avada. Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Raquel.

  • Group Memberships for User Registrations

    Hello, With the Groups Gravity Forms Plugin is it possible to assign a user to a group based on a field they select on a from set up with Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On? Or can you only assign to the users to the same group on user registration? Thank you.

  • Groups-Gravityforms update 2.0


    We had previously purchased the groups-gravityforms plugin via CodeCanyon/Envato and are receiving notification that there is a 2.0 update that we are unable to download from that location. On the CodeCanyon site, it shows “This item has been temporarily removed from Envato Market”. How do we go about obtaining the latest version?
