Forum: Groups

  • Guidelines & Rules

    Before you request support: Please read the documentation Search – many questions have already been answered, searching the site can give you immediate results. If you have not found an answer to your question, please post it in the appropriate section. Submitting a topic Be concise and precise: post one topic per single issue or…

  • Groups, woo, and foosales

    Hi, We use Groups with WooCommerce and FooSales. FooSales is a point-of-sale plugin that makes calls to the WooCommerce API to get products, customers, and create orders. Up until a few months ago, this all worked as expected: the user that logs into the FooSales point of sale would be able to retrieve products that…

  • About plugins

    We using two plugins now. ———————————- Groups File Access →ver.2.5.0 Groups Restrict Categories →ver.2.6.0 ———————————- What is the latest version of these plugins? If we want to update them, we need to buy these plugins again?

  • Temporary group membership

    Hi guys, A user belongs to a group from day A to day B, so he can only have access to the material generated between those two dates. Can this be solved with your plugin? Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Raquel.

  • Itthinx groups plugin – wp/php/sql compatibility

    We have been long-time users of the Ithinx Groups plugin and have always relied on its legacy functionality. Our setup was as follows: Ithinx Groups Plugin: Version 2.16.2 PHP: Version 7.4 WordPress: Version 6.0.2 Recently, we undertook an upgrade of both WordPress and PHP, as well as the plugin, to the following versions: Ithinx Groups…

  • Plugin support – lincense purchased

    Hi – I made an order: Order #30127 was placed on December 20, 2021 for Groups Import / Export. I cannot update this as I can’t seem to download the plugin update. Can you help. David Wilkinson Thanks.

  • Fatal php error upon page access

    We are getting the following error, after site upgrades (WordPress, plugins, php version): PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Groups_Post_Access::widget_categories_dropdown_args(), 1 passed in /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 324 and exactly 2 expected in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/access/class-groups-post-access.php:1263

  • Unable to update categories plugin

    We have a subscription for Groups Restrict Categories and have entered the service key, however when we attempt an update we get an error “An error occurred while updating Groups Restrict Categories: Update package not available.”

  • Dynamically assign groups

    Hi George, Kento, How do you programmatically assign groups so that when a post is submitted from the front end, it is automatically assigned the same group as the submitting user? I am using Gravity Forms. A user submits a custom post with a form. A hidden field attaches a piece of user meta data…

  • Group does not Validate at Login

    Hello, I need assistance with Groups. Groups doesn’t not seem to validate at each user login. For example: User ‘JOHN’ logs-in and see his permitted products A and B, then User JANE log-ins and only see her permitted product A and not product C as permitted. Upon our testing. Jane was able to see product…

  • Hidden Content Notification Customization

    Currently we are using an old version of groups where we have modified the plugin to display a specific image and message when content is locked. Is there a way to do this through hooks or settings in the latest version, or are we still stuck with the generic locked content text?

  • Assign role to group

    Is it possible to assign a role to a group which will allow all member of the group to have access to the features determined by the role? We are using PublishPress Capabilities Pro and have created a new role that gives users specified access. We’d like to automatically have all of the member of…

  • Assign groups to Product Category

    Hello. I can see how to assign a Group to a Product via the Product screen. Is it possible to assign a Group to a Category, so that the Category in Woocommerce is only visible if you have the Group assigned? The Product level works well, but leaves a category in the storefront. Hope I…

  • Automatic Group Sign Up Not Working

    Hi My client, TSC Signs ( has Groups and Groups Restrict Categories At some point (not sure when) they lost one of the functionalities… When a corporate client signed up for an account the system used to automatically add their Group to their user profile based on their email domain (ie the part after the…
