Forum: Affiliates Products

  • Display Related Products & Coupons on Affiliate Pages

    Hi, Two questions… 1. I’ve set up my affiliate page so they can track product commissions. I’d like to also display a list of products (with product page links) that are associated with their account. Is there a shortcode or html I can use to do this? 2. Is there a shortcode I can use…

  • i bought enterprice version and tought getting all plugins related

    In description: Unlimited tiers + all integrations packed. i though enterprice version includes: affiliates-by-username affiliates-share affiliates-users affiliates-woocommerce-views affiliates-coupons

  • Affiliates Custom Method – Products Amount

    Is this plugin available? I found 2 references to it in support. This is exactly what I need to pay distributors on their customer sales through the site. Our distributors buy wholesale from the site (wordpress 3.9.2 woocommerce 2.1.12 affiliate pro 2.7.1) and their customers retail. We are looking the pay them the difference through…

  • Different Rates per Product but for All affiliates

    I got the “Affiliates Products” plugin and I wanted to apply different rates for ALL affiliates ant not for specific affiliates. So, the default rate is 1%. And for some products I want to give 10%, no matter who’s the affiliate. How can I do that? I’ve tried not to select any affiliate ID, but…

  • Affiliate to have product affiliate URL

    Hi, Can you tell me how I can get an affiliate to have a specific product URL affiliate link? I want them to be able to share a specific URL Product under their affiliates so they can get commission. I have Affiliate Pro – woocommerce installed. I can not find Affiliate Products

  • Commissions for Affiliates who refer Vendors

    I do not have your “Affiliate Products” plugin, as I am currently using the Vendor Products plugin at Woo… However, that may change, depending on the answer to this question. I would like for my affiliates to be rewarded when they find/refer “partners” to our marketplace (by partners, I am referring to the Vednors who…

  • Affiliates Pro PayPal Integration and WooCommerce

    Hi. We’ve recently purchased the Affiliates Pro PayPal Integration for our shopping cart that runs on WooCommerce. I am trying to implement an installment plan using the PayPal button and track the referrals of such transactions. If I’m not mistaken, when a referral is suggested by the plugin via this method, it is not associated…

  • Individual Rates for Affiliates

    We have 2 things we want to pay affiliates for. 1) We have a contact 7 form paying affiliates for each form submitted. Those rates are set up under “Manage Affiliate” using the referral amount and those work great. 2)We are selling a product and want to be able to pay one rate to one…

  • Affiliates Products plugin

    this plugin has no docs

  • Commission by product

    How do i do commission by products for ALL AFFILLATES, not by affiliate and product?????????????

  • who buy the link have preferencial answer ???? where?

    I bought affiliate interprize and affiliate share…. the facebook afiliate share do not work by the way do not show the affiliate cote in the link . i alread send a email asking for a solution you told me will write a topic to teach what to do but when ? My web site will…

  • AFfiliate Shere facebook like boton not show the affiliate link

    helo I just bought the affiliate share and affiliate interprice and also its set up in my page the problem is the link of the affiliate work with your credenciales well for twitter and facebook send to a friend but not work when just clik to like the product page in my woocommerce store.…

  • Affiliates Share

    is there a way to credit affiliates a specific amount for sharing a post, three levels deep?

  • Affiliates by Username / Affiliates Products


    I’m truly sorry for all of the questions I’ve asked as I am in no way familiar with any of this web stuff. I downloaded the ‘Affiliates by Username’ Plugin, but I’m not sure how to change the URL’s to include my reps’ usernames in their personal links. I have no earthly idea what a…
