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Forum: Affiliates Pro
Affiliate totals not appearing – not optimiser plugin related
I’m hoping someone can help with this, using Affiliates Pro and affiliate payments are not coming through. I ran a test purchase using her affiliate URL to confirm. The system has recognised the transaction but hasn’t added the commission to her total. I set the invoice to complete on woocommerce so there should be no…
cookies for affilliates links
HI, i have a question concerning the cookies. If a customer click on the link given by the affiliate but will not buy anything, how long does the plugin track the customer in order to let the affiliate gain the commission? Thanks, Fabio
An Affiliate user himself transaction not by link and coupon
Is that possible for a affiliate login user have referral not by url link or coupon? For example , There is a login user , and I have also setup this user as a affiliate. If he visit the web without affiliate URL. Can Affiliate pro plugin calculate the commssion only by his login?
Affiliate Pro Tables
Hi! I’m trying to clear out unused tables from my affiliate site. In the process of building the site, I tried a few different affiliate plugins and I believe I upgraded to your Affiliate Pro Enterprise and then downgraded. I installed the “Garbage Collector” plugin and it lists the following used and unused tables. The…
Cookie Issues – Displaying wrong information
Hi – I’ve contacted you about this before. I’m sorry to again but I can’t seem to get this issue to go away fully. I had an affiliate reach out to tell me they were seeing the wrong name associated with their link. It doesn’t happen on every browser or every device and it can…
Tried to translate the plugin with loco translation but does not work. Any guidance how to do this?
need to add commisions per each product
hello , i just paid for the the Pro version of the software . I intergrated the woocommerce add on . However i am having problems . I want to specify the commision rate for each individual product . Can that be done by default with the Pro version or i need to buy another…
coupon management
Hi, i have bought your affiliates pro plugin but i have some difficulties in using it, firsto of all because many points are in english, other in italian, other in spanish/portuguese?!? Can i have it only in one language please? English would be fine or italian but not a mix of theme. The main point…
User redirecting to login
For George User: xxxxxx Pass: xxxxx Edit: Removed sensitive data
Export referrals
Hello, When exporting the displayed data (Affiliates> referrals> Export) the generated Tsv file is totally inconsistent. The price format is different every second line. We will just want to have the first and last name of the person who placed the order, the day and time of the order and the amount of commission. This…
Can i use a specific page url within my site?
Hi, My client would like an affiliate link directly to his shop instead of the just the domain. So it would have /shop in the URL. Is this possible? Thank you!
help for change link by defaut in dashboard affiliaite
Hello I want change Paste a URL on here in dashboard affiliiaite i want to put Liens Paste a URL on here
Can I get affiliate pro for wp 4.x.x?
We had customized wp solutions. we cannot upgrade wp version. Do you have version 4.x.x that work with woocommerce and paypal.
My Refferal codes are not working
Hey! Followed the documentation even though not able to access the plugin and referral codes aren’t working.