Forum: Affiliates Enterprise

  • PayPal Integration and PayPerView ??

    Hey there, purchased Enterprise and wanna use it together with Woo. 1. Please can you tell me for what the Extension with PayPal is gonna use? In your description you just say that it can be used to insert PayPal Buttons. But how can I purchase anything with it? 2. Is there a way to…

  • Affiliates Area

    I’ve just installed Affiliates Enterprise. The default affiliates area is needs a lot of work. The formatting and metrics it provides don’t convey confidence for a multi-tiered affiliate program. The shortcodes seem to have good data that may help it. Has anyone redone this page using the shortcodes?

  • E-Mail Notification for manuell registration ?

    Hey there, Affiliate Enterprise We deactivated registration for new affiliates. We just wanna unlock them manually. For this we register a new affiliate as normal subscriber, cause we work with gravity forms in their profiles so that they can change their password eg. every time themselves.. After that we add them manually as new affiliate…

  • Affiliate Signup Notification Email and Content

    Hello, When an affiliate signs up the ‘from’ address is showing as “WordPress ” even though ‘affiliates/notifications/Administrator notifications’ has the correct email entered. Where is this controlled please? Also where can I change the body content of this email: Username: X Password: X I would like them to go to the an affiliate login…

  • number of orders

    Hello, excuse my bad english… I have affiliate enterprise, In this page:_ wp-admin/admin.php?page=affiliates-admin-totals&action=close_referrals i want to see the number of orders. Now i see: Order – settembre 18, 2014 @ 03:07 AM I want see: Order 1124 – settembre 18, 2014 @ 03:07 AM it’s possibile?

  • Problem with [referrer_id] not working

    I am using a recently purchased Affiliates Enterprise. I have even reinstalled it beofore posting this request for support. I want to use referrer id to create a custom link from each page. My problem is this… the doesn’t work correctly. The page is – And you are welcome to become an affiliate or…

  • howto change Affiliate/Username field to a number

    Hi, i need one number for each affiliate the distributor ID. I could not change Affiliate/Username field. After saving it still switch back. it occurs on this page:

  • pin a visitor to the first referred affiliate [Solved]

    please open: Willkommen bei der Santegra Heilkräuter Infothek see: Affiliate = 1 please open: Willkommen bei der Santegra Heilkräuter Infothek see: Affiliate = 2 on every affiliate software i know it is possible to set the visitor to the first aff-link/affiliate they visited. Most important stick with this affiliate for cookie life time…

  • call affiliates name [Solved]

    i tried but failed: see screenshot for field i need to show please:

  • wp-spamshield breaks login screeny: it shows: enter your viewed name, JavaScript und Cookies needed not working with OR [affiliates_registration_extra_fields extra_fields_text=”sponsor|Wie sind Sie aufmerksam geworden?,sponsordistributorid|bitte die Distributor ID Ihres Empfehlers oder untenstende eingeben” terms_post_id=”1110″]

  • Conflicting with WooCommerce Checkout

    Hi Kento, I have finished installing Affiliate Enterprise, but just now realise that all purchases are ‘getting stuck’ at the checkout when the final ‘Place Order’ button is pressed. When I deactivate the plugin, they go through. When I reactive, they get stuck. Have you come across this issue before? Obviously is a critical one…

  • PayPal Website Payments and WooCommerce Integration plugins not recognising Affiliates plugin after renewal

    Hello! I’ve just renewed my licence for Affiliates Enterprise and I keep getting the following error messages in my plugins page: Affiliates PayPal Website Payments Standard Integration plugin requires Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise. Affiliates WooCommerce Integration plugin requires an appropriate Affiliates plugin to be activated: Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise. I’ve entered my licence…

  • Generate reports

    Hi, how can I generate reports which give me info on e.g. > best performing affiliates > best performing products overall and by affiliate Is it possible to export the referral data for external analysis? Thanks, Frank
