Forum: Affiliates Enterprise

  • Appearance Affiliates Enterprise

    Hi Antonio! I really need to improve the appearance on the page. So it seems to me a site made twenty years ago Help me please. I also wanted to ask if it possibile to do operations on the program on your part to some features I need. if you give me an email…

  • Appearance Affiliates Enterprise

    Hi Antonio! I really need to improve the appearance on the page. So it seems to me a site made twenty years ago Help me please. I also wanted to ask if it possibile to do operations on the program on your part to some features I need. Zoran Jovanoski

  • Link track Stats

    Hi, Just wanted to know if the plugin provide the functionality to Track link for the following information Number of Hits, Opt-ins , Orders ,Number of User Subscriptions. I tried using function affiliates_record_hit() but it didnt returned anything. It does provide the counts but can I get the details. Its great if I can get…

  • Details By Link

    Hi, Just wanted to know if the plugin provide the functionality to Track link for each affiliate I need to get following information Number of Hits for link , Opt-ins , Orders ,Number of User Subscriptions. I tried using function affiliates_record_hit() but it didn’t returned anything. It does provide the counts but can I get…

  • How do I manually change affiliate commissions?

    Hi How do I manually do the following: 1. Allocate an order commission to a specific affiliate if it wasn’t done so automatically? 2. Switch an affiliate commission from one affiliate to another if there was a mistake? 3. Edit an existing commission for an affiliate to a different amount? 4. Give an affiliate a…

  • Adjusting affiliate commissions for specific affiliates

    Hi 1. I want to be able to give every affiliate an extra $50 bonus when they register their new account. How is the best way to create that, from here: If I wanted to give an extra $50 bonus on some of the products available, for when they get a sale in, what…

  • Direct link to checkout for a product with affiliate tracking?

    Hi It is possible to put a link directly to the checkout for a specific product, thereby bypassing all the product information and the rest of the website, and just making the fastest route to complete a purchase. Here is an example on my site for this direct to checkout for a specific product link:…

  • Help

    Hello! I wanted to know how I can have a better look of the fields. am not an expert in codes but if you have a guide on how to do I could solve the issue. I’m trying to put together a system for my company and I need your help. I also wanted…

  • reports ?

    I see no way to print a list of affiliates and their referrals I see no way to print a list of sales that are results of their organization until i am confident that this is working i need way to oldschool print a report is there a report for payment to affiliates i dont…

  • some prod need to be percentage and some fixed amts in multi level

    unclear how to set up diff. products for affiliate commission when some need to be percentage of sale and some fixed amounts. in the products area i see you can set either percentage or amount but not tiers, and in affiliate area the tiers can be setup but notby product… need clarification on how to…

  • Integration of plugin for Buddypress with Affiliates not working

    Hi I’ve finished integrating the Affiliate Enterprise system with my Woocommerce site, and linked it with Buddypress and also bought your Buddypress/Affiliate integration plugin, so that when someone joins they are mirrored in both affiliates and Buddypress. However, it’s not working. If you go here and register just as an affiliate, it is not recorded…

  • conflicting ref

    Hi George, I’m having a problem with the referral link of one client that I know of for now, is this. From dash board panel. Link: URL Parameter: ?ref=12 Client back office of client shows this. I don’t know if this is happening to others, but one sure. Please advise Crawford

  • Login “Blocked” by Chrome / IE “(HTTP 403 Forbidden)”

    Hi, When attempting to login using the link my affiliates are often receiving a message “Blocked” using Chrome or “(HTTP 403 Forbidden)” if using Internet Explorer. I can recreate these messages using their logins however I can go to and login without issue. Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Referring Url

    Hi Guys I have recently purchased Affiliate Enterprise My account email address is: Everything is working fine so far What I need is for the Stats to show the Referring URL of the webpage that the referral has come from. Right now I can’t see where the stats logs that and I can not…
