Forum: Affiliates Enterprise

  • Social Media Signup

    Hi, I have the Enterprise version of your software and I wanted to establish if it is possible to activate a social signup function within the software somewhere that will allow a new user to register as an affiliate via their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter accounts etc whilst giving credit to the person who referred the…

  • Mlm commission rates


    Hi, I need help setting up following system. That\’s the hierarchy: Affiliate A | Affiliate B | Affilate C (Affiliate B was referred by Affiliate A, Affiliate C was referred by Affiliate B) Scenario 1: Affiliate A sells a product and gets a commission of 30%. Affiliate B and C get nothing. Scenario 2: Affiliate…

  • Offering Free Trial for a Product

    We have multiple subscription based products. But for only 1 product we offer a 7 day free trial and charge them $20 after the trial period. We wish to pay our affiliates a one-time commission of $15 if the customer stays with us after the trial period. This is the case for only 1 product.…

  • Save Payment Method

    How can I save a payment method?

  • Split comissions in mlm


    Hi! I need to set up following system: In a multitier system Affiliate A gets 20% if a he sells a product. In the downline of Affiliate A is Affiliate B. If Affiliate B sells a product, Affiliate B gets 10% and Affiliate A also only 10%. How do I set this up in Affiliates…

  • Form does not warn if user exists

    The Affiliate Enteprise Registration form does not warn if a user tries to registerd with a email adress if that email adress exists. Actually the form does not do anything to give user a hint that a error occured. Is this common ? ..

  • Is this possible in Rates?

    i need to set up a two tiered rate system for clients that are referred by an affiliate: –25% of the client’s net sales for the first 3 months, and –10% of the client’s net sales for the next 2 years. how can i do that through the Enterprise rates setup? thanks in advance.

  • Update Affiliate Enterprise

    Hello, I can not update the newer versions of Affiliate Enterprise. Best, Bruno

  • Affiliate Enterprise Events Manager

    Hello I am running a multisite with 1 subsite in. On Dashboard for singlesite – i recive this error “The Affiliates Events Manager Integration plugin requires the Events Manager plugin to be activated.” Both Events Manager Pro and Events Manager free is activated on BOTH Multisite admin (network activated) and on subsite. What could generate…

  • Wrong Assignment – Tiers

    Hi, I’ve purchased Affiliates Enterprise – Affiliate Coupons & Affiliate Permanent. I have set up a tiers system with 2 levels. I did several tests with different settings, but I could not handle one basic error, which is the following: – Using an Affiliate Coupon for Affiliate A I did a test purchase, the commissions…

  • Manually place order as admin- calculate comissions

    How do we get affiliate enterprise to calculate comissions to a multitier affiliates if a admin place a manual order in woocommerce on a customer(refferal). As is now – a order can be placed by admin in woo – choose customer (registerd by link from affiliate) – choose products – mark completed. And no comission…

  • Renaming “affiliates”

    is there a simple method to rename singular and plural “affiliates” across the system to a custom word like “referrer/s” I’d like that then to show up everywhere “affiliate/s” was being used prior thanks

  • affiliates_tiers and WooCommerce Order

    Dear Support Team! Excuse the late reply to your inquiry on April 18, 2019 at 6:29 pm. For a better understanding, we have presented our idea Pictorial How do we implement the orders placed via the affiliate link are displayed under the affiliate. Thanks for your help! ————– Liebes Support Team! Entschuldigen Sie die…
