Forum: Affiliates by Username

  • Testing to ensure proper tracking

    Hey George, A few weeks ago we had a conversation about a client’s affiliate program I’m trying to finalize. You said: “After two different test sessions that took place on your site, I have shown you that referrals can be properly recorded on your system, but still you haven’t mentioned how are you trying to…

  • Affiliates paypal

    I have pro, do i download affiliates paypal?

  • New Order Email Confirmation with affiliate name

    Hi Love the plugin so far, but I am wondering if there is any way to have the affiliate name show up on the new order email? I am trying to get it down to one email, the order confirmation to the admin, otherwise they still have to organize 2 emails for reference. I have…

  • Affiliate pro questions for my affiliates

    Hello George and Eugene, and maybe someone else 🙂 I hope you guyz are doing great and that you are safe at home 🙂 I come to ask you some questions because i have a very implicated affiliate that asks me a lot of questions and that is limited by some part of the Affiliate…

  • How to get woocommerce volume discount coupons plugin

    I hv purchased enterprise license. Is the WooCommerce Volume Discount Coupons plugin included? If yes, how to get the plugin?

  • Commission & Tiers

    Hi, I am planning on selling 2 types of products on my site. The first type of product is known as the simple product type where the product is added via the WooCommerce and the customer checks out via our site. The second product type is an external affiliate product type and the customer checks…

  • Can’t add woo commerce plugin after buying Pro


    Hello I just bought Affiliate Pro however I am not able to add the woo commerce integration plugin. I have installed the updates plugin and added the license key. This made it so an “install” button appeared on the plugins integrations tab, however clicking that install button just redirects me to a page that says…

  • Affiliate not work correctly

    why my affiliate cannot connect correctly to the referrer, example, the affiliate doing a repeat order, it supposed to be a comission for the referer, some times it work, but some time not work. we using 2 tiers affiliate rate. we already using affiliate enterprise. thank you

  • Posting content to permitted categories

    Hi, Is there a way using the Groups plugin and the Restrict Categories addon to enable all users of a certain group to be able to publish posts (publish_posts capability) to certain categories but only to edit posts (edit_posts capability) to other categories? For example, lets say a user belongs to a group called Members.…

  • Theme Compatibility?


    I am currently using Storefront as a theme. I attempted to use Themify and your affiliate plugin failed. I have been having other problems with Storefront. I am wondering if you have a list of themes that are compatible with your affiliate plugin?

  • affiliate area keeps showing login screen

    Even after I log in, it shows the log in screen when I visit the affiliate area. I have tried for several affiliates with the same result. I have checked to be sure the usernames are correct and exactly as shown in the user profiles. What else can I check? We’re having to give the…

  • Commission rates per level in a multitiered system

    Hi Eugen, can you kindly guide to where I can learn more about adding Commission rates per level in a multitiered system. I have found this tutorial however, it doesn’t seem to show how to set commission rates can be set per level in a multitiered system. Please advise further. Regards Chris

  • No item name in dashboard referral

    Hi again! My first question is why this thread is closed though I’ve still asked for help? Will try to explain again what’s wrong: Installed: Affiliates enterprise 4.4.0 Affiliates Permanent 1.5.0 Affiliates Stats Filters Order Details 1.0.2 by By George Tsiokos (to test pending se topic ) Affiliates woocommerce integration 3.1.0 Woocommerce 3.8.1…

  • Unable signup Affiliates

    After filling in the standard affiliate application form and hitting signup button it returns the same form with affiliate information. Checked the “Manage Affiliates Section” in back-end, no affiliate show up, no email sent saying a new Affiliate has signed-up.
