Affiliates Pro Different products different commisions

I have 75 products but I only want to pay commission on 1 is that possible?
most of my products are replacement parts for the main products, like nuts, bolts, washers, brakes etc.. My main product is a $3000 item and i want to pay a flat rate of $250. Is this possible with the PRO version?

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One response to “Affiliates Pro Different products different commisions”

  1. Now yes 🙂

    I’ve created this example plugin Affiliates Custom Method Minimum which you can use for this purpose.

    In this example plugin, there are three minimum amounts defined which reward 50$ for a minimum order of 1000$, 100$ for a minimum of 2000$ and 250$ for a minimum of 3000$. You can adjust this for your purpose directly in the file, in your case you would use:

    public static $amounts = array(
    '3000' => 250

    To use the plugin, download the zip and install it under Plugins > Add New > Upload and then you can edit it directly. Make sure to use the exact syntax as above.
