affiliate coupon that allows affiliates to register

can the affiliate coupon that allows affiliates to register then automatically create a coupon code be bonded to the different product that has different commission amount?


One response to “affiliate coupon that allows affiliates to register”

  1. Hi Chris,

    Welcome back to our support forum and many thanks for using our affiliate plugin on your shop.

    FYI, the auto-generated affiliates coupons that are created by Affiliates Coupons addon will use the settings found in your Dashboard under Affiliates Coupons > Affiliates Coupons and include Discount Type, Coupon Amount, Usage Limit, Apply Coupon before Tax, Coupon Prefix. As for the rest of the coupon settings provided these can be set from the typical location in Marketing > Coupons by editing the desired coupon.

    Kind regards,
