hello, can you tell me if there is a possibility to configure postback?


3 responses to “Postback”

  1. Hi,

    OK now I understand. You can see details for a referral under Affiliates > Referrals. Obviously the data found there are related to recorded referrals but the details you’re looking for are included in the data and details of each referral. Also, you can review further statistical data in the reports regarding, traffic, visits per affiliate, visits and clicks, visits that resulted in referrals.

    Documentation references:

    Kind regards,

  2. No that’s not what I meant.
    Many affiliate programs transmit conversion data, for example: order
    amount, click id, Conversion created …
    I would like to clarify whether there is an opportunity to track such

  3. Hi there,

    Welcome to our support channel and many thanks for using our affiliate marketing tool on your site.

    If you are referring to the affiliate URL then each link on your site can be an affiliate link as long as the affiliate URL parameter with the affiliate ID is appended to it. This can be done manually by your affiliates, or they can also use the Links tool found in Affiliates Dashboard under Overview section. Apart from this tool you can also use the [affiliates_url] shortcode with your site's links.

    As for the link itself, you can modify the affiliate URL parameter if you visit Affiliates > Settings > General but if you decide to do so then also make sure to notify your affiliates for this change in case they have already published their affiliate link(s). Furthermore, you can also replace the affiliate ID with the username if you like to also obtain Affiliates by Username premium addon.

    Kind regards,
