Change group id numbers?

I need two sites to sync and to accomplish this the group IDs have to match. Is there a way to manually change the group ID numbers?

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3 responses to “Change group id numbers?”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Robyn,

    If this is still an issue you haven’t worked out yet and could share some more info on how your third-party plugin works we might help you further with the situation.
    Please let me know with a comment if necessary.

    Kind regards,

  2. I’m trying to use this plugin to link my membership store with a separate domain that has LearnDash. Only certain member groups can access certain courses. I need their access turned off when their membership expires. Unfortunately this plugin doesn’t sync member data unless roles and group IDs are the same. I figured out how to make them al match in the database, but it still won’t sync bc of the way the arrays are different. Big bummer. Have to manually manage this until I figure out another solution

  3. George Avatar

    Hi Robyn,

    Thanks for reaching support.

    May I ask why you need matching group ids in order to sync between those two sites? Although this would depend on how you are implementing the syncing operation it might be possible to sync groups by name instead of interfering with the group id. If you can provide some more details on how syncing takes place, perhaps there is a more safe way to implement it.

    In order to modify a group id manually you need to modify the db records for it. However, this is a very delicate operation I strongly discourage since group id is used in more than one tables and will most probably lead to unexpected results affecting your site’s overall performance and health.

    Kind regards,
