Groups Newsletter, Story-View ends in 404

Hi there
I habe a problem with the stories view in the groups newsletter extension.
My Story is published and ready for delivery. Preview in the Newsletter is good, but the site-view wont work.
every times I triy to access I get a 404
See example below:

This is a published and valid story, but I can’t access… I don’t know why…
Can you help me pls? Thank you in advance…

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3 responses to “Groups Newsletter, Story-View ends in 404”

  1. Hey there,
    Thanks very much for sending the credentials!

    This is what I now see when I access the mentioned page ->

    Do you have a test install where you can check switching to a default theme (like Twenty-nineteen) and then back to your current one?

    Let me know how it goes!

  2. blueforce Avatar

    aaah, that was you? I deleted the d_test user so far….
    You get the credentials in the next few minits… thank you

  3. Hello,

    Since I can’t access that story unless I have an account, I tried subscribing but there was an issue with registering on your site 🙁
    It’d be great if you could send some credentials on our email help [at] itthinx [dot] com so I could see the problem you’re talking about!

