Not all capability in the “Enforce read access” list


I use Groups (v2.4.0) and Groups Restrict Categories (v2.1.0) plugins.
I need to restrict my category access by using Capability (not by Group).

During my tests everything was OK.

But now I start to have this king of problem :

1- I creat many capality, but for this topic I put the focus on this one :

2- The “legacy access control” option is activated (to use capability as restriction) :

3- But I can not found my capability (or some capability) on the list “Enforce read access” in my Category setting :

Do you know how I can found all my capability on the “Enforce read access” list in the caterogy setting and not just someone ?

I already try to desable the Groups and Groups Restrict Categories plugins, but no change, the problem is the same.

Thank you for you help.


3 responses to “Not all capability in the “Enforce read access” list”

  1. Nathanael Avatar

    Hi Kento,

    The problem is not the step 1, but the step 3 : when I’m in a Category, I can not found some capabilities (however, they do exist) :

    So, if someone have a solution…


    1. Hi Nathanael,

      It will only offer those capabilities that are enabled for access restriction, you can enable those that are not appearing under Groups > Options. But why do you want to stick to the legacy model and not use groups to restrict access?


  2. Hi Nathan,

    From the first screenshot, you have a filter activated that limits the capabilities displayed in the list to those that match “autres” – if you clear the filter, you will get all capabilities in the list.

    If after clearing the filter you are still missing some capabilities, please use the button on top “Actualiser” to refresh the capabilities – any that are missing will be added.

