Affiliate Commission From Lowest Tier

I’m looking into possibly upgrading to Affiliate Enterprise for my program to add multiple tiers. The question I keep getting the most is from those who want to make a commission from their lower-tier hires.

I.E. Affiliate A brings on Affiliate B, whom then makes a sale, so does Affiliate A make a percentage from that?
Similar question regarding deeper tiers, such as if Affiliate C (whom is under B and A) makes a sale, does Affiliate A make a percentage?


One response to “Affiliate Commission From Lowest Tier”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Brandon,
    When an affiliate comes from another affiliate, they are associated, by which the sales achieved by the affiliate also generates commissions on the affiliate parents.
    From Affiliates->Tiers you can set the levels that you need and the rates (these can be relatives or not).
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
