Banners page tweeks

Hello George, I have a few quick questions, i am using Affiliates Pro and i want to make it possible for each affiliate to be able to click on a share link and only share one banner at a time from the banners page which shows them all banners; is this possible or is it only possible to cut and paste the the long string of links?

I also would like to know if it is possible to shorten the links that are given/shown to an affiliate, so there will be no need to show every size that the banner is capable of but the banner just adjusts based on where it is placed?

Thanks in advance

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One response to “Banners page tweeks”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Talib,
    please have a look at the Banners Documentation page. You can use the ‘id’ attribute to display only one banner.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
