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A free affiliate program for Ecwid
Ecwid is offering a really cool and easy to handle shopping cart that you can set up within a few minutes.
Their system allows you to deploy a fully featured e-commerce solution within a single HTML page. It doesn’t get easier than that!
The premium integration with Affiliates Pro for WordPress and Ecwid has been around for quite a while now, but for those who just get started with their store and are looking for a free and efficient affiliate program, I’m happy to announce that a free integration with the Affiliates plugin is now available: Affiliates Ecwid Light.
28 responses to “A free affiliate program for Ecwid”
I can’t find anything about “how generate affiliate link, when I need embeded my store at affiliate site” in the documentation.
I filled “in the required information under Affiliates > Ecwid Light and followed the instructions to set your ION Cannon endpoint”. But don’t understand – how my affiliates may receive code for embed it to their stores
Go to Affiliates > Options and press the Generate button. You will find a new page titled Affiliate Area on your site, which includes a login form, affiliate registration form, information about an affiliate’s performance and the affiliate’s link as well as a link to log out at the end of the page.
Also you can use affiliates shortcodes to generate your own posts/pages.
plugin allows to register users with the same names and same e-mails. Is it right?Hi,
that is allowed if created manually, but it is not recommended.
This option exists for specific cases where the member needs multiple accounts, but it’s not recommended.
I want to translate all messages at the site’ pages and via email, what files do I need to edit?
You can edit your .po language file in affiliates/lib/core/languages.
The .pot files have been available since a couple of months now and are here: – if you want to contribute translations back, please fork the repo and create a folder with your translations using the locale, e.g. de_DE
Hello Kento, seems to work…
but I have some questions:
1. May I use AP plugin on the different sites or I must buy new lisence for every new e-store?
2. may I use one Ecwid Account with the different sites at WP+AP+Ecwid Light?
3. Is a referral – buyer, visitor or affiliate?
4. A new user click on refferal link and registering on my site like as affiliate. Does plugin support sub-affiliate?
5. Notifications were enabled, but messages not sent to affiliates. (in affiliate’s profiles – e-mail line is fill.
6. where I can read more about option’s page? not all clear.
7. How affiliates may see own sale’s statistics, besides e-mail notofocations, maybe web interface?
I would recommend to first review the documentation as most of these questions are covered there. Note that some of the features are available with Affiliates Pro or Enterprise only, but it will usually state that.
Regarding the licenses, this license applies.
in the previous message lost part of the code:
iframe style=”display:none;” src=”!/~/category/id=5590299&offset=0&sort=normal/?affiliates=2″></iframe
I’m not sure what exactly you’re trying to achieve, but you don’t need to do any of that if you have filled in the required information under Affiliates > Ecwid Light and followed the instructions to set your ION Cannon endpoint.
I made the following steps:
1. installed AP 2.4.0 @ WP, activated;
2. created new affiliate
3. embeded code to affiliate siteIf you your browser does not support JavaScript, please proceed to its simple HTML version.
xProductBrowser(“categoriesPerRow=3″,”views=grid(3,3) list(10) table(20)”,”categoryView=grid”,”searchView=list”,”style=”,”id=my-store-XXXXXXX”);where XXXXXXX – my store ID
4. made an order and a payment, on the affiliate site
where I made mistake?
Hello, much time has passed,
Remind me please, what steps need to do to earn the affiliate program for Ecwid (at Word Press)?
Basically you just need to fill in the details in the Affiliates > Ecwid Light section of your WordPress admin after you have installed the Affiliates plugin and the integration plugin for Ecwid.
do you mean you want to have the store embedded on another site (where the affiliate program is not installed)
YESand have it reward commissions to the affiliate who has your store embedded on the site?
This example shows how the affiliate whose id is 123 could embed the store.
You can test it putting it in a
on a test domain, note that you must substitute the example store code with the appropriate one for your store.For generic affiliate links to a store embedded on a domain, see this example.
and next:
“you’ll need to identify where a sale comes from somehow. In this case, affiliate IDs are usually hardcoded somewhere near the store integration code on the partner’s site. For example, a special code line is added before the tracking code:
var AffiliateID = ‘current affiliate id’;”So the tracking functions get an affiliate ID directly from the code instead of looking for it in URL or browser cookies.
If that would work depends … just to be sure we understand: do you mean you want to have the store embedded on another site (where the affiliate program is not installed) and have it reward commissions to the affiliate who has your store embedded on the site?
maybe this message more useful:
In a nutshell, this method works in this way:
You give your affiliate your Ecwid integration code.
The affiliate places the code on his site, so your store will be displayed there.
A 3d-party affiliate system tracks all orders placed through that site.The method this refers to, what exactly does it look like please?
thanks kento for answers, I have other one.
I thought, that I could do the following steps with AP:
– generate affiliate links (code) for different items from my ecwid store;
– my affiliates (partners) included links (code) in the wp sites and sales my goods;
– both sides will get sales report.could I do it or not?
and second, need to translate description and documentation to russian, if you need it, let me know
If you would like to contribute it, it would be very welcome. The translations are provided as a community effort for users of both the free and premium versions. Please email support at itthinx dot com and request the latest .pot files for translation.
Hello, I have an Ecwid store and I bought “Affiliates Pro WordPress plugins” today. I think, that I did mistake, because I needed Affiliates Ecwid Light. Right, or not?
Hi there, the Affiliates Pro you have works with Affiliates Ecwid Light, but if you like to use the full integration, you can use the coupon on the Downloads page to upgrade to the Affiliates Pro Ecwid integration (you must log in to see the coupon).
You can also try the free Affiliates Ecwid Light before you decide to purchase the integration with Affiliates Pro.
hello, i just recently set up affiliates for my woocommerce store. seems like a good product, but 2 quick questions:
1. is there a way to set different referral amounts for different affiliates?
2. do you have a plugin that works with camptix or an event purchase plugins?thanks
1.- You can add this attribute to an affiliate. More info in documentation.
2.- No, There isn’t a camptix integration. What exactly do you want?cheers
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