Affiliates Pro for PayPal

This integrates Affiliates Pro with PayPal Payments Standard. Using any PayPal payment button on your site, the integration captures PayPal’s IPN messages to track sales referred by affiliates. It provides various flexible shortcodes and an API that are used to work with PayPal HTML forms:

  • Buy Now buttons
  • Add to Cart buttons
  • Subscribe buttons
  • Buy Gift Certificate buttons
  • Automatic Billing buttons
  • Installment Plan buttons
  • Donate buttons

Detailed information is available on the Affiliates Pro PayPal Integration page and the integration pack can be downloaded through the Affiliates Pro for PayPal product page.


22 responses to “Affiliates Pro for PayPal”

  1. I have affiliate pro installed and am seeing activity, visitors and hits but it is not tracking sales! I am using a buy now button, leading to paypal payment. What do I need to do for it to be tracking sales?

    1. Hi Jessica,

      You need to install the PayPal integration (you have that available in the Downloads section) and follow the instructions given under Affiliates > PayPal. If you have any particular questions regarding your setup, please open a topic in the premium support Forums.


  2. Little bit confused with Affiliates Pro for PayPal? I used simple eCommerce plugin. now i want to use affiliate facility also, so is that plugin will be beneficial for me? reply

    1. Sorry, there isn’t integration with simple eCommerce plugin.

  3. I can’t seem to find a documentation in Affiliate Pro and Affiliate Paypal Pro Integration discussing about using SSL certificate with the plugin. Is this necessarily needed to be installed in our domain?

    1. Quoting from the settings page Affiliates > PayPal:

      [ ] Use secure URLs.

      If this option is checked, the IPN URL will use https instead of http. It is checked by default and it is recommended to leave this option on and your server should support it while using an appropriate certificate.

      For a production environment you should get a valid certificate – there are good reasons for that, see for example

      When PayPal sends IPN data to your server, it may contain sensitive information about your customer’s transaction – when that notification is sent over a non-secure connection, that information is exposed to be captured and misused. Thus, a secure connections should be used (https) for which you need a valid security certificate on your server. I’d recommend to get in touch with your hosting provider, many of them provide certificates and even help to install them.

  4. Hi,

    We received a message from Paypal about IPN. What does it mean and how do we check that this is the right link that is supposed to
    be used for the affiliate program? Please see below:

    Subject: PayPal Instant Payment Notification Warning

    Hello Concrete Consulting,

    Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:

    If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be disabled for your account.

    Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.




    1. Hi Alva,

      It seems that your site does not use a valid SSL certificate, so secure connections to it fail and thus PayPal’s IPN fails as well. You must assure that a valid SSL certificate is installed for your domain. For tests, you can try the same IPN URL using http://... instead of https://... and you will see that you get a correct 200 response from the server. For a live site of course the secure version should be used.


  5. Thank you Antonio! Your solution solved my problem.


  6. Sorry about the text link above, this is the embed code I am referring to:

    Affiliate link

    1. antonio Avatar

      the affiliate Banner works fine.
      Please use with affiliate link, comments system clean html.

      1. I followed your advise to use Here is the link: The output when an affiliate views it is an keyword. However, is it normal that the URL is hyperlinked and directs to the destination URL? Will it work the same?

        1. Erratum: The output when an affiliate views it shows that the URL is hyperlinked and directs to the destination URL instead of seeing plain html code. Will it work the same?

          1. antonio Avatar

            it’s not an error, you can use shortcodes: [affiliates_affiliate_url] and [affiliates_affiliate_link].
            More info in documentation

        2. antonio Avatar

          Hi, you can use:
          <a href="[affiliates_affiliate_url url="" /]">RockFBPages</a>
          [affiliates_affiliate_link url="" content="RockFBPages" /]

  7. Hi Kento,

    I am setting up the Affiliate Link and Affiliate Banner in our website. I am a noob when it comes to html shortcodes. Can you please help me check if the embed codes I am using is correct/valid. Please see below: (I included spaces in them so they won’t link here if html is allowed in comments)

    Affiliate Link:
    Affiliate link

    Affiliate Banner:
    [affiliates_affiliate_link url="" attachment_ id="2386" /]

    The banner embed code above does not work properly linking to the product page in our site. It will only render our site’s URL with the affiliate’s ID appended. What code is lacking or wrong?

  8. katoaffiliate Avatar

    Here’s another problem that I seem to be apparently having: the email notifications on affiliates pro doesn’t seem to be working. People are not getting them.

    1. If your settings are correct (notifications enabled and checked for admins and/or affiliates) and they don’t receive them, it’s very likely that they end up in the recipient’s spam folder, or, if your server is blacklisted they get rejected.

  9. katoaffiliate Avatar

    I’m confused. I purchased the Affiliates Pro. And one of the reason is because it stated Paypal, which I assumed meant that it meant that it would be able to keep track of paypal payments made by the people referred. Are you saying that I have purchased the wrong plugin??

    1. Hi katoaffiliate,
      if you use directly paypal buttons, you need also “Affiliates Pro for Paypal” for integrate Affiliates Pro with Paypal.
      So your purchase is correct, but need this integration.


  10. mogreenmedia Avatar

    Do I need this if I already bought the affiliates pro plugin.

    Im not using a shopping cart only a paypal subscription button.

    I use paid memberships pro for my membership plugin.

    Do i need to get the affiliate pro for paypal plugin as well? Did I buy the wrong one?

    1. The integration pack covers for the subscription button and includes Pro already, but using it with that membership plugin will not work because both will have to capture the IPN.

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