Affiliates Pro WooCommerce Integration Pack

The Affiliates Pro WooCommerce Integration Pack is now available.

The pack includes the Affiliates Pro plugin with full features and extended settings to control the integration with online shops powered by WooCommerce.

To download the pack go to this page.

If you don’t need the advanced features or want to try it out first, there is also a free integration with the Affiliates plugin which you can obtain here.


28 responses to “Affiliates Pro WooCommerce Integration Pack”

  1. I wanted to setup an e-commerce site. I want the user to login to the wordpress site purchase a product. When the user purchases a product

    he/she will be given a coupon code. He/she can than send it to his friends and families. When someone uses his code the user will be informed

    about the persons name and $5 will be reimburse to his account automatically after the sales is completed. Also the new person who used the

    first customers code will get a specific discount and a new coupon code which he’ll share with his friends and families and this way I’ll have a

    good amount of traffic.

    Can I achieve this functionality with Woo-commerce and WP Affiliate.

    The main functions are :
    1) Affiliate via coupon.
    2) Discount to the user who uses the coupon
    3) Auto-generating of affiliated coupon to the user who purchases a product.

    Please let me know I am running out of time and if I can’t achieve this functionality I need to change to Magento or joomla.

    1. Your requirement seems rather specific and would call for a customized solution, at least for the part with how the coupons are handled and the notifications when they are used, as that is not part of what the integration plugin does.

  2. Hi!

    I’m looking for a plugin that can do the following. I have two companies with seperate websites. One built on wordpress and woocommerce, the other with Drupal.

    I’d like to install the affilate program on wordpress, and sell products from that site on the drupal base store. Once a purchase is made on the drupal site, I’d like to recieve an order on the wordpress one and process the shiping, etc from there. Is this possible?



    1. Hi,

      Possible? Yes. Feasible? I don’t think so, budget- and process-wise. You say you’d like to process shipping through the WordPress site but I think you’re confusing fulfillment/order processing with storefronts. What you probably want is the same affiliate system handling both sites?

  3. Hello,

    I have a need for the following:

    1). An affiliate system that will integrate with Word Press and Woo Commerce.

    2). An affiliate system that will enable affiliates to have links that go directly to specific product pages, to shorten the amount of clicks to the “buy now” experience.

    My affiliates that are using another system, are complaining that we are losing sales because my current system does not allow affiliate links to specific product pages, only to the home page domain of my shopping cart. Leaving customers clicking around and resulting in abandonment with no purchase?

    Can your affiliate system or a combination of your system and a 3rd party plug-in help me with this?

    1. Hi Robert,
      with Affiliates Woocommerce you have an affiliates system integrated with woocommerce. Your affiliates can share links to both the main domain page and any other page.

      1. Great! Do you have a video of that or a work flow published I could see?

        1. Hi,
          you can find more information in Affiliates Documentation. Or you can install the free versions to take a look (Affiliates & Affiliates Woocommerce Integration Light).

  4. HAUTEBUTCH Avatar

    The default registration form that comes with this plug-in automatically directs people to the main wordpress log-in page for the website itself after log in instead of to the Affiliate Area page which would make more sense. Please advise on the exact steps to take to make this happen. Thanks in advance.

    1. antonio Avatar

      with [affiliates_login_redirect] you can use attribute “redirect_url”, and with [affiliates_registration] attribute “redirect_to”, more info here.

  5. swappsee Avatar

    Hi Kento
    In addition to selling products on my site, I also sell subscriptions with Woocommerce subscriptions. If I want to credit an affiliate with the initial subscription purchase, but not any subsequent renewals, would I select Enable recurring referrals and set the Limit/Timeout to “1”?

    1. antonio Avatar

      yes, this must be works.


  6. Hello I want to buy the plugin to integrate it in woocommerce but need to know if this plugin could be used with other languages than english ?
    Is it possible to use with virtual products ?
    Do I have to enter each affiliate myself or is it a full automated system ?
    Is it possible to promote banners and deep links ?

    thanks a lot

    1. antonio Avatar

      – yes, you can use this plugin with others languages.
      – Yes, you can use with vitual products.
      – If you want to have affiliate accounts created automatically when new users are registered, you need “Affiliates Users”
      – You can use shortcodes to create deep links, and links for banners.


  7. Hi Kento,

    Is it possible to extract the entire order information of the referal and show it on the affiliate profile page?

    eg if i refered the link to john and john bought the product, can john’s shipping/order details be showed on the affiliate product page?

    Best, TOng

    1. That wouldn’t be possible with the system OOTB, you would have to pull that information from the order based on the information stored with the referral. But the whole idea raises concerns on privacy …

  8. I have trouble when entering in a new affiliate manually that the username does not save. When regestering as an affiliate through the webpage – It does not allow any changes to the information. I have had to register for the webpage first then sign up to be an affiliate – automatically fills out the affiliate form but does not allow any changes. When I save it it is in the system at least. How do I record when a sale happens? I only want to pay for sales. I am using woocommerce and both free plugins (not affiliates pro). Thanks

    1. Affiliate entries and user accounts are different entities. To relate a user account with an affiliate entry you indicate the username in the field it provides, but it will not create a user account automatically (it’s not intended to). That’s on the back end, on the front end affiliate registration, when you are logged in it will allow the user to join the affiliate program but requires the changes to be made through the user profile page.
      Regarding sales, the integration plugin will record referrals automatically when an affiliate has referred a sale. Make sure to have a look at the documentation and setup as well.

  9. Sanjay Avatar

    How many tiers does this affiliate plugin cater for? I’ve read 2 and 5 on other programs. Thanks

    1. It doesn’t include multi-tier yet, is being asked ever more frequently though and might be added. It’s still available for customized projects based on Affiliates Enterprise, though that’s not within everybody’s budget.

  10. Hey Kento, thanks but I think I need to see a shortcode example to fully understand. What would the link shortcode look like if I want it to point to instead of just the homepage at

    1. Sure, for your example: [affiliates_affiliate_link url="" /]

      1. Got it. My next question then… Is there a way to direct the link for each affiliate to separate pages? It appears as though all affiliate links must point to the same page at any one time.

        1. You can link to any page, if you want to provide a customized page for each affiliate and automate the link generation, that would require more of course (where more means someone who would code that). Or you could simply advise each affiliate of the ‘ideal’ page to link to and append the affiliate id parameter.

          1. Makes sense. OK, last question. I’ve looked through the documentation and kind find out the answer: What’s the difference between a “visit” and a “hit”?

            Thanks for the great customer service!

            1. Thanks 🙂 A hit is recorded when an affiliate link is accessed, if you access the link 100 times, you’ll see 100 hits but you will only see one single visit if accessed through the same IP.

  11. Hey Kento, we use the Affiliate Pro WooCommerce Integration Pack and we’re having a tough time figuring out how to generate an affiliate link that will point to a page within our site (other than homepage). Is it possible to do so?

    1. Hi Brad, sure that is possible, simply add the url attribute to the link shortcode – see here for more.

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