Affiliates Pro WordPress plugin released

The Affiliates Pro WordPress Plugin

While the Affiliates plugin provides the right tools to maintain an Affiliate Marketing Program, Affiliates Pro provides great extensions.

The Affiliates Pro plugin is available for immediate download here.



20 responses to “Affiliates Pro WordPress plugin released”

  1. Hi Kento,

    Is there a way to show my affiliates the details of the referrals instead of just showing how many?

    Say Marco referred Marina and the status is pending. Can I allow Marco to see the details of Marina and the status of the referral on his Affiliate Page?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Nick,

      See the Documentation for shortcodes you can use please. Some are provided with the free version, others come with Pro / Enterprise.

  2. Could you tell me if Affiliates Enterprise
    Will work with Jogoshop?

    I require a multi-tiered system.

    Do I need the Affiliates Pro Jigoshop Integration Pack?

    What is the difference between Enterprise and Pro?

    Can you tell me what I need?

    1. antonio Avatar

      yes, Enterprise version also include Jigoshop Integration.
      If you need use Affiliates with Jigoshop and multi-tiered system, you only need Affiliates Enterprise version (that includes multiple shopping cart integrations).

  3. Hi Kento,

    Thanks for emailing me. However, I can’t seem to log into the forum.
    Where do I get the login credentials from?

    1. Hi Renoir,

      Please try to log in with your username here on the site, it will offer you to send a password reminder if you fail to log in.

  4. Hi Kento,
    Our problem with the pretty link still persists. We changed it to the default and that seemed to have fixed it but then reverted back to the same problem; the links seem to go “anywhere”…
    Could you email me on this so we can get this sorted please?

    1. Hi Renoir,

      Please create a topic on that in the forums and post the links that currently produce these results for you. That way we can all have a look and try to get to the bottom of what causes this for you. It’s nothing that the Affiliates plugin would do, so there’s certainly a conflict of some sort we need to find out about.

      BTW I tried the links the other day and didn’t get those random results, but let’s see what we can find out with the links you are going to provide.

  5. Hello,

    On a multisite installation can the plugin be activated site by site (creating an affiliate program for only that subsite on the network) or must it be activated network wide and affiliates are global to the entire multisite network?

    Phil D

    1. It allows you to run separate affiliate programs on the sub-sites, i.e. the affiliates are not global to the network, they are separate entities on each site.

  6. Hello,

    We purchased and installed the Affiliates Pro for WooCommerece. Installation went well. When traffic is directed to our site from an affiliate link, it is showing hits/visits on our reporting. However, when a purchase is made on our site from traffic referred by an affiliate, it is not registering in the affiliate plugin at all. Also, we setup custom affiliate coupon codes and tried that out, and again it’s not registering the purchase/commission anywhere in the plugin. Help would be much appreciated! We will pay for your help, need this up and running soon.

    Thank you!

    Andrew Chupalio
    OnSpot Social

    1. Hi Andrew, would you mind granting access to the back end to do a basic check on settings?

    2. Hi Andrew, thanks for the access details, I had a look: you forgot to install the integration plugin 🙂 The integration pack contains Affiliates Pro and the integration plugin for WooCommerce, please install that one as well and all should work as expected.

      1. Thanks! Wow don’t know how I missed that. I sent you an email about doing custom work for us.



  7. I have Magic Members and it seems to work correctly but Magic Affiliate does not. I want to uninstall Magic Affiliate and use your plugin if it will work with Magic Members.

    1. It’s not integrated with Magic Members, would you be able to integrate it yourself? You could try it with the free Affiliates plugin as well and if they work well together consider using it with Pro.

      1. Kento-
        Thanks for the response. I’ll let my friend who’s helping me with my site (and who’s a little better at WordPress plugins than me) look into it using the free version.
        Thanks again.

        1. Did you managed to integrate this with Magic Members?, we urge the need of an affiliate plugin and we have magic members deeply installed alredy

  8. Hello – you had mentioned the affiliates pro for Woo-commerce does NOT work with the new subscription extension Woo put out (where you can sell subscriptions for services). You also mentioned you had it on your list to update.

    Was wondering at this time if the affiliate plugin would even work on the initial purchase of a subscription (and just won’t work on the auto-renewal payments)?

    Also, did you have any rough estimate on when an update will be out for the Affiliates Pro plugin to work with the subscriptions extension in WooCommerce?


    Andrew C

    1. Yes it would work on the initial payment. The necessary enhancements still haven’t been made yet, I’d like to add it as soon as possible but simply couldn’t get to it yet.

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