Affiliates WordPress plugin released

The Affiliates plugin provides the right tools to maintain a partner referral program.

Documentation is available right here.

Download the plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory.


14 responses to “Affiliates WordPress plugin released”

  1. How very microsoft of you 😉

  2. Was wondering if you have integrated with the paid membership pro plugin for wordpress?

    1. Not really, although using the API it should be easy if PMP provides the right actions. But … I’d prefer a solution based on Groups 😉

  3. just download your plugin… Thanks. I will make a try.

  4. Will the plugin allow sub affiliate tracking codes. I’ve just purchased a $50 license

    1. If you refer to multi-tier capability, that is not possible with Affiliates Pro. This is only supported by the Enterprise version and is usually customized to suit affiliate programs individually.

  5. My client is using Market Theme to sell their products ( – does your program work with that?

    Also – I couldnt’ get the free version to work … kept saying “affiliates not being taken”

    1. The plugin would need to be integrated with that system’s shopping cart. Other integrations with higher priority are currently scheduled so this is not something that could happen quickly unless a custom development is done. Although there are alternatives, see the free integrations that are available:
      What you mention about ‘affiliates not being taken’ is not something that the Affiliates plugin would say … don’t know where that might come from.

  6. Matias Avatar

    Hi, I have the following questions, I need to know if is possible to do with this plugin this:
    My site (say has affiliates (,, … suppose a user enters my site through one d them ( I need to know from which site I visit more users. But also, suppose the user entered today through tomorrow url and back, but directly enters and recorded and purchasing I want to know q users came from where, are the most purchased.

    1. Hi Matias, you can do all of what you mentioned with this plugin. For every affiliate you get statistics on hits, visits and referrals (leads, sales, …) Also, the case where a visitor comes back to your site directly is covered, so that your affiliate gets the referral even though the visitor came back directly.

  7. Hey – I’m looking at putting a retail store on my site to sell the books, downloads, etc. of the healers that I’ve featured in my 50 videos. I want to sell other people’s product on my website and I’m wondering if you have a plug in for that…this one seems to be the reverse…Sorry I’m new to this and just figuring this out. I’m totally open to suggestions!

    1. Hi Peter,

      I’d suggest you start to look for a suitable ecommerce plugin (e.g. search for ecommerce on WordPress).

      The Affiliates Plugin could also be useful for you because it would help you to build up a network of affiliates to boost sales via your site.

      Feel free to ask! It’s a great way to get help and also is useful for others looking for similar information 🙂

  8. Hey there.. I downloaded your plugin.. Whenever I activate and test it, my site starts to show PHP errors! Would you suggest any solution! Your plugin otherwise has really cool features! Please help me out!


    1. Thanks Robb for your report, a fix is ready in Version 1.0.1. Please update to this version.

      For anyone using PHP < 5.3 and who sees the same as Robb did: Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Affiliates_Contact::_enqueue_scripts' was given in /var/www/wptest/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 395 Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Affiliates_Contact::_print_styles' was given in /var/www/wptest/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 395 ... these errors were caused by these calls which are ok for PHP >= 5.3:

      add_action( 'wp_print_styles', array( 'Affiliates_Contact::_print_styles' ) );
      add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( 'Affiliates_Contact::_enqueue_scripts' ) );

      and replaced by these which will work fine for PHP < 5.3: add_action( ‘wp_print_styles’, array( ‘Affiliates_Contact’, ‘_print_styles’ ) );
      add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, array( ‘Affiliates_Contact’, ‘_enqueue_scripts’ ) );

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