Groups Forums Restricted


Download the free Groups Forums Restricted WordPress plugin.

This plugin restricts access to forum topics. It’s a little helper in case you want to use Groups Forums but don’t want the general public to be able to view topics.

When the plugin is activated, only members of the Registered group can view topics.

The plugin is intended to be used with Groups Forums, as a means to have private forums/topics.

You can further use access restrictions provided by Groups to protect the pages where the forums are shown.


1. Upload or extract the groups-forums-restricted folder to your site’s /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
2. Enable the plugin from the Plugins menu in WordPress.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this for?

It doesn’t get any more interesting … really … the plugin just restricts access to topics so that only members of the Registered group can see them.

Can I protect the forums themselves?

Yes, just use Groups’ access restrictions to protect the pages where they are shown.


12 responses to “Groups Forums Restricted”

  1. I am searching for a solution that will allow me to present or hide menu items based on group permissions. Specifically i would like to display forums to which a user has access and not display forums to which they do not have access. Is there an easy way to do this?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Jay,
      This plugin can help you. You need to customize this according to your pages titles.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. I just want to make sure that I’m clear that I wish to have by default menu links that are hidden for all users except those whose group will allow them access. For instance Members of the artist group could see the links to sections of the site they have access to but no one else would.

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Jay,
          Sorry, really using this code it’s not an easy solution.
          We’re working to add this functionality to the Groups Restrict Categories plugin.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  2. Topics and Forums aren’t displaying properly.
    Getting 404 errors on topics and forum landing pages are distorted & not showing the forum topics.
    Please help.

    1. Hi Alex,

      See for the 404 and for display see please and let us know if you need help with the templates.


  3. Can I make it so it’s not only registered who can/can’t view topics. For example can Patreon view the patreon forum but no-one else can. Then can only the “Insert name heres” join the insert name here forum. Not even patreons?

    1. This would also be following the indications on the documentation page I’ve mentioned. If you create a Patreon group, you can restrict the Patreon forum to members of that group.

  4. Is “registered” a user role? What if I want other user roles we create to view the restricted forums, and no one else? Is that possible? Or what if we wanted one user role to see restricted forums, and another user role to see public forums, and non-users to see public forums?

    Is that all possible?

    Can these settings be applied on a per forum basis?

    1. Hi Joyce,

      “Registered” is not a role, it’s a group. If you want to restrict access to the forums to another group, you can change that in this little helper plugin by modifying the name used, instead of Registered, modify it to reflect the group’s name that should have access. You need to edit the plugin file for that as it doesn’t have a settings page. It’s a bit rudimentary in that sense but I hope that helps.


  5. using this plug in it doesn’t matter what read restrictions I use only user role administrator can view forum posts.

    1. Hi Esther,

      You probably have set a restriction which you arent’ aware of. Can you please check your settings and give a brief overview of your setup?

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