Affiliates – Videos

The information on this page is outdated. Please refer to the Documentation..

WordPress 3.2.1 & Affiliates 1.1.0 – NEW

The video below shows the old affiliate management section. Please refer to the Screenshots to see how it looks like now.

The affiliate management section has been completely revised and now provides a perfect solution to manage even huge sets of affiliates.



WordPress 3.2.1 & Affiliates 1.0.1 [outdated]

This shows the Affiliates plugin on a fresh WordPress 3.2.1 installation. First the Affiliates plugin is installed, then a new affiliate is added.

As some seem to have had problems when clicking the Add button in Affiliates – Manage Affiliates, this video is to show that it works as it should. If you encounter problems, I’d suggest to disable other plugins and use the default theme and try it again. If you encounter problems, please contact me stating what other plugins you have installed and activated along with your currently active theme.

There is one reported case of an Ad-blocker browser plugin interfering, so you should make sure to adjust their settings or disable such browser plugins.

Music : Kool Kats by Kevin MacLeod to be found at available under the Creative Commons License


11 responses to “Affiliates – Videos”

  1. Olena Avatar

    Dear Kento, could You please tell me if You have how to test Aff Ecwid light before i will pay for Ecwid tarif. Thank You

    1. antonio Avatar

      You have available a light version here.

  2. Dear Kento,

    Thanks for the answer.

    Question: I like to give members of my affiliate membership program 2% of my fee on sold products.

    My fee on sold products varies between 10 and 20% (depending the extra services they have bought)

    Witch version of your plugin can do that?

    I have installed the free version but I dont see any field in the options tag where I can put in such figures/calculations..

    1. Hi Sotexis,
      Are you using any specific e-commerce plugin? There are free integrations available that you could use. For the commission you want to pay, 2% of your fee on products, you could just set a rate in the integration settings (that gets added when you install the integration plugin), only problem I see is that the rate setting won’t take anything below 0.01 and your commission fees is at 0.02 * 0.1 = 0.002 – that wouldn’t work with the integration settings because it uses 2 decimals.

  3. Dear Kento,

    The basic of your affiliate plugin gives a one layer deep affiliate membership program. What happens when one of those affiliate members of the first level start on the same website his own affiliate membership program, and the third one do also, etc, etc?

    Question: When members of the first level of my affiliate membership program gets 2% of my fee on sold products and number two gets also 2% and number 3 also, must I than calculate with 6% for number one and 4% for number two?

    1. That’s simple: it doesn’t support that 🙂

  4. Giuseppe Russo Avatar
    Giuseppe Russo

    Hi Kento,
    I installed your great plugin but having a problem. When I translated in Italian but when I click on Generate the affiliate area is still in English.

    I translated the file class-affiliates-generator.php and it all in Italian, but when affiliates login they see it in English.

    Here is part of the code:
    Fare il login per accedere all area affiliati.
    Se non sei ancora affiliato, puoi iscriverti qui:

    Benvenuti all area Affiliati. Qui puoi trovare informazioni come il tuo link e i tuoi guadagni.
    Link Affiliato
    Il tuo link:
    Usa questo codice per incorporare il tuo link affiliazione:
    <a href="[affiliates_url]">Link Affiliat</a>
    Consiglio: Dovresti cambiare il testo Affiliate link inserendo qualcosa più convincente e che attrae di più.
    Commissioni pagamenti pendenti
    [affiliates_referrals show="total" status="accepted"]
    Commissioni pagati
    [affiliates_referrals show="total" status="closed"]
    Numero di vendite riferite

    Pagamenti pendenti accettati: [affiliates_referrals status="accepted"]
    Referenti pagati: [affiliates_referrals status="closed"]


    How can I show this page in Italian?

    Thanks again for this great plugin.

    1. Thanks Giuseppe,
      If you want the affiliate area translated, after generating the page you can substitute the contents of that page with your translation. The actual affiliate area would be generated in Italian in a standard way by means of gettext .po files if that translation were available (which currently it isn’t). Anyhow, just substitute the content in English on the affiliate area after you have generated it.

  5. Sorry, Kento, forget my comment, I make update to WP 3.2.1, and It’s OK !

    1. Good to hear it works, BTW nice picks!

  6. Hi, Kento,
    can you help me ?
    I use WP 3.0.5 in my e-shop, and the “Add” button don’t work.

    thanks !
